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  • Tóth Lajos akadémikus, a polgári jog professzora, a Debreceni m. kir. Tisza István-Tudományegyetem 1934/35. évi Rector Magnificusa
    3 - 22
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    Lajos Tóth, Professor of Civil Law, the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the academic year 1933/1934. Prof. Dr. Lajos Tóth (1876–1936), Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, was a professor strongly bound to Debrecen. He was born in Debrecen, he completed his schools there too, and (after studying law in Budapest) he worked at he Faculty of Law from its opening in 1914 until the end of his life. The study gives a summary of his life and professional results as a professor of civil law, but focuses on his role in the administration of the university. His most active period of leadership was the academic year of 1919–20, when in fact he was the leader of the university as vice rector because of the illness of Rector Gyula Kenézy. In addition, he succeeded in completing the justification procedures during the revolutions. Although, he was ill, he was trying to solve his activities as the rector of the university in the academic year of 1934–35. Beside his academic work, he took part in the social politics of Debrecen, too. He was a member of the municipal committee of the city; he was office-holder of the Transtibiscan Reformed Church District for decades. From 1930, he was Senator in the upper house of the Hungarian Parliament, as a representative of the University of Debrecen.

  • Csánki (Csánky) Benjámin teológus professzor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1929/30. tanévi rector magnificusa
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    Benjámin Csánki (Csánky), Professor of Theology, the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1929/30. It was during Csánki’s rectorship that the construction of the Main Building of the University was completed, together with the professors’ residential villas. The structure of the university library was also outlined in the said period. Again, it was during the time referred to that serious negotiations were launched for the purposes of establishing universitylevel
    education for the agrarian program in Debrecen. The building of the university church and the construction of the modern student dormitories were also undertaken during this time. Besides offering an overview of the events of the rectorial year, the present discussion, by also looking at specific writings by him, evaluates Csánki’s most characteristic theological works.

  • Rugonfalvi Kiss István történelem-professzor, a Debreceni m. kir. Tisza István-Tudományegyetem 1932/33. évi Rector Magnificusa
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    Professor of History, István Rugonfalvi Kiss served as Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen in the academic year of 1932-1933. A historian of Székely origin, he first served as the local archivist of the Baron Radvánszky family estate, then he acquired a growing reputation as the chief archivists of Győr County. Starting in 1911, he became college professor of history at the Arts Academy of the Debrecen Protestant College, then from 1914 until his retirement in 1942 he served as professor of Hungarian history of the newly established University of Debrecen. He served as dean several times and he was appointed Rector of the University in the academic year of 1932-1933. In historical scholarship he represented the conservative alternative, thus he was violently opposed to Gyula Szekfű’s view of history. He is the author of work on the last Hungarian uprising of noblemen as well as on the history of the Székely people. After the the Second World War, owing to his previous political activism, he was imprisoned and subsequently he lived in the circle of his family, isolated from professional activity.

  • Tisza István emlékezete
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    The Remembrance of István Tisza. The statue of István Tisza was erected in October 2015 in front of the main building of the University of Debrecen. The text conjures up the memory of the onetime name-giver of the university by depicting the events of the festive occasion of the erection and by offering retrospective flashes pertaining to the history of the statue.

  • Orsós Ferenc orvosprofesszor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1923/24. tanévi rector magnificusa
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    FERENC ORSÓS PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE, THE RECTOR MAGNIFICUS OF ISTVÁN TISZA HUNGARIAN ROYAL UNIVERSITY IN DEBRECEN DURING THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 1923/24. Ferenc Orsós was born in Temesvár, graduated from medical school in Budapest, worked in the Institute of Pathology in Debrecen, and as a hospital commander during the WWI. He was appointed a professor of pathology, and the rector of the University of Debrecen in the academic year of 1923/24. He was the professor of forensic medicine at the Péter Pázmány University from 1936 until 1944 when he leed to the West. Later on, from 1946 until his retirement in 1955 he worked as the teacher of artistic anatomy at the Art Academy in Mainz. he name of Ferenc Orsós is well-known even today, irstly in connection to the excavation of the Katyń mass graves, secondly to his active participation in the senate discussion of the so-called 3rd anti-jewish laws. His scientiic achievements have been acknowledged not just in his time, but also today, since several of his discoveries seem to be futureproof.

