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    Book review by János Barta about the book titled: The short history of the Transylvanian medical education and surgery (Péterffy Árpád and Péterffy Pál)

  • Debreceni Református Kollégium teológiai oktatásának története 1850–1912. A Teológiai Akadémia a Kollégium oktatási rendszerében

    The History of Theological Education at Debrecen Reformed College between 1850 and 1912. The changes in the educational system of Theology at Reformed College of Debrecen were heavily influenced by the political-social events of historic Hungary between 1850 and 1912. The first date signals the introduction of arbitrary rule of the Habsburg monarch who suppressed the Hungarians during the War of Independence in 1848-49. The closing date is the emergence of a new state run university in Debrecen. The study throws light on how the Organisations Entwurf tried to modernize as well as Germanize the education system in the Habsburg Empire. As a result, the traditional education structure at the College was entirely restructured. It brought about the disintegration of humanity and art faculty into a grammar school thereby only the law and theological faculties were left intact for a while. The Reformed Church District strongly protested against the dismantling its more than 300 years old education system.  It is the irony of history what the oppressing Austrian could not achieve, it was realized after the Compromise by József Eötvös, the Hungarian minister of culture, religion and education. Needless to say that education at all levels needed to be modernized and standardized. It is clear that it had a positive impact on the curricula of Reformed theological education in the long run. The paper introduces briefly the life of theological professors, their career with a view to their studies abroad and finally their works at various departments of theology. 


    The aim of this study is to present the educational activities of Elek Dósa. The Dósa family played a very important role in the history of legal education in Marosvásárhely (Târgu Mureș). From the establishment of the legal education until the closed of the Law Academy, their three generations provided a significant part of the teaching staff. Gergely Dósa was the first who taught law in Târgu Mures. Elek Dósa was partly succeeded by his son Miklós and his nephew Gábor Vályi, who were always the leading figures in the teaching staff of the short-lived Târgu Mures Law Academy, which closed in 1872. Law played a central role in Elek Dósa's life. From a young age, he was preparing to follow in his father's footsteps and hoped that one day his son would take his place at the professorship. Although the family was extensive, it extinct in the second half of the 19th century.

  • A strange Oath of the Students of Debrecen. The Promise that the Roommates made each other in the Room 17 of the István Tisza Internátus, in December 15, 1925

    It’s a very rare source of the scientific research in history that prove a promise that some people made for each other. It has got more importance if this is an oath of some roommates. Five students in Debrecen, who have lived their lives in the same dormitory room in the István Tisza Internate for years made a promise to each other in December 15, 1925. In writing they vowed that they will meet in Budapest in the Hotel Gellért on the day of Pentecost 6 years later. The text of the oath is an exact reflection of the age and of the „neo-baroque” society of the twenties. We don’t know that the meeting in 1931 could be realized or not, but we can suppose that could be, based on the strong friendship of the roommates. This strange oath is a very rare and valuable source of the students’ life between the two Wold Wars.



    1959 was an important year for pedagogy education in Hungary because this was the year that saw the beginning of pedagogy higher education start in eleven institutions of the country. These institutions started out as anonymous, and none of them were named after prominen cultural and/or  historical Hungarian figures. The  ministry wanted to rectify this shortcoming as early as 1959/1960, therefore they organized a dedicated director’s session to discuss potential eponyms for each of the institutions. As a follow- up, the Pedagogy Training Division of the ministry requested the directors of the institutions in early 1960 to provide a brief justification for their name selection. The Teacher Training Institution in Nyíregyháza chose József Eötvös who was the most prominent benefactor of Hungarian public education, and a dedicated supporter of the development of teacher training. In this paper we present the invitation from the ministry and the response to this call from the director of the Teacher Training Institution in Nyíregyháza. Although the naming process was stalled in 1960, we believe that it is still worthwhile to acknowledge the intent that was not realized because it shows the will of the directors in Nyíregyháza to carry legacy and nurture traditions.


    László Lampé, professor emeritus, former Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the University of Debrecen passed away at the age of 92, on 30th November, 2020 in Debrecen (1929-2020). With his departure we lost an extraordinary personality, an internationally renowned physician and master of obstetrics and gynecology. Through the presentation of his extraordinary professional life, his studies, clinical and institutional activity, the creation of up-to-date obstetrical care, the initiation of evidence-based medicine are described. His lectures, textbooks, the organization of scientific courses and congresses, his activity in national and international relations, collaborations and scientific committees have contributed to the Clinic becoming a leading institution of the region and the nation. His writings in the field of history of medicine were written in honor of our predecessors. His professional activity was honored by several medals, awards and honorary memberships. His life is characterized by a humble commitment to the family, pregnant women, patients, colleagues, profession and health care.


