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Search Results

  • The Characteristic Features of Social Care System in Transcarpathia

    The study deals with the social protection system in Transcarpathia; presents the structure of Ukrainian social protection and describes its components; the current economic, social and social situation characterized in the light of past and present aspects; outlines the peculiarities and tasks of Ukrainian state and non-state social protection its tasks and the factors limiting their fulfilment; clarifies the concept of social protection, welfare and well-being in order to avoid misunderstanding and contradictions in their interpretation; presents the system of Transcarpathian social services through certain activities and good practices of some major state, non-state and church institutions, draws conclusions on the situation and development tendencies.

  • A helyi szociális ellátórendszer és a K-hullám elmélet

    A háborúkat béke időszakok követik, a válságokat hosszabb konjunktúra időszakok. A gazdaságnak ciklusai vannak, mint az évszakok, amelyek váltják egymást a történelmi időben. Az átmenet korszakokban a kreatív rombolás formájában váltják le a korábbi termelési technológiákat állítja Kondratyev elmélete alapján Schumpeter. A gazdaság fejlődését meghatározó humán tőkének is van fejlődési ciklusa. A humánberuházások többnyire megelőzik a gazdaságban végbe menő kreatív rombolás időszakát, Egyrészt elősegítve a váltást, másrészt részei a változásnak. Ezekben a kreatív ciklusokban kulcsszerepe van a helyi szociális szolgáltatás szervezeteinek, ezen belül az oktatásnak. Történelmi példák mutatják a humán tőke ciklus változásai nem vak szerencse függvényei. Ellenkezőleg, minden nagy váltást jól átgondolt politikai döntés előzött meg, amelyet politikusok hoznak, akik korszakokat jelölnek ki.

  • A szervezeti értékek a tanyagondnoki szolgáltatásoknál

    The history of Hungarian homesteads in the last two and a half centuries has shown that, despite their ingenuity, the inhabitants of the homesteads had to cope with a lot of obstacles in order to be sustainable. Nowadays, in the fight to make life easier for the struggling residents and to keep the younger generations in place, it is the homestead caretaker who takes up the fight against the unending problems in the framework of the caretaker service as a basic social service. The primary goal of our study was to obtain up-to-date data from caretakers on the operation of caretaker services in Hungary, and secondly, we sought to answer the question of how professionals judge the manifestation of the organizational values of services. Based on the answers received, it could be stated that similar improvements are idealized regardless of the form of maintainer of the respondents (n = 131), and that in order to optimize work performance, service managers should make better efforts to interpret novelties and different opinions.

  • The Economic and Social Attitude of Young People to the Border Regions Where They Live

    The study maps the North-Eastern European 17-19-year old young people living in the counties along the border in Poland, Ukraine and Hungary. The hypothesis of the research study is that the regional identity of the young people is in significant connection with their transborder economic, social activity. According to another research hypothesis those young people assess their attitude to the neighbouring nationalities „very positively” who travel abroad more often and/or whose relatives are members of that nationality. The regions selected to the research have special geographical endowments, however, they face serious economic and social difficulties as well. The competitiveness and prosperity of these regions more and more depend on whether the people and enterprises living there are able to optimally use all the territorial advantages. The competitiveness of the economy depends on the development of relationships with other territories, however, research studies have shown that current enterprises in this region could not live with the opportunities offered by the region’s location, which can be explained by their postsocialist past (Hardi, 2001). From the 1990s cross-border cooperation started to appear among the North-Eastern European regions. The 2004 EU accession made free movement of goods, services and capital possible for two countries (Hungary and Poland) from among the examined countries. In addition to this movement, the flow of technology and ideas as well as cross-border cooperation have become a more and more important element of the regional development. The reason why the 17-19-year old age group has become the target group of the research study is that they were not only born into these new possibilities but they will also become a part of their daily lives. Hopefully during the next decade this age group will become the engine of the crossborder economy and cohesion due to their regional location and their relations.