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  • A COVID hatás okozta társadalmi változások becslése / Bódi Ferenc gondolatainak továbbfűzése

    The article by Ferenc Bódi appeared in the spring issue of this journal in the spring of 2021. He undertook to estimate the impact of the changes caused by the pandemic on health care and the expected economic and social changes. His study, due to the scale of the pandemic, is a macro-level analysis. When the study came out, we all hoped that the COVID-19 epidemic was already coming to an end and that we needed to focus on starting again. Society has partly faded, partly realized that this epidemic is different from the previous ones. This encouraged me to continue to think about some of the Hungarian phenomena and to express my thoughts on the expected changes. I cannot undertake to analyze all areas of the crisis caused by the epidemic, but I will make an attempt to present its phenomena in health care, their interpretation, and the social effects of the current Hungarian health crisis so far. In my writing, I rely on my own research and that of my colleagues, and on the reports of my students in the health care system.

  • A húsvéti járvány – a COVID-19 várható hatásai az Euro-atlanti tér társadalmaira

    The purpose of this article is to estimate the changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic for healthcare and the medical industry that serves it. Furthermore, an estimate of the expected impact of the epidemic onto economic and social change. In addition, to estimate the expected impact of the epidemic on economic and social changes. The article was written in two different periods. The first part ended in April 2020 and the second part in April 2021. The article is essentially a thought experiment. A reasoning enclosed in a bottled mail that the author rewrote after a year in the light of the changing facts. The article concludes that COVID-19 will help complete a long economic cycle. This crisis accelerates a technological shift in which creative destruction occurs in the economic subsystem as well as in other subsystems of the society. The new long economic cycle (Cycle K), just as it happened after World War II, builds a new social quality. At the beginning of the new K cycle, the former welfare state model is replaced by a wellbeing society concept. The basis of a wellbeing society will be solidarity, cooperation and quality. For the individual, health will no longer be just an optional lifestyle, but an effective form of survival.

  • A helyi szociális ellátórendszer és a K-hullám elmélet

    A háborúkat béke időszakok követik, a válságokat hosszabb konjunktúra időszakok. A gazdaságnak ciklusai vannak, mint az évszakok, amelyek váltják egymást a történelmi időben. Az átmenet korszakokban a kreatív rombolás formájában váltják le a korábbi termelési technológiákat állítja Kondratyev elmélete alapján Schumpeter. A gazdaság fejlődését meghatározó humán tőkének is van fejlődési ciklusa. A humánberuházások többnyire megelőzik a gazdaságban végbe menő kreatív rombolás időszakát, Egyrészt elősegítve a váltást, másrészt részei a változásnak. Ezekben a kreatív ciklusokban kulcsszerepe van a helyi szociális szolgáltatás szervezeteinek, ezen belül az oktatásnak. Történelmi példák mutatják a humán tőke ciklus változásai nem vak szerencse függvényei. Ellenkezőleg, minden nagy váltást jól átgondolt politikai döntés előzött meg, amelyet politikusok hoznak, akik korszakokat jelölnek ki.

  • I am who I am. Minority group identification

    Over the past half century, there have been rapid changes and reorientation in social processes, which can be perceived empirically, too. Our world has become more interactive, information flow has hastened, and communication technology has constantly been evolving. The accelerated processes, the historical and cultural changes have caused an identity crisis for families belonging to minority groups. The purpose of this study is to present how identification has changed among couples of intermarriage who are living in Vojvodina, and among the members of a community of Roma women living in two Hungarian counties. Similarities and differences in the lives of these two minority groups were investigated. In our research, we have concluded that the opening of mobility opportunities has significantly accelerated assimilation.