  • A debreceni kitüntetéses doktoravatások története (1912–2012)

    A HISTORY OF THE HONOUR DOCTORAL AWARDING CEREMONY IN DEBRECEN (1912–2012). his factually substantiated overview ofers, for the irst time in the past century, a compilation of the names of distinguished university students who throughout their studies attained top grades and hereby proved worthy of the acknowledgement of the head of state in the form of an Honour Doctoral Awarding Ceremony. A brief outline of the prehistory of honour doctoral awards is followed by an overview of the varied history of distinguished promotio in Hungary and in Debrecen (promotio sub auspiciis Regis, promotio sub auspi ciis Gubernatoris, promotio sub laurea Almae matris, promotio sub auspiciis Rei Publicae Popularis, promotio sub auspiccis Praesidentis Rei Publicae), which is supplemented with a survey of legal and regulatory dispositions. Finally we are given an opportunity to get acquainted with the names of distinguished honour doctors. An equally valuable part of the disquisition is a compilation of pictorial material representing
    lashes of rare moments.

  • Debreceni zenetörténet – Az évfordulók tükrében

    MUSIC HISTORY OF DEBRECEN – IN REFLECTION OF ANNIVERSARIES. he study provides an extensive review of the 50 year history of professional music education in Debrecen. Special attention is put on the changes in the institutional structure of the training from the foundation of vocational school of music arts in 1966 to the present Music Faculty of the University of Debrecen. he writing relects not only on the spaces, forums of the daily teaching and artistic work, the living areas of the students, the international relations, but also on the important role the Faculty plays in the cultural life of the city.


    The year 2022 marked the 75th anniversary of the appointment of Aimé van Santen, then first secretary of the mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Prague, which reopened after the liberation of Czechoslovakia in August 1945, as a lecturer in Dutch at the University of Olomouc, reconstituted in February 1947. This article examines academic links between Olomouc and the Low Countries from the 16th through the 20th century and the circumstances of the beginning of the study of Dutch there in 1947.

  • Egyetemi legendárium – emlékek, töredékek a Debreceni Tudományegyetem történetéből

    MEMOIRS OF LÁSZLÓ VINCE, PART I. László Vince started his career at the University of Debrecen in 1951 as a stenographer at the Lecture notes oice. After the termination of the oice, from 1952 he worked at he Regsitrar oice of the Arts Faculty, and in 1956 he was transferred to the Rector’s Oice where he worked as a unit director of external afairs (secretary of the rector) between 1972 and 1990, his retirement. During his oice years he gained extensive knowledge ont he history of the university. In 1950s he had contact with
    the oicers from the previous era. His detailed but rather subjective memoirs are published in two parts with extensive endnoting.


    Agriculture played a significant role in consolidating the domestic political system after 1956. The rapid development of the Hungarian agricultural sector's performance contributed significantly to the country's relations with the economically developed regions of the world, with the so-called Hungarian model incorporating backyard farming into large-scale agriculture. However, this progress was achieved through an arduous road to development, resulting in internationally recognised vocational training standards in agriculture, particularly in higher agricultural education. Since the second half of the 1960s, there has been a noticeable development in the agricultural sector in Hungary. It has managed to preserve the creative traditions of its historical peasantry to a certain extent. The Debrecen agricultural higher education had a decisive role in the ambitious development of Hungarian agriculture. István Bencsik was an outstanding player in this process, actively contributing to the material and intellectual foundation of higher education in Debrecen. His work later impacted the agriculture of Tiszántúl and the wider region.


    . In 2013, the Faculty of Dentistry (University of Debrecen) established a museum. The part of the museum, created primary, deals with the past of the faculty, documenting the establishment of its predecessor, the Stomatology Polyclinic, and later the Clinic itself. Its professors are ranged until the year 2000 and the textbooks and manuals in Hungarian-language are presented from 1871 to 1948. The world's first dental journal from 1839 and the first Hungarian-language newspaper from 1892 are also shown. Longstanding tools and instruments are correspondingly on display. Dental posters, recon bills and other old documents can also be seen. The glass-walled contemporary dental office, established in 2017, displays three classical dental units and machinery from the 1880s to the 1930s. A contemporary medical cabinet displays old tools, medications, and dental materials. On the wall besides the original poster, the medical diploma and the old photo, a medical caricature can also be seen. The museum principally collects contemporary dental tools and documents related to Hungary and holds only original resources. One of the largest dental museums in Hungary has been established over the years

