Vol. 44 (2008)

Published September 1, 2008



  • Morphologie und Ursprung der ionischen Iterativpräterita

    The present paper deals with synchronic and diachronic problems of the category of the so-called Ionic iteratives (e.g. Hom. φεύγεσκον, ἵστακε). Following a general overview of their morphological and semantic peculiarities, at first those Homeric iteratives are examined that show irregular derivational morphology. Then a new synchronic segmentation of the iteratives is proposed, according to which the units -σκον, -σκε, etc. are to be regarded as complex verbal endings. In the second half of the paper, after a survey of previous theories on the question, the origin and development of the iteratives are described and, in connection with this, a morphologically based explanation for their augmentlessness is offered.

  • Per una rivisitazione della praetexta repubblicana

    Varr., Lat. 6, 18 togata praetexta non va corretto in toga praetexta, come fin dall’editio princeps, senza tenere in debito conto Diom. GLK 1, 589, 18. Allude invece a puntuale rappresentazione scenica, databile con una certa sicurezza ai ludi Apollinares del 208. Questi cadevano fra il dies Poplifugia e le nonae Caprotinae, a loro volta coincidenti con la vitulatio, specificamente attestata da Pisone in Macrobio. La loro distinta genesi ha assunto col tempo connotati misti, generando confusioni ed equivoci tanto di interpretazione linguistica che di ricostruzione storico-antiquaria, per quanto attiene sia al simbolismo rituale che agli antefatti pseudostorici che l’accumulo di dette feste in pochi giorni intendeva commemorare.

  • Das Carmen saeculare des Horaz

    Im Aufsatz interpretiert der Verfasser Horazens Carmen saeculare. Das Gedicht ist ein Chorlied mit religiöser Thematik, dessen Interpretation die objektiven, religionsgeschichtlichen Momente in grundlegender Weise berücksichtigt. Darüber hinaus – weil das Carmen saeculare nicht bloß als eine metrische Nachahmung der Religions- und Kulturpolitik des Augustus betrachtet wird – wird der Festhymnus in die Zusammenhänge der zwei Odensammlungen hineingestellt. Zuerst wird die Struktur des Gedichtes, dann die Motive des carmen, die seine höchste Objektivität im horazischen Werk klar machen, und schließlich seine Beziehung zu einigen Oden des Horaz (Carm. 3,24; 1,21; 4,6) erörtert.

  • Lebensbeschreibungen der berühmtesten Maler, Bildhauer und Architekten. Antike Künstleranekdoten

    The main source of the anecdotes about ancient painters, sculptors and architects is the Natural History of Pliny the Elder. The article focuses on the shaping of these stories from more approaches. The basis is the theory of the cultural memory. To broaden the scope of the analysis, Pliny's representation of the artists is compared with relevant passages from other writers. The paper determines the ancient types of the anecdotes of artist and tries to show the connection between the content and the age in which they were born.

  • Commercianti tra l’Impero Romano e l’India

    Relativamente poche sono le fonti letterarie a disposizione in relazione ai commercianti tra l’Impero Romano e l’India, ma sono reperibili, in gran numero, fonti papirologiche, epigrafiche e giuridiche in riferimento a coloro. Negli ultimi decenni nuove fonti sono state rinvenute principalmente nel territorio dell’Egitto: iscrizioni in lingua greca e latina scolpite nella pietra, papiri, ostraka e annotazioni in tamilico, in pracrito e in tamilico-bramanico. Sulla base delle fonti a disposizione, nel presente studio ho esaminato le questioni seguenti: chi erano le persone che prendevano parte al commercio tra l’Impero Romano e l’India, quali difficoltŕ dovevano affrontare durante il lungo e pericoloso viaggio, qual era la forma di associazione caratteristica. Inoltre ho preso in esame la participazione nel commercio a distanza dei senatores, dei liberti e delle persone prive del diritto di cittadinanza imperiale.

