Examining the perception of innovative online banking services – a discrete choice experiment among university consumers
Copyright (c) 2022 Vilmos Lakatos, Péter Balogh, Péter Czine
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Accepted 2022-05-02
Published 2022-12-02
In our study, we examine consumer preferences for innovative online banking services among students in business and management education. To achieve our research goal, we conducted a discrete choice experiment with the target group. The alternatives of our hypothetical decision situations included in our experiment were characterized by the possibility of ATM smartphone integration, the availability of real-time banking, the availability of NFC payment, and the cost per transaction. Based on our model estimates, we found that all three examined services (ATM smartphone integration, real-time banking, NFC payment) have a positive perception among respondents, while the increase in cost has a negative effect on the respondents’ sense of utility. The results of the latent class model estimated in order to address the preference heterogeneity highlighted the existence of a consumer group with very strong preferences and thus a high willingness to pay (average HUF 70) towards the existence of the NFC service. Male students with a non-Debrecen resident in higher-level vocational training are more likely to be included in this class.
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