  • Verzár Frigyes élettanprofesszor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1927/28. tanévi rector magnificusa
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    Frigyes Verzár, Professor of Physiology and Rector Magnificus of István Tisza Hungarian Royal University in Debrecen During the Academic Year of 1927/28. Frigyes Verzár was Rector of the University of Debrecen in the academic year of 1927–28. This task was particularly demanding for various reasons. First, construction work on the central building of the University was still underway, second, because in August 1927 the Research Institute of Tihany was opened, and Verzár had to direct that Institute,
    too. The actually existing conditions of commuting between Debrecen and Tihany rendered the fulfilment of this double load particularly troublesome. In spite of all the difficulties, however, the work of the Rector yielded rich results, as listed in the report of Rector held in September 1928.

  • Lencz Géza teológiaprofesszor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1925/26. tanévi Rector Magnificusa
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    GÉZA LENCZ, PROFESSOR OF THEOLOGY, WAS RECTOR MAGNIFICUS OF THE ROYAL ISTVÁN TISZA UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 1925–26. He was born in Vámospércs. He completed his studies in theology in Debrecen, Vienna and Utrecht. He was a Reformed minister at Tápé, Tiszarof, and Mezőtúr, and in 1909 he was appointed professor of dogmatics and of the philosophy of religion at the heological Academy of the Protestant College. Later he became ordinary teacher of divinity and associated studies at the University of Debrecen, founded in 1914, until his death in 1932. He was the Rector of the university in the 1925/26 academic year. He was primarily interested in the history of Hungarian Protestanism of the 16th and 17th centuries, and in dogmatics history.

  • A debreceni Tisza István-Tudományegyetem Orvostudományi Karának közreműködése levente egészségügyi tanfolyamok megszervezésében – Jeney Endre professzor javaslata 1937-ből
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    THE INVOLVMENT OF MEDICAL FACULTY OF THE TISZA ISTVÁN UNIVERSITY IN THE ORGANIZATION OF MEDICAL COURSES FOR PALADINS – THE SUGGESTION OF PROFESSOR ENDRE JENEY FROM 1937. At the end of 1936 Elemér Vargha, Deputy Mayor of Debrecen, who was the city representative of the Hungarian Red Cross, contacted first the Faculty of Medicine of the Tisza István University to teach medical courses for paladins. Endre Jeney, the professor of economics prepared a detailed plan for two diferent age groups for 12–12 course periods. he detailed plan includes the description of course subjects, provides the schedule, the names of teachers and nurses. At the end, the course was not realized.

  • Pokoly József
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    JÓZSEF POKOLY REKTOR. After inishing theology studies, he was the tutor of Count Lajos Tisza (son of Prime Minister Kálmán Tisza) in Geszten, then he was a Reformist priest for a year. He was the teacher of church history at the Reformist heology Academy in Kolozsvár from 1895, and at the heology Academy of the Debrecen Reformist College from 1912. At the University of Debrecen, established in 1914, he became the professor of ancient history at the Faculty of Arts from 1918 on. Between 1922 and 1930, until his retirement, he was the teacher of church history at the Faculty of Reformist heology. During the academic year of 1920–21 he was the Rector of the University. Until his retirement, he was the President of the István Tisza Scientiic Society and he also worked as a senate member of the University. His worked centered around Reformist church history and the history of Hungarian Protestantism in 16–17th centuries.

