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  • Determinants influenceing the mental health of older people (60 years +) in Botswana
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    Ageing society is a reality for many people in developing countries than in the past. Governments are facing major challenges in safeguarding the mental health of older people and health care systems to deal with this demographic shift. The mental health of older people is an important indicator of the level of their health-related quality of life.  The situation of older people in Africa, concerning their mental health and well-being, is a matter of growing attention among researchers and policymakers alike. There is a common perception in connection with the aged population reporting poor mental health status and a greater need for healthcare. However, there is few research on the disparities of older people relating to healthcare in Sub-Saharan Africa, especially in Botswana. There is a tendence of ever-increasing number and population proportions of older people representing both opportunities and challenges. Some of these challenges include the prevention and management of anxiety, depression, and somatization, which are the most common mental disorders in primary health care the world over. Previous research has shown that the three disorders are highly comorbid because of the need for prevention and mitigation of all three.

  • Medication adherence in older adults with hypertension in Slovakia
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    Non-adherence to medical therapy in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) is associated with increased cardiovascular and cerebrovascular morbidity and mortality, and thus increased healthcare costs. The prevalence of AH increases with increasing age. In view of this, monitoring adherence to medical therapy in older adults and its determinants is very important.

  • Várható és lehetséges életminőség és élettartam rejtélye
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    Az utóbbi évek eseményeinek hatására egyre inkább felértékelődik az egészség, s annak megőrzése. Az egészség tényezői egyben életmódunk elemei, az egészséges életmód kialakításában pedig az egyénnek kiemelten nagy szerepe van. Az életmóddal összefüggő betegségek (civilizációs betegségek) ma Európában az elsőszámú halálozási okokat jelentik. Jelen tanulmány fő témaköre a várható és a lehetséges életminőség és élettartam rejtélye. Szakirodalmi feldolgozás során választ kerestünk arra a kérdésre, hogy melyek az egészséget, életmódot leginkább befolyásoló tényezők. A Központi Statisztikai Hivatal (KSH) adatfeldolgozása alapján feldolgoztuk a magyar lakosság általános egészségi állapotát vizsgáló egészségügyi statisztikák eredményeit. Ezt követően ismertetjük az egészség pilléreit és szerepüket az egészséges életmód kialakításában, valamint az egészség pilléreinek életmódba való beépítését ösztönző egészségturisztikai szolgáltatásokat az idős generáció számára.

  • The good practice of inclusion in action - the proposal of program based on the Human Rights
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    Rapidly changing time is a problem: are we able to deal with all challenges in a humanistic and peaceful way? Is it possible? Do falling barriers to trade have led to a rapid change in social life and in the movement of products and labor? With these exciting transformations also came great challenges and threats, at a time when we seem to like each other less and less, with partisan affective polarization on the rise in a country after country.
    The paper presents definitions of phenomenon of marginalization and exclusion from European perspective. The main idea of its lecture and planned project is the presentation the intervention program among seniors based on heritage of work the French Research Committee on Violence, Crime and Delinquency, who published 40 years ago a document Society against Violence. The document contained analyses on the occurrence of social problems and their determinants, as well as guidelines to reduce risks and reduce the sense of threat and insecurity in modern society. Based on the conclusion included into Report “Society against Violence” the special training was prepared. The theoretical assumption of the project is Levinian model of changes in society and his methodology of action research. The aims of program are to change attitudes in the field of knowledge and attitudes towards the used violence and to improve the skills to react in situations of confrontation with institutional or press aggression or the so-called manifestations of "hate speech" in education institutions. Because of Coronavirus lockdown only idea and first step of implementation (the realisation was stopped) is possible to presentation.

    Maybe the program is in a primary stage but we believe that modern societies should relay and based on the idea of Human Rights and spread them elsewhere and that violence in modern societies should be reduced by human rights and democracy education.
    The document became the basis for the reflection on public debate on violence in international communities and psychological practice against violence in interpersonal and social meaning. The article presents the possible directions of research and psychological interventions in this area especially among seniors. This perspective is worth to be underlined because it is a part of wider trend in preparation social support programmes focused on inclusion adults from a difficult sociocultural environment. Such programmes could improve competencies to protect social capital of societies. The content and scope of these programmes should be drawn from knowledge of the relationships between the various risk factors, protective factors and developmental processes in groups and societies and combine knowledge, practical useful skills and good psychological experience by continue containing with life.

