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  • A roma/cigány hozzátartozók attitűdjei időskorú hozzátartozóik gondozásával kapcsolatban
    Megtekintések száma:

    Az idősek gondozása minden társadalom számára kihívást jelent. Számos kutatás látott már napvilágot az idősgondozással kapcsolatban, amelyek segítenek abban, hogy az idősgondozás minél hatékonyabban tudjon megvalósulni. Jelen tanulmány célja, hogy áttekintést nyújtson az etnikai kisebbségek közül a roma/cigány idősek gondozásához hazai, illetve nemzetközi trendek segítségével. Szempontrendszerünkben a célcsoport választása nem volt véletlen – a roma/cigány kisebbség több tényezőt tekintve is vulnerabilisnak tekinthető, mely az időskori gondozásra nézve veszélyeket rejt a gyakorlatban az egyenlőtlenségi viszonyokat tekintve. A tanulmányban az idősgondozás főbb fogalmain túl kitérünk a jogi környezet adta lehetőségekre és korlátokra, az idősgondozás és az egészségügy kapcsolatrendszerére, illetve az életminőség és jóllét alakulásának tényezőin túl olyan stratégiákra (formális és informális), melyek hazai és nemzetközi szinten is trendként rajzolódnak ki.

  • COVID-19, lockdown, elderly. Experiences of the follow up research among active older adults 2020-2021.
    Megtekintések száma:

    Introduction, aims:
    The COVID-19 pandemic caused invaluable harms on the World during last two years. Among all economic and societal consequences the negative effects for elderly people was also apparent. Researches - among others - focused on the age related inequalities for accessing and using services, economic disadvantages, the decline of psychical, physical and mental conditions, reduced quality of life, increased level of loneliness, stress and depression, such as the increase and new faces of ageism.
    This research focused on the individual and organizational consequences of COVID – 19 pandemic and the effects of the state interventions followed by. The target group were identified as active seniors who have leading positions in different local and regional senior’s associations. These people were affected individually as a member of the age group and as an experts with organizational responsibilities as well.

    Research method:
    We chose a qualitative follow up (longitudinal) research method that was committed by semi structured phone interviews, recorded and anonymised. The time of the two data record focused and followed the main Hungarian waves of the pandemic: May – June in 2020 and June – July in 2021. Sample were collected from all districts of Hungary (n=42).

    Main research topics were:
    - The situation of the older adults (experiences about the local older people, daily life, problems, issues, social connections)
    - The life in the organization (activities, new initiatives, problems, issues)
    - Individual experiences (fears, daily life, social connections, shopping habits, use of ICT, vaccination).

    We found significant differences on the personal life situation and the perception of pandemic and related interventions during the two waves. Pandemic situation may influenced these results. The age related “stay at home campaign” made more difficulties for the older people during the first wave, meanwhile related interventions weren’t so strict during the second wave by introducing shopping timeline for older people and night curfew for all in the late nights. Even first wave did not cause such harm like the second one in Hungary.
    During the first wave we found older people as a rule following citizens. They followed all the restrictions and regulations strictly. Life situations mainly were determined by the living conditions, that is means the ones who lived in the countryside mainly a house with garden experienced less negative effects than those, who lived in the housing estate area (first wave mainly fall on March – May).
    Older people reported increased importance of the local authorities. With the lack of central supporting interventions, local authorities played main role for local support, care and security. If the local government took care of older people they felt safety. Less interventions and coordination made older people insecured.
    The second wave made new situations for people. Older adults became one of the first target groups in vaccination and people started to cope with the pandemic.
    Older adults became more critical with governmental interventions.
    Critics focussed on the
    - pandemic related communication, the vaccination (older people mainly got Shinofarm vaccine that was not accepted in the EU at that time),
    - difficulties with the availability of health services, and
    - they experienced increased economic problems.
    The life in the organization: during the first wave we found frozen life of the seniors organization, cancelled and delayed programmes. Some initiatives were also reported. People preferred to keep contact via phone instead of using another ICT tools. Some of the answerer worried about the community life, how they can restart after the pandemic, others preferred the forthcoming chance for personal meetings.
    Seniors organisations may play an important role of the senior’s life by organizing free time and social activities, advocacy, and many other aspects of active ageing. As we made a first extract of this research further analyse will focus more on the good examples and new initiatives on the social, community and organizational levels.

  • Boldogság és értelmes élet időskorban
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    Háttér és célkitűzések: Kutatásunk célja a boldogság és az élet értemének kvalitatív és kvantitatív vizsgálata volt időskorban.
    Módszer: Az idősödéssel kapcsolatos attitűdöket, a boldogságot és az élet értelmét mérő kérdőívek, továbbá félig strukturált interjúk felvételére került sor. Az interjúkat tartalomelemzéssel, míg a kérdőíveket statisztikai elemzéssel értékeltük.
    Eredmények és következtetések: A kvalitatív és a kvantitatív vizsgálatok jól kiegészítették egymást, gazdagították a vizsgálat eredményét. Időskorban ugyanazon tényezők adnak leginkább értelmet az életben, mint amelyek leginkább örömet adnak: a család megléte és a velük való kapcsolat, az aktivitás, szabadidős tevékenységek, valamint a pozitív emberi kapcsolatok.
    A kérdőíves felmérés alapján az látszik, hogy inkább élik meg fejlődésként az idősödésüket azok, akiket az értelemkeresés magasabb szintje jellemez. Inkább élik meg az idősödésüket fejlődésként és ezzel együtt kevésbé veszteségként azok, akiket az értelemmegélés magasabb szintje jellemez. Időskorban inkább okoz örömet az értelemmel teli, illetve az áramlatélményt kiváltó tevékenységek, mint az élvezetek, élmények.

