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  • Primary aspects of the elderly and information communication technologies

    In this article, we will briefly review information and communication technology (ICT), the most typical characteristics of the elderly age group, and finally, we will look at how and in which areas the elderly can connect to ICT solutions. It is not easy to navigate in a world of rapidly evolving technology even for those who do not have to think about how to learn using ICT. In a rapidly evolving world of technology, it is not easy for those who does not need to think about how to learn how to use ICT to adapt. Those who have not been in touch with ICT for a third or half of their lives start from a serious disadvantage, and this disadvantage can increase in old age. Today it is increasingly difficult to distinguish between the online and offline worlds, and this is unlikely to become easier in the future. Welfare states are characterized by an aging society, and the resulting problems have long been present in all areas, from health to economy. In our study we will examine and bring together relevant literature closely related to this topic, covering quality of life, overcoming loneliness, social inclusion and the health of the individual. Our aim is to explore the potential of ICT for quality ageing of older people, the factors that motivate them to use the tools, the difficulties that hinder their use and learning, and the future prospects. Our study covered the English and Hungarian language literature, publications published in Europe or research conducted in European countries, among people aged 65 and over, between 2011 and 2021.

  • Social service delivery for senior citizens in rural Philippines and secrets to longevity of Apo Whang-od

    Access to social services such as healthcare, transportation, and financial support can be limited, leaving many elderly individuals vulnerable to poverty and social exclusion. This paper examined the recent elderly demographics, status of social service delivery, the roles of traditional and cultural practices, and specific challenges faced by older persons in rural areas, using the case of Apo Whang-od and her community, Buscalan that is in the municipality of Tinglayan, Province of Kalinga, Philippines. Using a mixed methods approach, this paper revealed that almost 11% of Tinglayan’s population is elderly, mostly indigenous people with a relatively low literacy rate, and low-income earners who are engaged mostly in subsistence farming and small-scale traditional craft making. Also, there are substantial government programs and services offered by existing laws; however, access to these is challenged by limited access to education and healthcare services, with long travel distances and a lack of transportation being major barriers. Financial difficulties were also observed, with no or few having access to social security benefits and reasonable amounts of pensions. The challenges can also be attributed to an unfavorable geographical location, conflicts with neighboring tribes, limited local government funds, lack of knowledge, and inadequate social service centers within the locality. Tinglayan’s cultural values were also found to play a pivotal role in supplementing the scarce social services by fostering a supportive atmosphere for the elderly. Analysing Apo-Whag-od's longevity, it was revealed that she lived a longer life because she ate organic and locally sourced food, slept well, laughed a lot, engaged in regular physical activity, nurtured her spiritual well-being, built strong relationships with her family and community, and kept a positive outlook. In conclusion, social demographics shows that elderlies in rural areas are disadvantaged, which calls for more efficient and effective access, delivery, and availability of social services. Moreover, policymakers are enjoined to accelerate social infrastructures, expand social protection programs, and support intergenerational solidarity and resilience and cultural preservation. Lastly, Apo Whang-od’s legacy lives on. Her popularity not only gained revitalization of the Kalinga tattoo culture, but it also inspired people to follow her steps to longer and happier way of life.

  • Redefining nursing skills in AI and robotisation, with a particular focus on conditions requiring long-term care

    Owing to the enormous improvements in health and lifestyle over the last century, the average age has increased. Although longevity is an important achievement of the modern age, it is a challenge for the care of an ageing population. As people in the richest parts of the world live longer, there is a growing shortage of carers for an ageing population. This paper reviews the literature and describes the global challenges of caregiving, future issues in elderly care, the emergence of robotization in the field of nursing care and how this can contribute to improving the quality of care for the older people. It also discusses the experience of using robots in international and domestic elderly care and briefly describes how the use of AI-based technology has contributed to improving the effectiveness of care in the context of the coronavirus epidemic. The paper concludes by presenting a vision and directions for training development for Advance Practice Nurses, Register Nurses and post-secondary nurses, and other health care professionals to improve attitudes, enhance knowledge, and develop services to improve elderly care.

  • Palliative and Hospice Social Work Roles in the U.S.