  • Hüttl Tivadar (1884-1955) Debrecen klinikaalapító és iskolateremtő sebész professzora
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    HÜTTL TIVADAR (1884–1955), PROFESSOR SURGEON, FOUNDER OF A SCHOOL AND CLINIC IN DEBRECEN. After inishing his studies, Tivadar Hüttl worked in the Institute of Pathology at the Budapest University besides Professor Antal Genersich, later int he Clinic of Surgery besides Professor Tibor Verebély. From 1921 he worked as Deputy director of the forming Faculty of Medicine at the Tisza István University in Debrecen, in 1922 he was appointed as the full professor of Surgery and the Director of the Clinic of Surgery. During his leadership he established several departments which became clinics later on. He created a truly scientiic school environment, professors, hospital directors became his students. In the academic year of 1930–40 he was the Rector of the university. He was wrongfully accused in 1945 and he was divested of his professor title. Later he worked as the head physician of the State Institute of Oncology.

  • Holland Tanszék alapításának kísérlete a két világháború között
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    An Attempt to Establish a Department of Dutch Between the Two World Wars. On 20th June, 1921, Ms. Catharina Kuyper, daughter of the former prime minister of the Netherlands, visited Debrecen. This occasion brought the rector of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen to write her a letter and ask her to convince the Dutch government of the importance of a Department of Dutch Literature and Culture at this university. Kuyper agreed with this wish and promised the board of the university her mediation to raise money for the new department. The managers of the university found a qualified person, dr. Zsigmond Nagy, for the leadership of the Dutch Studies. They received only goodwill support from the Hungarian government but no money. Nagy died in the spring of 1922 and the Dutch government refused to help establish a new Dutch department because of the hard financial situation of the Netherlands.

  • Pomáztól Princetonig: Alföldi András élete és munkássága
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    FROM POMÁZ TO PRINCETON: THE LIFE AND WORK OF ANDRÁS ALFÖLDI. András Alföldi was head of the Department of Ancient History, István Tisza University of Debrecen, from 1923 to 1930. Subsequently he joined the Department of Ancient History and Archaeology of Budapest’s Péter Pázmány University of Arts and Sciences. It is owing to his activity in Debrecen that from his estate two suitcasefuls of correspondence and other personal relics have been obtained by the Department of Classical Philology and Ancient History in Debrecen. Despite the fact that Alföldi spent only a short period of his early years in Debrecen, his internationally recognized activity justiies a more detailed discussion of his life career and professional activity. Before 1947, he primarily focussed on the archaeology of the Carpathian Basin. Subsequently he emigrated to Switzerland, where he taught at the University of Bern and the University of Basel. In 1955 he got an invitation to the Institute of Advanced Studies at Princeton, where he continued to work until his death. Cut of from the archaeological materials of Hungary, he initiated new projects overseas, such as the most substantial problems of early or imperial Rome, respectively. Oicially, the representatives of classical studies in Hungary have started to recognize his work since the 1990s; in 1995, on the occasion of the centenary of his birth, several commemorative sessions were held. One of these was hosted by Debrecen.

  • Szentpéteri Kun Béla jogászprofesszor, a debreceni m. kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1930/31. tanévi Rector Magnificusa
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    Béla Szentpéteri Kun, Professor of Church Law, the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian RoyalIstván Tisza University of Debrecen During the Academic Year 1930/1931. In the first three decades of its existence the head of the university’s faculty of jurisprudence and state law was the renowned scholar of law and the outstanding organizer Béla Szentpéteri Kun. Previously he had been professor of the Protestant College’s academy of law, then one of the respected figures of the newly organized Faculty of Law. He served as dean for several semesters and in the 1930/1931 academic year he was elevated to the position of rector of the university. During the war years of 1944/1945 he was the only professor of law to stay in Debrecen and it was due to him that the Faculty of Law was capable of functioning uninterrupted. After the war he was made to retire, then, as a manifestation of the social transformation of the times, his department was dismantled.

