
University Ranking Lists and Mirror Images - as Prospective Students Make Their Choice

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Csuka, G., & Szivos, M. (2010). University Ranking Lists and Mirror Images - as Prospective Students Make Their Choice. Competitio, 9(2), 78-91.

The paper is based on a survey carried out by the authors, which aimed, on the one hand, at specifying the extent to which would-be students know the rankings of universities and take them into consideration when choosing university faculties, and, on the other hand, at revealing the role played by other factors in their decisions. The majority of would-be students know the rankings of universities but these have not became an important factor in the decision processes. To have good lecturers and professors, to acquire useful knowledge, and to obtain a job with their degree are considered by would-be students as crucial factors. They try to get information from several sources and the Internet has become the most important one, which they use routinely and with skill. On the other hand, it can be proved that they would like to rely on more customized information sources as well.

JEL classification: Z13

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