
The role of franchise as a governance form in the economy

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Flaskar, A. (2014). The role of franchise as a governance form in the economy. Competitio, 13(2), 59-83.

Today franchise is becoming an increasingly common form of governance. Its popularity can be explained by the fact that a company can quickly expand and develop with the help of this business model. The franchise system affects the whole economy positively because it creates jobs and contributes to GDP. The paper is concerned with analyzing the role of franchise networks in the US economy which is considered to be the home of franchise, and also in European economy. Surveys, published by the International Franchise Association and the European Franchise Federation, provide information about the number of units, employment, payroll, the value of economic output and contributions of franchised networks to GDP. These data indicate that the franchise sector is playing a more and more important role in the economy, outperform other sectors, and considered to be the main engine of employment and economic growth.

Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: D22, L14

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