
Analysis of labor market in Northern Hungary

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Liptak, K. (2014). Analysis of labor market in Northern Hungary. Competitio, 13(2), 84-102.

The aim of the paper is to reveal the main causes of unemployment and understand the labor market situation in Northern Hungary, as well as quantify and evaluate the changes in the employment structure. The main concern is about the changes in the number of registered job-seekers in Hungary and in particular, in the North Hungarian region. The author uses several tools to investigate this issue, such as shift-share analysis, linear regression, Lilien-index and Beveridge-curve. The Lilien-index suggests that in Northern Hungary the flow of sectoral labor force has exerted less and less influential power on employment since the transition. Job vacancies and the high number of unemployed do not meet in Northern Hungary; the reason for that is the inadequate qualification level of the unemployed. The labor market position of the North Hungarian region is determined by the specific socio-economic situation resulting from the transition, so it will be useful the regionally differentiated employment policy in Hungary.

Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: J21, R23

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