  • Satisfaction with the implementation of developmental tasks in the course of life and the sense of well-being in late adulthood
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    The subject of the sense of psychological well-being in people in late adulthood and its determinants has been of great interest for several dozen years among researchers and broad social groups, including people of senior age.
    The aim of the presented research was to explain the relationship between coping with life challenges, which are developmental tasks culturally assigned to successive periods of adult life, and the sense of well-being in the last period of life. The study also drew attention to the importance of selected socio-demographic variables for the sense of well-being of people in late adulthood, namely gender, age, level of education, family situation and material (financial) condition. In line with the positive psychology approach, these factors were expected to be of limited importance for the sense of well-being.
    155 people aged over 65 (late adulthood) took part in the study, 53% of whom were men and 47% of women. The author's questionnaire was used to examine satisfaction with the implementation of developmental tasks (Liberska, 2019), the Mental Wellbeing Questionnaire (L.Wojciechowska, 2008) and a questionnaire collecting basic sociodemographic data. The analysis of the research results showed significant relationships between the implementation of developmental tasks and the sense of well-being. Age of the respondents did not differentiate the sense of well-being.
    People's sense of well-being in late adulthood is related to coping with developmental tasks in adult life and the current family and economic situation.
    1. the results of the statistical analysis did not show statistically significant differences between men and women in the level of psychological well-being: t (152) = -0,63, p = 0,52 (women – M = 87,25, SD = 12,73; men – M = 88,52, SD = 12).
    2. people with higher education had a higher level of the general indicator of the sense of well-being than people with secondary (Z=-2.04, p=0.041), vocational (Z=-3.52, p=0.001) and primary education (Z=-3.22, p=0.01)
    3. financial status differentiates the sense of well-being of people in late adulthood: people with good economic status have a higher sense of well-being than people with average status (Z = -3.23, p = 0.001) and below average (Z = -2.03; p = 0.043)
    4. the results of the statistical analysis showed that people with different marital status differ in the level of mental well-being: married people in late adulthood have a significantly higher level of mental well-being than widowed people (Z=-3.18, p=0.001).
    5. among the six dimensions that create mental well-being, the highest value was obtained on the self-acceptance subscale; ANOVA shows significant differences between the subscales of the sense of well-being; F= 7829,05; p< 0,001; η2=0,99).
    Generally, this result confirms the importance of self-acceptance for the general psychosocial condition of a person (see Ryff, 1989).
    Liberska, H. (2019). Żródła satysfakcji z życia w starości. W: M.Kielar-Turska (red.), Siła umysłu w starości. Starość: jak ją widzi psychologia (s. 537-552). Kraków: Akademia Ignatianum.
    Ryff, C. D. (1989). Happiness Is Everything or Is It? Explorations on the Meaning of Psychological Wellbeing. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 57, 1069-1081;
    Wojciechowska, L. (2008). Style starzenia się a subiektywny dobrostan kobiet w późnej dorosłości, studiujących na uniwersytecie trzeciego wieku. Polskie Forum Psychologiczne, 2, 106- 123.

  • Growing Ageing Population and European Policies
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    Introduction to Social change due to aged population

    Increased elderly population in Europe has many factors, it took decades what is happening now. Europe’s low fertility rate, Europe’s migration from developing to developed country, high life expectancy and immigration laws. The developmental strategies of G20 countries are significantly interlinked with the economic and population development policies. The recognition of ageing population is followed by the Japan’s ageing population process which is also mentioned in most of the Eu data on comparison for the ageing population strategies. It is a visible change that social and economic developments causes higher life expectancy and better health in Europe.
    The average middle age is increasing, and it is predicted about 4.5 years by 2019 to 2050 it may reach 48.2 years as European middle age. In the most developed parts of the world, elderly population was discussed long ago, and serious steps were taken for global improvements for older people. As the life expectancy increases dependency increases that creates pressure to fulfil the needs of elderly for health, socially, and economically. Increasing number of elderly populations, is actual rise in social, cultural, and economic responsibilities for welfare systems, health care systems and individuals. More elderly people, more reliance needed number of old age homes, elderly rehabilitation centers and Palliative care centers are increased.

    Population ageing is not a sudden change in population, but it took decades to consider about the population phenomenon. The European social change has major cause of ageing population that may has dark impact to the future perspective. In current situation birth rate is low, mortality rate is also low and life expectancy is high which is creating a lot pressure on the economic growth and to run the economic cycle the labour force is insufficient, health care systems are updating each year since COVID pandemic and system failure was visible in many OECD countries as well in such condition there is a lot more pressure on the women to balance birth ratio at the same time women is considered as “Sandwich Generation” by some of the European researchers, women cares for the both younger and the older generation nowadays.

    Such ageing population determinants push the policy makers to design such policies and laws to combat this situation to secure future generations. Some of the EU policies to promote Active ageing and solidarity between generations, Silver Economy project to provide elderly jobs to decrease dependency ratio and Healthy ageing programs are running but still there is long way to show up positive results if migration policies will not be softened at certain points to keep achieving sustainable development goals in Europe.