
Le navire de la république – le navire de l’amour: L’individualisation d’une allégorie collective. (Sonnet LV de Ronsard)

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Szabó, E. . (2020). Le navire de la république – le navire de l’amour: L’individualisation d’une allégorie collective. (Sonnet LV de Ronsard) . Acta Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis, 44, 159–173.

Pierre Ronsard’s sonnet constitutes a very creative re-interpretation of an ancient allegory (the sea of Love) which is considered to be one of the more important amatory figures. This allegory featured in both Greek and Latin from earliest until latest times, employed in several genres of verse, which reached an advanced stage of development in the hands of Ronsard. The purpose of this paper is providing a comprehensive and detailed study of the idealized cognitive model of the sea of Love from the archaic period until Renaissance, based on Ronsard’s sonnet.