  • Vajthó László kapcsolata a debreceni egyetemmel
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    LÁSZLÓ VAJTHÓ’S LINKS WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN. A literary historian known for his text editions and teacher of Dániel Berzsenyi Secondary Grammar School in Budapest, László Vajthó received habilitation for Privat-docent in 1935 at the Faculty of Arts of Debrecen’s István Tisza University and subsequently he obtained full professorship in 1944. In 1942, following the retirement of literary professor Károly Papp, it was L. Vajthó who was expected to occupy the vacant chair. However, somebody else was nominated for the position, and when the chair fell vacant again in 1945, he was repeatedly by-passed. Relying partly on Vajthó’s recollections at old age and partly on the correspondence between László Vajthó, literary
    historian Ferenc Zsigmond, and Margit Kis, a teacher of Nyíregyháza and a muse to both, the study highlights László Vajthó’s connection with the University of Debrecen.

  • Kállay Kálmán teológusprofesszor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István-Tudományegyetem 1941/42. tanévi rector magnificusa
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    Kállay Kálmán Pozsonyban született. Teológiai tanulmányokat szülővárosában, Hollandiában és Pápán folytatott. 1914–1921 között református vallástanár és lelkipásztor Romániában. A második világháború után az Országos Gyermekvédő Liga külföldi gyermeküdültetési akciójának főmunkatársa. 1928-tól egészen haláláig az Ószövetségi Tanszék vezetője. Ez idő alatt háromszor töltötte be a fakultás dékáni tisztét, és egy ízben a Debreceni Egyetem rektori tisztségét. Fáradhatatlan szorgalmú, kiváló képességű és nyelvérzékű tanár és hittudós.

  • Az 1944 novemberében-decemberében Budapesten felavatott debreceni doktorok
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    INAGURATION OF DOCTORS IN DEBRECEN IN NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER OF 1944. After war had reached the István Tisza University in Debrecen in October 1944, the majority of the professors led to Budapest where they held several meetings. Doctors, who had received their degree earlier, were inagurated in Budapest between November 4 and December 20 in the name of the Debrecen University (23 medical, 3 law, 3 political science, 2 arts doctorate certiicates were given). he partly oicial operation in Budapest lasted until the second part of December, while some of the professors in Budapest, some in rural areas waited out the end of the ights. Some, though, had joined the medical training in Halle and Breslau organized by András Csilléry appointed government commissioner.

  • Az 1944. április 11–12-én a Vallás- és Közoktatásügyi Minisztériumban tartott rendkívüli értekezlet debreceni emlékeztetője
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    The Debrecen Memo of an Extrordinary Meeting Convened at the Ministry of Religion and Public Education on April 11–12, 1944. In March, 1944, the German military occupation of Hungary plunged the country into a difficult situation, affecting among other things the Ministry of Religion and Public Education responsible for the institutions of higher education. Minister Jenő Szinyei Merse convened a twoday meeting for April 11 and 12, for the purposes of analysing the situation that evolved and for making
    the required decisions. The source material registers the proceedings of this meeting. President János Bognár of Debrecen’s István Tisza University probably had the text copied immediately after he had returned from the capital. The memo consists of twenty-five long and short items and these are about taking sundry measures, mainly pertaining to the simplification of administration for the purposes of an early closure of the academic year and a more severe interpretation of the Jewish laws.

  • Emlékezés Visky Károlyra (1908-1984), a római jog nemzetközi hírű művelőjére
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    KÁROLY VISKY WAS AN INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN SCHOLAR OF ROMAN LAW. he present paper describes the life and scholarly activities of Dr. Károly Visky, who was a sub auspiciis scholar of law at the Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen. he paper highlights the fact that Visky achieved a highly respectable scholarly career while working as a practising lawyer. He did not hold an academic chair, yet he became an internationally recognized representative of the study of Roman law in Hungary. he paper introduces the main ideas of his most important scholarly writings.

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