
Examination of Management of TESCO Hungary's sustainability and community activities


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Tessényi, J., & Katona, N. (2024). Examination of Management of TESCO Hungary’s sustainability and community activities. Competitio, 22(1-2), 24-48.–2/2.
Received 2022-10-03
Accepted 2022-11-17
Published 2024-07-13

In their fifth sustainability management case study, the authors examine the focus, organizational processes, and operation of TESCO's responsibility and community activities in Hungary. On the one hand they executed analyses of publicly available company reports and internal documents, while on the other hand, they conducted semi-structured interviews with internal and external experts who play a key role in the added CSR activities. In addition to the descriptive presentation of the activities, the authors' work points out that there are many crutial organizational conditions for the effective management of organizational processes related to sustainability and communities, furthermore they highligted the possibilities and limitations of involving external parties and service providers, as well. The value of the case study is enhanced by the fact that no comprehensive case study presenting the sustainability activities of the leading domestic food retail companies has been published recently.

Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: A13, D6, F6, M14, M19, M38

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