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  • Iskolavezetők és vidéki elitszerepek

    The study is based on a questionnaire survey carried out in 2017-2018. It analyses the attitudes of school leaders in Szeklerland (n=238) based on two main aspects in the topics that determine the everyday school work and leadership: (1) the relationship between school and local society and (2) the social context. The importance of this topic is indicated by the changes in the role of schools, teachers and school leaders in the 21st century, which have created different challenges for rural schools and areas compared to urban ones, and which can be addressed in new ways. These new processes require a change of approach in school management, which is not only a matter of school management and education, but also of rural development. The aim of the study is to draw attention to the relevance of this process by referring to the literature and by analysing the attitudes of school leaders in Szeklerland.

  • Oktatás – ruralitás – társadalmi környezet

    The study examines the question of what factors shape attitudes towards education in Szeklerland (Romania) and what role the rural character of the rural Hungarian regional society plays in shaping attitudes towards school and learning. Due to the specific situation of Szeklerland, four factors frame Hungarian education in the region: the official state institutional system, the minority situation, the regional identity-building process and the way the regional rural society functions. The study summarises the research results of WAC - Center for Regional and Anthropological Research in Miercurea-Ciuc and discusses the ways in which the lifestyle, values and norms of local or micro-regional communities frame the everyday attitude of families and parents towards education. The authors emphasise that the relationship between education and local or micro-communities, which has developed over the past decades and is still relevant today, is characterised by a parallelism in which both distance and interconnectedness are constantly present.

  • Questions of research while examining the organizational development of health care

    There are serious debates about the health crisis both in the public sector and the literature. Health care was the first service to be exempted from market law after the Second World War. General and free health care brought hope and relative results following the social shock. Due to equal access the established health networks were successful in improving health indicators, but this stalled by the end of the 1960s as modernization processes were significantly reduced and "the institutional network was confronted with new challenges ahead." (Szalai J. 1989:171) I begin my examination into the health care system by comparing the causes, phenomena, parallels, and disorganizations of past and present dissonances in primary and specialist care. I assume that having known the basic problems, a successful reform of the health care system can be started by modernization and the organizational development of primary and outpatient care.

  • Digitális kihívások a felsőoktatásban: Az NKE oktatóinak digitális készségeinek kvantitatív vizsgálata

    The information society is not only transforming the process of education but also creating new positions and challenges in the labour market, and education must prepare for this. Research shows that the success of education depends mostly on teachers (Mourshed, Chijoka and Barber 2010). In this study, we investigate the digital competence of teachers at Ludovika University of Public Service (hereinafter: LUPC) (N=824). For the quantitative research, we used the DigCompEdu questionnaire. The level of digital competence of the teachers is assessed based on their own self-assessment. We assume that although their digital competences need improvement, but their motivation to use digital technologies in the classroom is positive. The instructors scored higher points in the areas of digital resource management, professional engagement and teaching & learning but they scored the lowest in the area of assessment.

  • A helyi szociális ellátórendszer és a K-hullám elmélet

    A háborúkat béke időszakok követik, a válságokat hosszabb konjunktúra időszakok. A gazdaságnak ciklusai vannak, mint az évszakok, amelyek váltják egymást a történelmi időben. Az átmenet korszakokban a kreatív rombolás formájában váltják le a korábbi termelési technológiákat állítja Kondratyev elmélete alapján Schumpeter. A gazdaság fejlődését meghatározó humán tőkének is van fejlődési ciklusa. A humánberuházások többnyire megelőzik a gazdaságban végbe menő kreatív rombolás időszakát, Egyrészt elősegítve a váltást, másrészt részei a változásnak. Ezekben a kreatív ciklusokban kulcsszerepe van a helyi szociális szolgáltatás szervezeteinek, ezen belül az oktatásnak. Történelmi példák mutatják a humán tőke ciklus változásai nem vak szerencse függvényei. Ellenkezőleg, minden nagy váltást jól átgondolt politikai döntés előzött meg, amelyet politikusok hoznak, akik korszakokat jelölnek ki.

  • I am who I am. Minority group identification

    Over the past half century, there have been rapid changes and reorientation in social processes, which can be perceived empirically, too. Our world has become more interactive, information flow has hastened, and communication technology has constantly been evolving. The accelerated processes, the historical and cultural changes have caused an identity crisis for families belonging to minority groups. The purpose of this study is to present how identification has changed among couples of intermarriage who are living in Vojvodina, and among the members of a community of Roma women living in two Hungarian counties. Similarities and differences in the lives of these two minority groups were investigated. In our research, we have concluded that the opening of mobility opportunities has significantly accelerated assimilation.

  • Health Consciousness. Health Education as a Special Case of Social Responsibility

    Aim: In 2017, the infant death was .0039 and 0.3% of them was caused by cot death. The only chance for these infants to survive is early recognition and immediate intervention by laymen. Consequently, parents and carers are to be trained. Our research examined the efficiency of education into this emergency situation. Our aim was to highlight the key role of education which can promote health consciousness.
    Methods: Efficiency was examined in two target groups. Traditional education was provided for one of the groups, while phantom simulators were used in the other one. Questionnaires and interviews revealed the respondents’ experience (n=421). The results were analysed with statistical methods.
    Results: Teaching with simulation proved to be more efficient and popular than traditional education.
    Conclusion: Our results reflect that simulation based education is highly needed. Education on prevention, which teaches the basics of health education, paves the way to health consciousness and health behaviour.

  • Health state and health education

    In our study, we present the results of a survey, presented among the roma local group living in settlement conditions; concerning their health state, health education and health awareness behaviour. The study explored the quality of life of these disadvantaged groups in several dimensions. According to our results health state and health education need a multilevel intervention, focused on emphasising the preventive functions of the primary health care; in order to gain a long term, positive change among the related social groups.