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  • Action for smart healthy age-friendly environments

    Smart, adaptable and inclusive solutions can help improve and support independent life throughout the course of life, regardless of age, gender, disabilities, cultural differences and personal choices.
    A holistic approach that optimizes social and physical environments, supported by digital tools and services, allows to provide better health and social care, promoting not only independent living, but also equity and active participation in society. This approach follows the United Nations' line-up, with the Sustainable Development Goals (in particular Objectives 3 and 11), stating that sustainable environments for all ages represent the basis for ensuring a better future for the entire population.
    The challenges of different sectors, such as ICT, the building industry and urban planning and the health and social care, as well as those of citizens and their communities are interlinked. Responding to these challenges will foster awareness and support for the creation and implementation of smart, healthy and inclusive environments for present and future generations.
    From this insight, a new concept was developed and well received: Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments (SHAFE). The by the EC approved Thematic Network of 2018 evolved into a Stakeholders Network of about 170 organisations and it is represented in several European projects and networks. COST Action NET4Age-Friendly brings together over 320 researchers from 46 countries. Capacity building to support the implementation of SHAFE is present in Erasmus+ projects.

    The presentation will give an overview of relevant development and insights to support the building of smart, inclusive societies.

  • A new approach to Hungarian elderly care in Romania. - Scientific and professional workshop at the Partium Christian University

    Between October 20-21, 2022, the Human Sciences Department of Partium Christian University of Oradea in partnership with the Department of Social Work and Social Policy of the University of Szeged organized a scientific-professional workshop entitled New Perspectives in Elderly Care, in order to provide space and create a long-term opportunity for the meeting and dialogue of professionals working in the field of elderly care in Partium and Transylvania as institution managers, program managers, social workers, elderly caregivers, and researchers. The following review provides a retrospective of the event with the intention of formulating conclusions that will help moving forward.

  • Elderly Service Officer Trainings

    Introduction One of the challenges that stands before the aging population is the integration and mental and physical wellbeing of the elderly, and building the culture of active ageing. Meeting this challenge requires the activity of professionals who, in alliance with the work and services of the local governments, will become able to organise programmes that meet the needs and demands of the older citizens.

    This objective is targeted by the Elderly Service Officer Trainings provided by Family-Friendly Country Public Beneficiary Ltd.

    Methods: Our goal is to enable future Elderly Service Officers to actively contribute and enforce lawful practice to preparing, organising and implementing local civil programmes that target active aging; to recognise the special needs of the older citizens; and to orient within the legal environment of the programmes for the elderly. They should become able to co-operate efficiently with local government officials and NGOs supporting active ageing.

    Training topics: 1. Active ageing and mental wellbeing, 2. Community development, networking, volunteering, 3. Environment for active ageing, 4. Planning and implementing elderly friendly programmes.

    As regards to monitoring effectiveness, above activity indicators, we survey the changes of attitudes among trainees, and further activities of the Elderly Service Officers. The effectiveness studies are in progress.

    Results: Since May 2019, 16 study groups with 238 attendees have been launched (11 in Budapest és 5 on the countryside), and 12 groups have finished, yielding 144 certified trainees. We are planning a further set of 23 groups for 2021, in order to achieve the planned number of participants of 1000.

    Discussion: Further development of the training will depend on our future results.

    Supported by: Grant No. EFOP-1.2.6-VEKOP-17-2017-00001, „Family Friendly Country Project.


    L Patyán, JI Tóth, AM Tróbert, R Wernigg: Methodology to Aid the Community Inclusion and Person-Centered Care of Older Generations. Family-Friendly Country Public Beneficiary Ltd., 2019.

  • The preventive geriatric – the new issue of the XXI-st Century

    The ageing is the global phenomenon, it is main more difficult financial and social
    problem for modern societies. If we accepted the ageing = disease identity, this does not
    help solving the problem, it increases cost only. It is still high number of people over the
    age of 65 in hospital inpatient departments. A change of view is needed. The aging is
    regarded as a decompensation process, which has parts and interventions possibilities. If
    we intervene in the downturns of the decompensation process with appropriate means,
    decompensation can be reduced; life-years in health can be increased. The goal is to
    preserve self-sufficiency as much as possible. Should be system established, because in
    other way this will be for profit service only. We have reviewed the major experiments that
    have taken place in the world and seem appropriate to handle the issue properly. However
    in order to achieve results, necessary change not only the structure bat also the attitudes.