For Authors

For Authors
AMS publishes peer-reviewed English and Hungarian studies which are in consonance with the character of our periodical, and have not been published before. Articles do not normally exceed 14-16 A4 size pages that are 45.000 characters with space. Sometimes they can be shorter and, in some justified cases, longer. Articles contain black and white charts and tables only, and for the diagrams please provide us with data files (e.g. .xls) so that any possible construction problems could be solved. Please submit the manuscript and appendices in separate files electronically to the head of the editorial board: Dr. János Kiss as listed below.
Formatting guide:
  1. The study (in Times New Roman 12-point font size, 1.5 line spacing, charts embedded in the text, or in separate appendix but with identifiable numbers of course)
  2. Data file of the diagrams.
  3. Pictures and charts in separate files. Picture resolution 300 dpi at least.
  4. The Abstract of the study both in English and Hungarian. The editors, on the basis of the English version, prepare the Hungarian version for the non-Hungarian authors. Abstracts are followed by keywords also in English and Hungarian.
  5. A short, 3-5 sentences, introduction of the author.
  6. A declaration from the author saying that the study has not been published elsewhere.
Literature references in the text:
  • If the author’s name is mentioned in the text, the reference is the year of the publication of the work put in parentheses e.g. Selye (1956). If the author’s name is not mentioned in the text, the name(s) and year of the publication are put in parentheses e.g. (Selye 1956) or (Konrád et Szelényi 1978). Exact page number is given only for word by word quotations e.g. Selye (1956:25-26). 
  • In the text of the study, up to three authors all the three’s names are written, following the rules above. Over three authors the names of the first two authors are written then the others are referred to as “et al”.
  • If more than one work of the same author(s) from the same year of publication are referred to in the text, the distinguishing letters of a, b, c etc. are adjusted to the year (e.g. 2010a, 2010b) and the same is applied in the Bibliography. 
The Bibliography follows the core text starting on a separate page in alphabetical order of the authors’ name. The Bibliography cannot contain works not referred to in the text while it shall contain all the works referred to. The only accepted way of literature references together with the correct punctuation is the following:
  • a book: Author(s) (year of publication): Title of the work. Place of publication, Publisher.
  • a periodical article: Author(s) (year of publication): Title of the article. Name of the periodical (volume number), issue number: starting and finishing pages of the article.
  • an omnibus edition article: Author(s) (year): Title of the article., In: name(s) of the editor(s) [ed.], Title of the volume. Place of publication, Name of publisher. The starting and finishing pages of the referred work.
  • internet source: Authors(s) (year of publication – if detectable): Title of the article. Website.
Names: family name and the initial(s) of the first name, in the case of Hungarian authors full first name is required.
Editorial board of Acta medicinae et sociologica