    Palliative care services worldwide continue to grow, primarily in response to a human rights approach and to respond to the aging of the population, increasing prevalence of chronic illnesses and cancer mortality. While there is recognition in the WHO definition of palliative care that not only physical, but also psychological, social and spiritual aspects of care must be part of services provided, how these are addressed varies greatly by country and region of the world.
    In the U.S., social work services are mandated to be provided by hospice organizations seeking funding from Medicare (governmental insurance for people over age 65) and supports the tenets of the palliative care philosophy to provide person-centered holistic care. The role of palliative and hospice social workers is highly aligned with the values of the profession centered on the dignity and worth of all humans and the commitment to improving quality of life throughout life and especially at the end of life. Older adults make up the overwhelming majority of hospice recipients in the U.S. and attention to their daily needs and those of the family caregivers is essential to maximize quality of life.
    This presentation will focus on the roles of social workers in the U.S., particularly with older adults, in various palliative care settings and how this may compare to roles across the globe.

  • Ageless quarantine yoga - Escape to Yogaland in the time of pandemic

    Nowadays it is expansively recognised that practicing yoga can improve the quality of life by providing appropriate physical training exercises which can be performed by every age group. Yoga practitioners of the older generations beside maintaining their physical activity can heal  their sense of balance which decreases the hazard of off-balance and fall.

    During the years of my yoga teaching I met the representatives of every age group at my classes. I led kids yoga courses for preschool children, dynamic flow sequences for trained yoga practitioners, but I did have students over 70 years old who insisted to join an intermediate level hatha yoga class even if they had gone through serious illnesses and operations in the past and they were not able to hold each postures.

    I have experienced that the elderly people are very grateful for the healing that yoga gives them and for the careful attention whereby the yoga instructor tailors the yoga asanas and sequences according to the physical condtitions, state of health and capabilities of each individual.

    At the yoga instructor courses the contraindications of asanas and defining the anatomic and physiological backround of injuries and the physical limitations of each practitioner are emphasized intensively. This comprehensive teacher training and the continuous monitoring guarantee the safety. The instructor faces the mutations and the loss of physical and psychical balance in the the reality, at the yoga classes. Practice makes the master! It is more than true is yoga. Gaining practical experience the instructor can handle the special situations and needs with growing confidence applying yoga props (strap, yoga blocks, chair etc.), modifying the asanas, and using the power of words to motivate the students.

    Supported by my friends I created The Force Yoga Group Facebook site in April , where I have been leading yoga classes since then. It is a great place to meet my yoga practitioning friends, my family members, my elderly parents and in defieance of quarantine and lockdown to practice yoga together, at the same time. Our magical yoga carpet is a tranquil island to where we can escape from the raging pandemic, where we can start our inner journey in the time of the outer movelessness.

    The online practice team has already more than 100 members. It is an intercultural and intergenerational group. I knew I had no information of the health conditions, the perfection of yoga practice of each group member, and with many of them I had not practiced together in person (offline), so I had to call their attention to the rules of safe yoga practice constantly and acutely. At the beginning and at the end of the online sessions I dedicate some sentences to it, during practice I try to instruct precisely to protect them from the injuries. The verbal correction playes here a very important role.

    My online students can be informed about the topic from the scientific articles I share on our page from time to time.

    I am aware of the fact that an avarege home is not a well-equipped yoga studio, so  I show online how to use the furniture, fixtures and everyday objects as yoga props.

    A shorter, 30-45 minute Chair Yoga Class is the part of our weekly program as well, especially for those members who struggle with balance poses or get weak easily.

    In private messages the students send me their observations, remarks, questions  and requests. Some of them experience pain or tension in certain asanas, so we try to find out together the reason of it and to correct and to set the posture. A 75 year-old student of mine asked me to build a yoga sequence of simple breathing exercises and stretching asanas which can be performed by anyone.

    Many feedbacks speak about how big inspiration is to watch my everyday practice and my enthusiasm is pushing the spectators to their yoga mat. There are older practitioners who perform the breathing and warm up exercises sitting on a chair, and it means already 15-20 minutes of  physical training.

    During lockdown there are 4-5 online yoga sessions weekly, the videos are available anytime. The regular practice becomes a sure point in the life of the members, there is something to look forward to, even if there is no stimulus to receive from the outer world. In this online yoga space you can get new friends, through the comments you can share your ideas and suddenly you belong to a yoga community.