  • SHA, Vita Cari 2-3: un excerptum di biologismo storico

    Nell’applicazione del biologismo alla storia di Roma, l’excursus di SHA, Car. 2-3 segna il punto d’arrivo di un percorso tracciato da Varrone Reatino con il De vita populi Romani; la reviviscenza tardoantica del poligrafo si verifica attraverso vari autori, in primis Agostino, che presenta alcuni passi del De civitate Dei decisivi per chiarire punti controversi comuni all’HA e al Seneca di Lattanzio, risalenti entrambi in ultima analisi a Varrone. Da costoro, oltre che da Floro, il più aderente nel rispettare la demarcazione varroniana al 264 fra adulescentia e iuventus, ha preso le mosse il sedicente Vopisco, caratteristico nel riproporre la tripartizione delle singole età peculiare di Varrone, a quanto asserito da Servio. Tutti gli epigoni varroniani, a partire da Seneca, hanno postdatato al principato postaugusteo la diagnosi di senectus imperii a causa dell’amissa libertas, suggerita a Varrone dall’esperienza triumvirale e della dittatura di Cesare.

  • Circular Lead Tanks: A Suggestion

    The question is how we can solve the inconsistency between the following two facts: 1. No baptistery has so far been found in Pannonia. 2. Christians lived in Pannonia at the same time. Upon different analogies (circular lead tanks, church at Zurzach) and examining the rite of the baptism I make hypostatical suggestion: fonts of wood, graves which never contained corpses.

  • Jerome’s Dream and the Book of Daniel

    Recently Smolak has argued that in the famous account of Jerome’s dream (Epist. 22,30,2) the propheta whose language put him off is Daniel. This passage is also connected by Smolak with Jerome’s later reference to Daniel’s clarus sermo (Epist. 53, 8,16): in Smolak’s view Jerome is here claiming that he has now come to an understanding of Daniel’s “stilistische Klarheit”. The present article endeavours to refute both of these cases.

  • Review of Scholarship on the Admonitions of King Saint Stephen of Hungary

    The purpose of the following discussion is to demonstrate that the philological study of the fortuna of the Admonitions of King Saint Stephen of Hungary provides important contributions to the characteristic stages of the development of Latinist scholarship from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance until today. The Admonitions, a mirror of princes composed in the eleventh century and attributed to the first Christian king of Hungary, has attracted pious and scholarly attention for a millennium – including the hagiographic tradition of medieval Hungary and the legal tradition of the Corpus iuris Hungarici. Based on its late manuscript tradition, hypercritical scholars suggested that the Admonitions was a humanist forgery or at least an interpolated and stylistically polished text. From the Renaissance on, philologists and editors have addressed various issues of textual criticism such as the problem of dating and authorship, grammatical features (orthography, morphology, and syntax), stylistic devices (vocabulary, prose rhyme and rhythm), and textual parallels (Biblical, Classical, and Carolingian Latin). The way scholars have studied the Latinity of the Admonitions against the standards of Classical, Medieval, and Humanistic Latin for centuries reveals a great deal about their own approaches to their Latinist trade in particular – and therefore about Neo-Latin studies in general.

  • Le navire de la république – le navire de l’amour: L’individualisation d’une allégorie collective. (Sonnet LV de Ronsard)

    Pierre Ronsard’s sonnet constitutes a very creative re-interpretation of an ancient allegory (the sea of Love) which is considered to be one of the more important amatory figures. This allegory featured in both Greek and Latin from earliest until latest times, employed in several genres of verse, which reached an advanced stage of development in the hands of Ronsard. The purpose of this paper is providing a comprehensive and detailed study of the idealized cognitive model of the sea of Love from the archaic period until Renaissance, based on Ronsard’s sonnet.

  • Classical Scholarship in Nineteenth-Century Hungary

    The present paper treats some factors which influenced the development of classical scholarship in Hungary in connection with both historical crossings: a) Leo Thun’s reform of public instruction, a bourgeois liberal reform pushed through by a conservative aristocrat, which was aimed at the Germanisation of Hungarian culture, but which effected the development of Hungarian scholarly life and Hungarian classical scholarship as a specialized branch of learning; b) the crossing of German and French tradition in the development of classical scholarship in Hungary.