  • Polish-Hungarian research studies on the occasion of the 30 th anniversary of the Department of Hungarian Studies of the Jagello University

    The history and the friendship of the Polish and the Hungarian people has been related since ages. Political, economic and cultural cooperations are very strong

  • Prof. Endes Pongrác élete és munkássága visszaemlékezés születésének 110. és halálának 25 éves évfordulójára
    145 - 172

    The Life and Scientific Career of Prof. Endes Pongrác: In Memoriam of His 110Th Birthday, and the 25Th Anniversary of His Death. The study reminisces on the life and work of Prof. Pongrác Endes, through the account of the author who was a colleague and student of Endes. Professor Endes had been a dominant figure of the field of pathology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Debrecen for a number of years. He became a legend even before his death, and a number of anecdotes circulated about his expertise. The study is based on the presentation of the author, adjured by the Hungarian Society for the History of Medicine, and the Professor’s Club of the University of Debrecen, to celebrate the dual anniversary of Professor Endes. The presentation includes bibliographical details, in addition to interesting scientific and educational information. The tone of the study clearly indicated that the Master and student relationship between Professor Endes and the author turned into a friendship over the years.


    In Debrecen, the cholera epidemic of 1831 caused great devastation, killing almost 7.5% of the population. The cure for the epidemic was not yet known, so preventive measures (closures, quarantine) were taken to stop the spread of it. Already the news of the disease caused anxiety among professors, who sought to get the latest news from the city. For a long time, they resisted closing the school, but when the epidemic began to take its toll in the city at the end of July, they were forced to act. Many of the students had left the school early, but those who remained were looked after by the professors. As the epidemic situation worsened, the city even considered converting the college into a hospital, but this was eventually abandoned following protests from the professors and the college's curator. School order was finally restored only in the late autumn. The start of the school year was only briefly postponed during the local epidemic of 1866.


    With the legacy of Professor Péter Adler, we received a tape recording. On this a radio interview with himself can be heard. The radio-report was broadcast in 1983. Here he gives a detailed account about his life, work, and achievements. The information and data presented significantly contribute to the understanding of the period and gives insight to the operation of the Stomatology Clinic. The interview was made in the year of his passing, so it is a sort of sum up and a closure to his career. The report is approx. 20 minutes long, which is published in its entirety in this article.

  • Tisza István emlékezete

    The Remembrance of István Tisza. The statue of István Tisza was erected in October 2015 in front of the main building of the University of Debrecen. The text conjures up the memory of the onetime name-giver of the university by depicting the events of the festive occasion of the erection and by offering retrospective flashes pertaining to the history of the statue.

  • Adalékok Pap Károly tanári portréjához

    THE PERSONALITY AND STAMINA OF KÁROLY PAP, PROFESSOR OF LITERATURE IN THE EYES OF HIS STUDENTS. he essay describes Károly Pap, the irst professor of literature at the University of Debrecen and a main representative of the positivist literature research, as a teacher based on the reminiscences of his former students. Among the literature researchers after 1948, he was considered – rather undeservedly – a negativ igure in the history of the University. Most of the people remembered him as cold and distant teacher with aristocratic behaviour. he essay demonstrates the professional taste of the wrongfully underestimated professor in literature, and draws a iner picture about the conlicting personality of Károly Pap.

  • A debreceni Stomatologiai Klinika története Adler Péter professzor vezetése alatt (1946–1979)
    11 - 23

    History of the Stomatology Clinic in Debrecen under the Leadership of Professor Péter Adler (1946–1979). With the approaching front of the 2nd World War in October 9, 1944, Professor András Csilléry head of the Stomatology Clinic left Debrecen because of his political views, so the institution remained without a leader until 17th November. Thereafter as a substitute, trainees then Stefánia Morvay Assistant Lecturer under the supervision of Professor Gyula Verzár was the head. From June 20, 1946, Péter Adler was assigned to the lead, which was one of the longest leading positions of the Faculty of Medicine since he was director of the clinic until July 1, 1979. Péter Adler graduated from the University of Vienna, where he specialized in the field of Dentistry and worked at the Department of Orthodontics at the Polyclinic of Vienna, while in spring 1939 he had to return home for political reasons. During the war he worked as a translator and then assigned to forced labor, and after the war, he was placed to the Stomatology Clinic in Debrecen. From 1948 he worked as a chief clinician, in 1952 he became candidate of sciences (CSc), and in 1953 he was appointed as a university professor. He received Doctor of Science (DSc) degree in 1957. He was a member of the editorial board of several foreign professional journals, he was accepted by several international editorial boards, wrote several textbooks. He translated two books written by others into German. He was chairman of the Association of Hungarian Dentists and Editor-in-Chief of the Stomatologica Hungarica. The main topics of the research at the Stomatology Clinic are: examination of hypersensitivity to dental anesthetics, clarification of many details of caries epidemiology, proof of the protective effect of fluoride against caries. Under his leadership there was a dynamic scientific work on the Stomatology Clinic, proven by the fact that between 1945–1980 12 books, 487 publications, book chapters and monographs appeared, which was unique among similar national institutions. He lay down the fundaments of the dental education in 1976 and contributed the architectural and professional requirements of the new Stomatology Clinic in 1981.

