
Exploring the awareness of platform-based, demand-driven businesses in Hungary and Romania


Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Tünde Zita Kovács, Dr. Beáta Bittner, Dr. László Huzsvai, Dr. András Nábrádi

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Kovács, T. Z., Bittner, B., Huzsvai, L., & Nábrádi, A. (2024). Exploring the awareness of platform-based, demand-driven businesses in Hungary and Romania. Competitio, 22(1-2), 73-100.

Platform-based, demand-driven business models, known as the sharing economy, emerged in the United States in 2008. Their emergence has been made possible by digital development, and their impact can be seen in both economic and social life, in the globalised nature of cooperation models. Since 2016, the European Commission has conducted three surveys on using the sharing economy in the EU Member States. Based on the 2018 survey, this study analyses Hungary's and Romania's relationship with the sharing economy. The survey results show that awareness of the SE is increasing, especially on the consumer side. However, a decreasing trend is observed on the service side. Demographic factors (age, gender, employment status) significantly influence the willingness to provide and use services. Respondents in the two countries are not homogeneous and have different perceptions of the opportunities and threats of the sharing economy.

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