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  • Proper Collaboration between Social Impact and ESG in Long-term Care
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    New terminologies induce new solutions that affect long-term care actors. ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) provides globally new standards that stakeholders use to measure their impact on society and the environment. In this changing environment, long-term care facilities are no exception as well in this process. Social impact is one of the three pillars of ESG and refers to the positive or negative effects that a company's activity has on society affects the term of the social responsibility.

  • Social Impact Investing Opportunities in eHealth
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    In general, social impact investing may refer to providing capital to companies, organizations, and funds that are focused on solving critical societal or environmental problems. Social responsibility includes ideas that investors should balance profit-making with activities that benefit society as well because social impact investing focuses on positively impacting the society where it operates. Recently, large international companies reconsidering their motivation within their companies’ goal while their consumers purchase goods and services shifting their responsibility to profits and benefits. It seems small and medium-sized companies need also to develop ethics that guarantee the success of their activity with social responsibility issues. Therefore, for the most effectiveness of social impacts, the companies voluntarily have to operate under pressure from outside forces such as the conscious society.

  • Social Impact Development Company Trends: from CSR to ESG
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    The latest social processes impacting companies' cultural behaviour have been studied in order to help us clarify and value the social ecosystem that benefits people. Studies have analyzed the full suite of Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, and Environment, Social, and Governance processes provided by the best companies' practices available. Corporate Social Responsibility is a common strategy of management where companies voluntarily take into consideration the environmental and social aspects as consequences of their activity. The idea of Corporate Social Responsibility started among big and international firms at the beginning and became a very popular management theory. Nowadays, small and medium-sized companies are in favour of using it as their daily routine. The management strategies, e.g. CSR, sustainability, ESG enables the companies to work more efficiently and stable.