  • An exploratory metaphor analysis on the perceptions of nursing students about the concept of aging
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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to reveal the perceptions of nursing students about the concept of aging through metaphors.

    Methods: The basic qualitative research design was used to evaluate the metaphors of nursing students regarding the concept of aging from their perspectives. The study sample consisted of 104 senior nursing students at Aksaray University in the 2021-2022 academic year. A purposive sampling method was used. "Metaphoric Perceptions Data Collection Form", which was prepared by the researchers in line with the literature, was used as a data collection tool. The form consists of two parts. In the first part, the demographic characteristics of the students were investigated. In the second part, the sentence “Aging is like … because … ” was given to reveal students' metaphors regarding the concept of aging. The metaphors developed by the students regarding the concept of old age were analyzed and interpreted with Metaphor Analysis. Metaphor analysis has been associated with content analysis.

    Results: The mean age of the students participating in the study was 21.65±0.99 (min: 20, max: 25). Of students, 68.6% were female, 33.3% lived in city, and 84.3% had nuclear family. About half (50.0%) of their grandparents lived in their house. Of the students, 39.2% thought about living with your parents when you start a family in the future; 52.9% lived with older adults aged 65 and over until now; 92.2% cared for an older patient during clinical practice; and 74.5% wanted to work in a health institution serving the elderly after graduation. Students produced a total of 102 valid metaphors for the concept of aging. Four main themes were obtained from the data. The main themes were aging as an ending story, a need for care, attention, and support, a new beginning, and a source of life.

    Conclusion: Nursing students' metaphors about aging are generally negative, but also contain expressions of respect.

  • Revealing the Concept of Aging in Turkish Nursing Students: An Exploratory Metaphor Analysis
    Megtekintések száma:

    This study aimed to reveal the perceptions of nursing students about the concept of aging through metaphors.

    The study was carried out in a qualitative research design. The study sample consisted of 104 senior nursing students at Aksaray University in the 2021-2022 academic year. In the study, "Metaphoric Perceptions Data Collection Form", which was prepared by the researchers in line with the literature, was used as a data collection tool. In order to collect the data, each student was asked to fill in the blanks of the sentence: "Aging is like … because …" .
    The analysis of the data was carried out in five stages: (1) Coding and sorting phase, (2) Sample metaphor image compilation phase, (3) Main theme and sub-themes development phase, (4) The stage of ensuring validity and reliability, and (5) Transferring the data to the computer environment.

    Students produced a total of 102 valid metaphors for the concept of aging. The metaphors revealed the students' perceptions of the concept of aging, and four main themes and 11 sub-themes were collected. The main themes were aging as an ending story, as a need for care, attention, and support, as a new beginning, and as a source of life. Sub-themes were acceptance, no turning back, approaching the end, deprivation, helplessness, being dependent, rooting, starting, guiding, being a building block, and being valued.

    Nursing students' metaphors about aging are generally negative, but also contain expressions of respect.

  • Staff Training and Stress in Long Term Care Facilities Special Care Units for Alzheimer's Elders
    Megtekintések száma:

    Special Care Units (SCU) in long term care health facilities are named to indicate "unique to diagnosis" or a level of care. The purpose of this study was to explore perceptions among caregivers and licensed nurses in selected nursing homes in Ohio and Pennsylvania and New York, as they pertained to the differences in care to Alzheimer's elders in SCUs. It examined the education and experience of staff and the satisfaction of this staff as it pertained to stress and wages.

    Long-term caregivers often experience stress, resulting in "burn-out" as a consequence of limited training, levels of care required, cognitive decline of elders and family expectations. The caregivers, on SCUs, environmentally designed for the elders with cognitive decline, need specialized training in the physical and mental dimensions of the various forms of dementia, Alzheimer's type.

    The study used a qualitative research design with a survey questionnaire and one-on-one interviews with administrators and human resource directors. A pilot study of SCUs in Ohio and Pennsylvania and New York was initiated. The population was the employees of these SCU. The levels of employees questioned included: Executive director/Administrator, nurses, nurse aides, housekeepers and activities staff, laundry and social service workers. The procedure was standardized to enhance the reliability of the data. The respondents were notified in advance of the specific application of their answers and were afforded the opportunity to receive a monetary donation to the SCU of their respective facilities.
    An Eden Alternative Home, with a program of goals and missions characterizing enhancement of an elder's life, a home-like environment and family-centered staff and care, in a very rural area of Pennsylvania, was also engaged to contrast and compare the hypotheses of the study.

    On the SCU, less than 5 percent of the staff had received training specific to the care of the Alzheimer's elders. In the Eden Home, 100 percent of the staff had received training specific to the care of the Alzheimer's elders. On the SCU, less than 18 percent were satisfied with the quality and quantity of specialized and extensive training. In the Eden Home, 100 percent of the staff was satisfied with their specific training. On the SCU, using a Leiken scale, more than 55 percent felt that they should receive higher wages. In the Eden home, the results were the same. However, the longevity of the employees was 13.5 years as opposed to only 3.25 years in the SCU in other homes.

    These findings suggest there is a need to examine, expand and intensify the training of all caregivers on a special unit for the elders afflicted with dementia, Alzheimer's type.