Peer Review Policy

All manuscripts received will be reviewed in the first instance by the principal contact person /editor who will decide whether the article follows the editorial line of the Journal and whether it meets the formal requirements established in the authors' regulations.


Manuscripts that do not comply with these formal characteristics will be returned to their authors to adapt the manuscript to current regulations, and those who do not follow the editorial line will be rejected for publication in the Journal.


Papers that present a correct adaptation to the current regulations and that follow the editorial line of the Journal will be sent anonymously to two external reviewers of the Journal for review.


All articles received (except letters to the Editor) will be reviewed through a double-blind peer review system.

The review criteria are as follows: originality, novelty, topicality, interest, quality and methodological rigor and relevance.


The articles may be rejected, accepted with modifications or accepted without modification:


In case of requesting minor changes, the manuscript will be accepted as soon as it includes the modifications requested, with no need for further revisions.


In case of major changes, the manuscript with modifications will be evaluated by one of the first reviewers with the aim of giving greater coherence and fluidity to the process.

In case of rejection, it will be at editorial discretion the possibility of accepting a new submission of the modified manuscript or its definitive rejection.


The average review time will be between 30 and 60 days. Once the deadline has expired, the publisher will undertake to send a resolution to the author of the article.