    The stress relieving classes I close with  Yoga Dream (yoga nidra) relaxation which is an at least 20 minutes of visualization, an imaginery journey interlarded by positive affirmations while body and mind are calming down.  Such a mini meditation does not require any intensive physical activity but breathing. I could mention many other positive increments that occured creating The Force Yoga Group, but quoted the great yoga master, B.K.S. Iyengar:

     “Words cannot convey the value of yoga – it has to be experienced.”

  • GreenerAge: Empowering Sustainable Transitions through Adult Education for 55+ people

    The ageing of the global population is fast-moving. In Europe, the projections are that individuals aged 55 and older rise from approximately 35% in 2022 to around 40% of the total population by 2050 (Eurostat, 2020). Climate and sustainable actions should consider their participation and engagement. With accumulated life experiences, maturity, time, and knowledge, older adults can play a pivotal role in advancing a greener future, both at the individual and community levels.

  • The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on older adults with dementia and their caregivers: a narrative review

    The purpose was to gather the existing literature, provide an up-to-date overview and, in the future, to continue the research for this important topic.

  • Skills and abilities of elderlies

    The third millennium is the era of the big info-technological explosion. Older people have to make friends with the technology they were not born into. They need to learn new knowledge and skills for everyday use.

  • Activity in old age, active and successfull aging

    Background and aims: The aim of our research was to qualitatively examine the attitudes of older people towards aging, the activity available and implemented from it, their community involvement, and their lay perceptions and opinions of successful aging.
    Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted during the research, and the interviews were evaluated by content analysis.
    Results an discussion: According to the elderly, successful aging mainly requires physical or mental health, maintaining activity, an active lifestyle, a positive outlook on life, a good family environment, social relationships, financial security, goals, motivation, successful life, advance planning, and social support.

  • Attitudes of Roma/Gypsy Adults Towards the Care of Their Elderly Loved Ones

    Caring for older people is a challenge for all societies. There has been a lot of research on elderly care to help make it as effective as possible. The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the Roma/Gypsy elderly care among ethnic minorities, using national and international trends. The choice of the target group in our framework was not accidental - the Roma/Gypsy minority is considered vulnerable in terms of several factors, which means risks for elderly care in terms of inequalities. In addition to the main concepts of elderly care, the paper will address the opportunities and constraints of the legal environment, the relationship between elderly care and health care, and the factors that shape quality of life and well-being, as well as strategies (formal and informal) that are emerging as trends at national and international levels.

  • Instead of loneliness: intergenerational home-sharing

    A solution has existed for decades, which addresses two pressing problems: the exclusion of the younger generation from affordable housing and the loneliness and isolation of a rapidly ageing population. An innovative housing programme is helping organisations match older people with students in a scheme called homeshare.

  • Active, Creative Aging II. – Flow

    Background and aims: In our research, we examined the flow and antiflow experience that older people experience in different life situations (loneliness, time with family and friends, domestic work, leisure or creative activity).
    Methods: In our study, we used a questionnaire examining flow and antiflow experience (anxiety, boredom, apathy) by Oláh A.
    Results an discussion: Overall, creative activity and other leisure activities provide greater flow and less antiflow experience than doing housework. The flow experienced in the family circle is higher in the elderly than in the group of friends. Those engaged in creative activity reported higher flow and lower antiflow experience during loneliness than the control group engaged in other leisure activities.

  • Active, Creative Aging I. - Coping

    Background and aims: In our research, we examined how the last stage of their lives is experienced by older people who engage in creative activity (handicraft, fine arts, textile art) aimed at creating a lasting work at this stage of their life.
    Methods: In our study, we used questionnaires examining proactive coping, life satisfaction, geriatric depression, and the meaning of life.
    Results and discussion: The higher level of search for meaning measured by creators may be related to the complex nature of the search, which may involve the mental stress associated with life cycle change and the ability to cope with it and the possibility of development, so that creative activity can be interpreted as a kind of protective factor. In the group of creators, reflective coping (exploring and analyzing several solution options and the resources needed for the solution) showed the highest value, which may result from the creativity and divergent thinking of those engaged in creative activity.