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    Count József Degenfeld took on a decisive role in the establishment of the University of Debrecen on the one hand as the major of Debrecen and on the other hand as the chief guardian of the Trans-Tisza Reformed Diocese. The state university has already expressed its honour symbolically in his life by providing the solemn address as a church official at the inauguration of the reception building in the presence of the royal couple. When he died it issued a special obituary acknowledging him as ”the best worker of the university’s establishment”.

  • A Debreceni Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem archontológiája 1950–1990. VII. rész

    The Archontology of Lajos Kossuth University of Arts and Sciences (1950–1990), Part Vii: Institute of Biology. The Archontology of Kossuth University for the School of Arts, the School of Sciences, and for the So-Called „Central Units” between January 1, 1950, and December 31, 1990, was assembled on the basis of the personal cards and personal files archived in the Personnel Department of the Rector’s Office. As the 1950s has not furnished sufficiently with documents data was supplemented by the annually arranged
    material of the Personnel Office. Even so, however, the existing material fails to be complete by making impossible to realize the archontology with perfect accuracy. Part VII presents the complete list of the Institute of Biology from institute head to janitor.

  • Teghze Gyula jogászprofesszor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1922/23. tanévi rector magnificusa

    GYULA TEGHZE LAW PROFESSOR, THE RECTOR MAGNIFICUS OF ISTVÁN TISZA HUNGARIAN ROYAL UNIVERSITY IN DEBRECEN DURING THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 1922/23. Gyula Teghze (1867–1939), the founder professor of the Faculty of Law at the University of Debrecen, was the third Rector from the law faculty in the history of the university in the academic year 1922/23. He, as a recognized jurist and professor of international law and philosophy of law, spent time at a number of universities in diferent foreign countries. He was a lecturer at the Academy of Law of the Reformed College of Debrecen from 1910, and at the University of Debrecen for a quarter of a century from 1914. During this time he served once as rector and twice as dean.


    The establishment of cardiac surgery in Debrecen is closely interlinked with thoracic surgery. This activity started and continued for many decades at the Auguszta Sanatorium, later the University of Debrecen's Department of Surgery II, which housed thoracic surgery at the time. In the Auguszta Sanatorium, which was nationalised after World War II, a thoracic surgery department was established in 1948, under the direction of Dr. József Schnitzler, whose professional interests in the 1960s turned towards cardiac surgery. He found a suitable partner for his groundbreaking goal in the pioneering work of Hungarian cardiac surgery, Dr. Árpád Eisert, a leading surgeon of the Jósa András County Hospital in Nyíregyháza. As a result of their exemplary professional cooperation, the first closed heart surgery was performed in Debrecen in 1963. The heart-lung machine required for cardiopulmonary bypass necessary to start open heart operations was provided by a donation from Béla Köteles, the son of Hungarian emigrants born in America, who founded his own instrument manufacturing company there. The first open heart surgery was performed by visiting professor Gábor Kovács from Szeged with Professor Schnitzler in 1968. In 1972, András Gömöry was entrusted with the management of cardiac surgery, and he succeeded in creating a team of highly qualified doctors and specialists even under the prevailing difficult circumstances. This, provided a solid basis for further development within the field. In 1983, after the retirement of Professor Schnitzler, Árpád Péterffy, Associate Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm, was appointed as Head of the Department of Surgery II. Due to the knowledge, professional and work organisation experience he had gained abroad, cardiac surgery in Debrecen developed with great strides. The number of operations increased significantly, while the mortality rate was reduced by a third. He managed to acquire a new building for cardiac surgery in 1993, which created the opportunity for further development. The new building significantly improved the quantity and quality of cardiac surgery and made Debrecen an internationally recognised flagship of Hungarian cardiac surgery. Due to his work in international exchanges his students were able to improve their knowledge in Western European countries and elsewhere overseas. After his retirement in 2008, he continued to work as Professor Emeritus in our clinic, remaining fully committed to supporting our work, the development of cardiac surgery in Debrecen, and the preservation and enhancement of its reputation. As his professional successor, Associate Professor Tamás Szerafin was entrusted with the leadership of the cardiac surgery department. Together with his colleagues, their aim has been to preserve and further develop the patient-centred spirit and professional dedication of their predecessors, and to preserve the built heritage.

  • Az egyetemi élet átolitizálódásának megnyilvánulása 1939-ben Debrecenben – hallgatói feljelentés Tankó Béla ellen és Hóman Bálint levele

    The Appearance of the Politicization of the University Life in Debrecen in 1939. A student’s Accusation against Béla Tankó and Bálint Hóman’s response. A very special source of the history of the Hungarian higher education and of the history of the University of Debrecen that accusation which was made in the autumn of 1939 by a student. This short and nameless letter was an accusation against professor Béla Tankó who had taken a note about the German origin of Bálint Hóman who was the Secretary of Religion and Public Education at that time. One of the students who was the member of the Árpád Comradeship Association wrote a short and modest letter to Hóman about it. This was a clear sign of the radicalization and the politicization of the whole society and of the life in the Hungarian universities. Also had been found the response of Bálint Hóman who sent back this accusation to Béla Tankó with a short letter in which he interpreted this as a wrong deliver. This unpleasant case had been solved by Hóman this way, but the radicalization of the students of the universities and the devaluation of the Hungarian political culture continued.

