
Testing the long run equilibrium relationship between the nominal exchange rate and monetary macro-fundamentals

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Szabo, A. (2014). Testing the long run equilibrium relationship between the nominal exchange rate and monetary macro-fundamentals. Competitio, 13(2), 36-58.

The pure time series testing of long-run monetary models of exchange rate determination and its fundamental building block, purchasing power parity, in the most cases fails to support the conjectures of the theory. Thus, the empirical literature increasingly uses the panel technique when testing both models because the power of the panel unit root and panel cointegration tests seems higher than their time series obverse. In the article we examine the validity of the monetary exchange rate models and purchasing power parity over the period 1996Q1-2011Q4 for US dollar exchange rates of 15 OECD countries using
panel cointegration tests. The results show moderate empirical support for monetary exchange rate models and also purchasing power parity.

Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: F31, F41, C33

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