
Prognosis of the Roma population in Hungary by region till 2061


Copyright (c) 2019 László Hablicsek, Mária Hablicsekné Richter, Tamás Lángi

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Hablicsek, L., Hablicsekne Richter, M., & Langi, T. (2019). Prognosis of the Roma population in Hungary by region till 2061. Competitio, 18(1-2), 39-74.

In our paper we try to give an overall picture about the countrywide and regional demographic characteristics of the Hungarian Roma population, to make a roll-forward calculation of the next decades until 2061 by region. It indicates the actuality of the study that in the last decades the population of the Hungarian Roma minority and its rate according to the whole Hungarian population permanently and materially increased. In the next decades in both further growth is expected, but the speed of this growth will be slower and slower. The fertility and the mortality of the Roma population will decrease, life expectancy will increase, these result in the increase of the rate of the aged population. Out estimation indicates that until 2061 the age pyramid of the gypsies’ changes, it will be more and more similar to the present one of the whole Hungarian population.

Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: C82, J11, J13, J19

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