  • A strange Oath of the Students of Debrecen. The Promise that the Roommates made each other in the Room 17 of the István Tisza Internátus, in December 15, 1925

    It’s a very rare source of the scientific research in history that prove a promise that some people made for each other. It has got more importance if this is an oath of some roommates. Five students in Debrecen, who have lived their lives in the same dormitory room in the István Tisza Internate for years made a promise to each other in December 15, 1925. In writing they vowed that they will meet in Budapest in the Hotel Gellért on the day of Pentecost 6 years later. The text of the oath is an exact reflection of the age and of the „neo-baroque” society of the twenties. We don’t know that the meeting in 1931 could be realized or not, but we can suppose that could be, based on the strong friendship of the roommates. This strange oath is a very rare and valuable source of the students’ life between the two Wold Wars.


  • A debreceni Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem archontológiája 1950–1990 XIV. rész

    A Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem két kara, a Bölcsészettuodmányi Kar és a Természettudományi Kar,
    valamint az ún. Központi egységek 1950. január 1. és 1990. december 31. közötti archontológiáját a
    Rektori Hivatal személyi kartotékjai és anyagai, valamint a kevésbé dokumentált ’50-es évek tekintetében
    kiegészítőleg a Személyzeti Osztály éves kimutatásai alapján készült. Ennek ellenére a rendelkezésünkre álló
    anyag nem lehet teljes és nem lehetséges teljes pontossággal összeállítani az archontológiát. Jelen XIV. rész a
    Testnevelési Tanszék dolgozóinak lsitáját adja a tanszékvezetőtől a hivtalsegédig.

  • A középiskolai tanárképzés apró dokumentumai: Alap- és szakvizsgai meghívók a Debreceni Tudományegyetemről 1944–1949

    Az 1867-es kiegyezéstől az 1940-es évek végéig az egyetemen folyó középiskolai tanárképzést a bölcsészkar
    professzoraiból álló Tanárvizsgáló Bizottság felügyelte és adta ki a tanári képesítéseket. Magát a tanárképzést
    a rosszul értelmezett tanszabadság miatt sokáig a rendszertelenség és a tervszerűtlenség jellemezte, amíg
    Klebelsberg Kunó oktatási miniszter kezdeményezésére létrejött 1924. évi XXVII. törvénycikk megrendszabályozta
    azt és létrehozta a tanárjelöltek számára kötelező Tanárképzőintézetet. A tanári oklevelet szerezni
    kívánóknak a tanárképzőintézeti tagságon túl a negyedik félév végén alapvizsgát, a nyolcadik félév végén
    szakvizsgát, majd a gyakorló év után pedig pedagógiai vizsgát kellett tenniük. Az ezekre a vizsgákra szóló
    meghívókból mutat be néhányat jelen írás Mészáros Ede latinprofesszor hagyatékából, levonva bizonyos


    Tyrnau (Nagyszombat, Trnava) was a location of great importance in the Jesuit school network of the Kingdom of Hungary, which provided students with various levels of education, from primary to university studies. The country's premier Catholic school centre also played a very important role in the education of the noble and aristocratic families. The aim of this study is to outline and examine the high noble-born student body of the University and Gymnasium of Tyrnau, using the new school records available. In the paper I will try to reconstruct how the function of Tyrnau in the educational practices of the nobility changed over the decades and centuries, which families attended the institution, and through some case studies I will also discuss the role of the knowledge acquired in shaping later careers.


    Although economics education has a history going back to the reign of Maria Theresia and despite the fact that its  position has significantly strengthtened by the 20st centruty, the future of the subject has been a bone of contention ever since the 19th century. The majority supported the establishment of an independent University of Economics, however this was only partially materialized in 1920 with foundation of the partiallly independent Faculty of Economics. The faculty struggled with financial and placement-related issues, and the establishment became part of the József Nádor Technical and Economics University in 1934. This redesign involving a number of academic institutions (Technical University; Faculty of Economics; College of Veterinary; and College of Mining and Forestry) seemed to be succesful. Although the global economic recession resulted in the decrease of the number of students studying economics in the 1930s, from the 1940s on student enrollment figures  started to sharply increase owing to the economic recovery following the world wars. The Hungarian University of Economics was only opened in 1948, but the nature of the institution changed following the communist takeover, not in line with its original purpose.

  • Antal Miklós: Anatómiai, Szövet- és Fejlődéstani Intézet, 1921–2018 – Az oktatás, a nevelés és a tudomány szolgálatában a Debreceni Egyetemen

    Antal Miklós: Anatómiai, Szövet- és Fejlődéstani
    Intézet, 1921–2018 – Az oktatás, a nevelés
    és a tudomány szolgálatában a Debreceni Egyetemen - könyvismertető

  • Hatvani István – Egy polihisztor életútja

    2018. november 21-én ünnepeltük Hatvani Istvánnak, a Debreceni Református Kollégium professzora
    születésének a 300. évfordulóját. Ebből az alkalomból a Kollégium előadásokkal, kiállítással és fizikai és
    kémiai kísérletek bemutatásával emlékezett meg a nemzetközi hírű tudósról, tanárról, matematikusról,
    orvosról, filozófusról, református lelkészről és közéleti emberről. A visszaemlékezés Hatvani életútjának
    ismertetése és művelődéstörténeti jelentőségének hangsúlyozása mellett kitér a tudós személyét övező
    legendákra is, amelyeket később Arany János, Jókai Mór és Mikszáth Kálmán öntött irodalmi formába.

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