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  • Freeloaders, anomic students, ritual persistent students and goal-oriented persistent students. Unusual risks in higher educational students’ dropout

    The question of our study is measuring the relationship between the risk of dropout and the belief in the usefulness of the higher educational certificate and the effort to obtain it. In our analysis, the student database of the HERD research (N=1295) was used. Four groups were identified by cluster analysis. 1) Among the anomic students (the group described with anomie), the level of belief the usefulness of the higher educational certificate and the effort toward that is the lowest while the risk of dropping out is the highest. 2) The ritual persistent (i.e. tenacious) students are able to make strong efforts but do not believe in the degree. Their diligence does not offer them the same level of protection against dropout as 3) the goal-oriented persistence which means that the student believes in the degree as well besides the diligence. 4) The freeloaders are less diligent, but aware of the value of the degree, offering them bigger protection than the disappointed diligence of the ritual persistent students. Among the target-oriented persistent group is higher the proportion of students who learnt in an elite secondary educational institution and who has a graduated householder, while among the ritual persistent group the proportion of those having priority admission points due to disadvantaged/cumulative disadvantaged (HH/HHH) position is higher.

  • The responsibility of higher education

    In our present work – based on Gabriella Pusztai, Veronika Bocsi, Tímea Ceglédi (2016, eds.): A felsőoktatás (hozzáadott) értéke [The value (added) in higher education] – we focus on the individual and institutional differences of effectiveness, and on the scope of efficiency of the institutions.
    The volume published within the framework of the Higher education & Society book series of Center for Higher Education Research & Development (University of Debrecen, Hungary) focuses primarily on the comparative approach, complex approach, and methodological challenges of institutional impact, as well as the eclectic nature of the topic from a student and institutional perspective.

  • Szülői segítségnyújtás az iskolai tanulmányi feladatok teljesítésében – Szülőtípusok a házi feladatok teljesítésébe való bevonódás alapján - I. rész

    In recent years academic researchers have increasingly recognized how important the assistance of parents is concerning children’s home learning activities. Parental involvement has a positive effect on students’ achievements and character. Moreover, in this way parents have the possibility to take a closer look at the life of the school and to form partnerships with the teachers. This paper examines how many kinds of parental models are present in a rural Szekler village concerning parents’ involvement in their children’s homework. I will emphasize that parents have a crucial role in their children’s school achievements. The most common Types of parent are: ,,protective”, ,,hard-working”, ,,partner”, ,,authoritative” and ,,networking”

  • The transmission of social status and dropping out from higher education

    The transmission of social status and dropping out from higher education. The sociology of intellectuals offers us a special approach to the phenomenon of dropout. The rate of students with lower parental educational level (’non-traditional students’) has been changed during the process of the expansion. These students have deficiencies in several fields and these deficiencies can rise the chance of drop-out. In the frame of „Social and institutional factors of student dropout in higher education” project (led by Prof. Gabriella Pusztai, OTKA project, no. 123847) a database was created in 2018 (N=605). The respondents were earlier students after the drop-out process. We tried to identify the features of the sociocultural background, the main factors of the drop-out and compare the patterns of the first generation intellectuals and students with intellectual background. Our empirical findings have showed that in the case of lower parental level the elements of compulsion seems to be more typical and voluntary withdrawal seems to be more frequent in the other case.

  • Vallásfüggőség

    Vallásfüggőségről beszélni a mai korban egyszerre időszerű és tabuizált téma. A vallás ősidőktől fogva az emberi élet része. A viselkedési addikciók kutatásában talán az egyik legizgalmasabb és legösszetettebb terület a maga negatív és pozitív oldalaival. Azonban, amikor vallásfüggőségről beszélünk ott az egyén diszfunkcionális működése mellett megjelenik az adott vallási csoport diszfunkcionális működése is. A témát igyekszem több oldalról körbejárni, hangsúlyt fektetve a vallás fogalmának és funkcióinak tisztázására, körbe járva annak pozitív és negatív hatásait, illetve bemutatni a fiatalokra gyakorolt terápiás jellegének módszereit is.

  • Practice oriented training from the business sphere’s aspect

    The aim of our article is to analyse the relation between higher education and the labour market with special regards to a newly developed way of education: dual education. In order to serve the changing needs of the labour market, higher educational institutions need to pay more attention to how their programs can better meet the expectations of future employers. The development of practice based skills in higher education is not only an expectation from the future employers but from future students as well. With the help of a questionnaire we mapped the opinion and assessed the needs of different companies in connection with their employed labour force. We analysed their experience gained in dual education, and we also investigated whether they were opened to play a role in dual training by providing employment for students doing their practice. By providing places for practical training, a growing number of employers could join the operation of higher education.

  • “Brave enough to remove the shell of a chestnut.” The career path of a resilient teacher

    Being successful at school as a Roma student is a crucial sociological question. Roma teachers’ experience is invaluable when seeking to understand and solve problems that students with similar backgrounds have. Resilience is our academic starting point. In PISA who belong to a lower social class but have higher achievements are called resilient students. Educational sociologists say that a person’s life is resilient when it is successful, notwithstanding the disadvantaged social background (Ceglédi 2018). We have analysed Roma teachers with resilient lives and looked for answers to what kind of possibilities and dangers of a resilient life might hide in the pedagogical career. Given a unique target group, we chose snowball sampling. 6 semistructured interviews were made in eastern Hungary in 2019, in which we emphasized the resilience of their life taken, the pedagogic job, and their connection. We did qualitative analysis of the transcripts. The resilient Roma teachers incorporate their life experience into their pedagogic fields and their coping serves as a model for their students.

  • Teachers and facilitators in different teaching spaces

    Nowadays the information society can not imagine its everyday life without the use of the Internet. Keelan and her colleagues determined the benefits that virtual worlds can impact to traditional territories. Virtual spaces can abolish physical-geographic boundaries in cases where research is far apart from the group of people to be examined (Keelan et al. 2015). Whether we are planning to implement the education process in real space or virtual space, explanation and assistance in many cases may be indispensable. Gamage and his research associates differentiated the subjects of their research as to how much they had experienced in the use of virtual spaces. Both groups agreed that the use of platforms was an advantage in learning but they differed in their opinion of the likelihood of emotional connection between teacher and student in the virtual world (Gamage et al. 2011). The activities of teaching assistants can be useful not only in the real learning environment, but also in the virtual learning environment. The facilitator is a person who can work efficiently with both the instructor and the students. The facilitator contributes to the smoothness and effectiveness of teaching processes (Schwarz et al. 2011). In our article, we present and define the preceding, participatory, follow-up and continuous facilitator roles we have outlined. From the facilitator's point of view and from the traditional learning environment we get to the exact parameters of the role that is necessarily emerging in the learning environments of virtual spaces.

  • TDK részvétel motivációi a Debreceni Egyetem Tehetséggondozó Programjában résztvevő hallgatók körében

    Recognition and support of outstanding students are among the most important tasks of higher education, as they can thereby be motivated to pursue a career in academia. In our study, we examined the willingness of members of the Talent Management Program (DETEP) at the University of Debrecen to participate and present at scientific student conferences. Our research was based on a questionnaire survey. The sample consisted of respondents who had previously participated in local TDK conferences (n=128). Based on our results, we can conclude that students who have participated three or more times in TDK events are considering a future career in academia. Respondents who have participated only once mainly participate for the purpose of the competition According to the results between achieving the ranking and the experience of participating in the TDK, participation is experienced as a positive experience if they manage to achieve a ranking at the local conference. Additionally, achieving a ranking also affects the feeling of gaining an advantage during studies and faculty recognition among the respondents.