  • Lencz Géza és a vármegyei alap

    GÉZA LENCZ AND THE COUNTY FOUNDATION. Géza Lencz is mostly remebered as a theology professor who was a determinant personality in the early history of the University and a legendary teacher of the Calvinist heology Faculty. It is not widely known about him that during his rectorship, while he was persistently fought for the main university building being built, a foundation was established, to support the construction work, collecting the donation of the counties for this noble cause. he county foundation, which was clearly his idea and for which he has sacriied so much, could not fulill its purpose, however it became an eicient support system for the deserving needy students.

  • Tonk Sándor Emlékkonferencia Kolozsváron
    171 - 173

    Memorial Conference for Sándor Tonk at Kolozsvár/Cluj. On 5th and 6th of October 2018 colleagues, friends and admirers remembered for the early died Mr. Sándor Tonk who was an excellent representative of the Transylvanian Hungarian histography. The memorial conference was organized by the Research Institute of the Transylvanian Museum Society, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, and Department of the Hungarian History of Babeş-Bolyai University. Those researchers of the above mentioned institutes and Hungarian historians took part at the conference whose research matter was close to the activity of Sándor Tonk or to the Transylvanian histography. The essay below reflects the summarized lectures of the conference and states that in Transylvania a new generation of historians has grown up which continues the work of Sándor Tonk and other historians and develops the Hungarian histography with their new conclusions.


    In February, we commemorated the 100th anniversary of the birth of János Váradi-Sternberg (Nagyvárad, January 10, 1924 – Budapest, February 12, 1992), a Transcarpathian historian, professor and specialist writer. The renowned researcher was the excellence of Hungarian historiography beyond the border, who, as a university teacher, trained generations in conscientious, objective research work. Unfortunately, he did not receive the recognition he deserved during his lifetime, so it is the task of posterity to cherish his memory in a dignified manner.


    Lajos Fekete, Hungarian Royal Minister Counsellor, Forestry Academy professor is a leading figure in higher forestry education, who achieved indefeasible results in creating Hungarian language education and the Hungarian forestry language. Between 1872 and 1891, he headed the Department of Phytology and Silviculture at the Royal Hungarian Academy of Mining and Forestry in Selmecbánya, and from 1891 until his retirement he headed the Department of Forest Management. He played an important role in the organisation of the Academy campus, the construction of new educational buildings and the development and furnishing of the botanical gardens, as well as in the compilation and development of collections related to the subjects he taught (zoology, entomology, botany, climatology and soil science). Hungarian experiments in forestry began to take institutional form in 1897/98, and Lajos Fekete was responsible for this, as well as for the idea of establishing forestry education on a secondary level. Although he had already exceeded the possible age of retirement in 1894, his tireless work ethic kept him in the Academy. He enjoyed the confidence of the Academy's teaching staff and served as vice-principal in the academic year 1892/93, then as director in the academic years 1897/98, 1898/1899 and 1899/1900, and was also head of the forestry department. At the age of 69, on 1 October 1906, he was retired at his own request, because of his failing eyesight towards the end of his life. Thus, the last serving teacher of the first faculty of the Forestry Academy left the academy chair. On this occasion, he was awarded the title of Minister Counsellor in recognition of his services. In 1910, six years before his death, he received the highest recognition for his work, being accepted as a corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. There is no branch of forestry science in which his work has not left a lasting mark. Despite this extremely productive and diversified career, which produced outstanding achievements in all fields, posterity has treated and still treats Lajos Fekete, whose work and human behaviour can stand as an example to us all, rather cruel.

  • Egy kis egyetemtörténet anekdotákban

    THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY IN STORIES. he writing remembers the teachers of the Reformed heological Faculty of the Debrecen University in anecdotes. he work and academic activities of the cited professors are commemorated through interesting stories and funny anecdotes. he author describes these professors amicably and amusingly as nice people who seem sometimes rigorous or eccentric, and who strived to maintain the high quality of academic work.

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