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Search Results

  • Discovering factors influencing study success of students with disabilities and learning difficulties in an interview study

    The focus of our research is on students with disabilities defined by the current National Higher Education Act in Hungary. The actuality of the topic is that after the millennium, due to the expansion of higher education, the above-mentioned students appeared at universities, but regulations dealing with their presence in Hungary were laid down as late as 2007. Earlier researches have studied the accessibility and inclusive practices of the institutions internationally and in Hungary, but only little attention has been paid to these students’ chances of acquisition and retention to higher education. Equal opportunities in higher education appear to be an important supporting factor in our research however, the overall social context of the individual has a great influence on successful entry and graduation. A further research opportunity, a deeper, more extensive quantitative study of the institutional presence of students with disabilities and the factors contributing to their learning success is emerging.

  • Fogyatékossággal élő serdülőkorú fiatalok tápláltsági állapota és testképe Szabolcs-Szatmár Bereg vármegyében

    From the point of view of learning a healthy lifestyle, adolescence is a very sensitive period, characterized by risk-seeking behavior and risk-laden period. This period is characterized by the appreciation of peer relationships, which can also be observed in children with disabilities. An incorrect lifestyle, obesity/overweight is a predictor of adult health. Persons with disabilities often live with co-morbidities and can count on a shorter lifespan. The aim of this study is to assess the nutritional status of young people aged 12-18 with disabilities in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County. According to the results, two-thirds of young people have an inadequate nutritional status, more than 30% are overweight or obese. Obesity/overweight occurs at a lower rate among children of families with above-average financial status.

  • Anti-bullying approach applied among children with autism spectrum disorder in light of a professional literate review

    The investigation of the phenomenon called bullying has started approximately five decades ago and simultaneously prevention and intervention programs have been developed. Shedding light on the concern of students with disabilities, such as children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders has delayed. The focused programs for students with autism are still missing, though it is likely that the tools and aiming of prevention and intervention should not be irrespective of the nature and diagnosis of autism and the identified risk factors.

  • Az inklúzió és a sajátos nevelési igény lehetséges kontextusai egy nemzetközi kutatás tükrében

    Tanulmányunkban az iskolai inklúzió és a sajátos nevelési igénye (a továbbiakban: SNI) összefüggéseit vizsgáltuk egy nemzetközi kutatás keretében. Az elméleti részben vázoljuk a szegregációtól az integráción át az inklúzióig tartó folyamatot, mely alapján vitatott az egyes fogalmak használata. Az iskolarendszerben az integráció a fogyatékossággal élő tanulók szegregált oktatásával szemben kialakult megközelítést és gyakorlatot jelenti, melynek célja az elkülönített oktatás felszámolása volt. Az SNI nem diagnosztikus, hanem iskoláztatási fogalom, és a gyógypedagógiai és a jogi fogalomhasználat sem esik egybe. Kutatásunkba ukrajnai (kárpátaljai, 280 fő), lengyel (271 fő) és magyarországi (552 fő) tanulók kerültek. Az iskolai befogadást és a társas támogatást az iskolai sikerek alakítják, növelik. A sikerek képesek a tanulási problémákkal küzdő tanulók önbecsülését is növelni, ami együtt jár a társas támogatás növekedésének és a kirekesztés csökkenésének a szubjektív észlelésével.

  • A fogyatékkal élők sportolási lehetőségei és motivációs tényezői

    Even in the most advanced parts of the world, in many cases it can be a serious challenge for a person with reduced mobility or someone otherwise disabled to find sporting possibilities satisfying his/her special needs, especially if he/she wants to do sports close to his/her place of residence. Considering that it is (or in many cases: it should be)of great importance for people with and without disabilities to lead an active lifestyle, and the regrettable fact that, according to research data available, the proportion of those who do parasports is far from the percentage of those athletes with no disabilities, it would be extremely beneficial to explore the underlying causes and to outline policies that can be supported without hesitation by any regime or political direction. In the course of writing this study, we have set ourselves the goal of getting closer to solving this problem by reviewing publications of the past 15 years that focus on the motivational factors and opportunities of disabled athletes, and at the same time providing a synopsis of this topic that can serve as a starting point for further research.