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  • „Nem tudom, hogyan lehet rájuk hatást gyakorolni...” Pedagógusok a roma tanulók oktatásáról

    In our study we analyse a specific aspect of the mass presence of Roma pupils in schools: the context in which the social environment of Szeklerland creates the context for the schooling of Roma pupils. After outlining the characteristics of the regional social context, we present some classroom situations which for teachers bear the challenges of confronting the cultural difference of pupils. The research method is interviews with teachers in Roma-majority classrooms. Our research shows that a significant part of the work of teachers in Roma-majority classrooms is not about teaching, but about managing cultural difference. In the context of the specific social conditions of the Szekler region, in addition to the social approach (extreme poverty) and the search for methodological solutions in the education of Roma children, it is also useful to pay attention to the social relations as a frame of the educational process.

  • Health through the Eyes of the Romani minority

    Aim: The aim of this study was to ascertain the subjective view of the Romani community on their own health, in the context of social integration and the effects of the environment, using the Transcultural Assessment Model.
    Methods: The collection of data was conducted via quantitative research using an unstructured questionnaire. The experimental group consisted of 600 members of the Romani minority.
    Results: The results showed that health is one of the main values that influence the life of the Romani minority. According to a substantial proportion of respondents, they are regularly concerned with matters of their own health; however, most of them do not attend medical check-ups.
    Conclusion: The concept of sickness and health is highly subjective for each person. Moreover, the culture to which an individual belongs is among the factors that influence an understanding of the concept of health. Thus, when providing medical care, one must also get to know a patient’s culture and their subjective view of health or sickness.

  • Az egészség komplex megközelítése, mint az egészség-szociológiai vizsgálatok elméleti kerete

    The health indicators of the population are worst in the whole Central and Eastern European region, and thus in Hungary as well. The health status of Hungarians is not possible, it is not a unique phenomenon. The state of health of the Hungarian society is one of the worst in the European Union. To advance the understanding of the situation, it is necessary to conduct complex interdisciplinary studies that combine health and social science models.

    In our study, we present a complex approach to health, its social embeddedness, with the aim of providing a theoretical basis for a study we have designed to target Hungarian health characteristics.

    The theoretical overview emphasizes the context of the definition of health used in certain disciplines of the social sciences, the presentation of the explanatory factors of health, and the theses and models. Outlining our present work and future research cannot be without tracking the changes that have taken place that determine health, so we will first analyze this. In laying the theoretical foundations, we return to the complex approach to health, in which we present the presentation of biomedical and bio-psycho-social models in detail, and then we describe the economic and social models of health. We also deal with health determinants that determine the health of the individual and society.

  • Discovering factors influencing study success of students with disabilities and learning difficulties in an interview study

    The focus of our research is on students with disabilities defined by the current National Higher Education Act in Hungary. The actuality of the topic is that after the millennium, due to the expansion of higher education, the above-mentioned students appeared at universities, but regulations dealing with their presence in Hungary were laid down as late as 2007. Earlier researches have studied the accessibility and inclusive practices of the institutions internationally and in Hungary, but only little attention has been paid to these students’ chances of acquisition and retention to higher education. Equal opportunities in higher education appear to be an important supporting factor in our research however, the overall social context of the individual has a great influence on successful entry and graduation. A further research opportunity, a deeper, more extensive quantitative study of the institutional presence of students with disabilities and the factors contributing to their learning success is emerging.

  • Iskolavezetők és vidéki elitszerepek

    The study is based on a questionnaire survey carried out in 2017-2018. It analyses the attitudes of school leaders in Szeklerland (n=238) based on two main aspects in the topics that determine the everyday school work and leadership: (1) the relationship between school and local society and (2) the social context. The importance of this topic is indicated by the changes in the role of schools, teachers and school leaders in the 21st century, which have created different challenges for rural schools and areas compared to urban ones, and which can be addressed in new ways. These new processes require a change of approach in school management, which is not only a matter of school management and education, but also of rural development. The aim of the study is to draw attention to the relevance of this process by referring to the literature and by analysing the attitudes of school leaders in Szeklerland.