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  • Impact of potassium fertilizers with different active ingredients and dosages on potato yield in experiments in the Nyírség region

    A five-year experiment was carried out in the Nyírség on its characteristic soil type, brown forest soil to investigate the impact of three types of potassium fertilizers (potassium chloride, potassium sulfate and Patentkali) in three different dosages (80, 160, 240 kg/ha K20), under non-irrigated conditions applying the same dosages of N, P in all treatments (the applied amount was different between years) in 10 treatments including the control on 50 m2-parcels with 3 or 4 replicates. The test plant was cultivar Desiree, Kondor, Agria and Pannonia in 1998 and 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003, respectively. The obtained yields were analyzed by an analysis of variance. Based on the five-year results, the highest yields on the acidic sandy and sandy loam soils were obtained in the treatments with 530-800 kg/ha Patentkali containing 30% of K and 10% of magnesium active ingredients in addition to the same amounts of N and P applications. The dosage of 530 kg/ha Patentkali contains 160 kg/ha K+ 53 kg/ha Mg active ingredients, while the dosage of 800 kg/ha Patentkali contains 240 kg/ha K+ 80 kg/ha Mg active ingredients. It can be concluded that the potassium chloride fertilizer (KCI) was the least effective as regards yields and Patentkali proved to be the most effective fertilizer, it had higher yields than even those of potassium sulfate, the difference in the 160 kg/ha treatments was 17.7%, which was a significant difference. Based on the results of the multi-year experiment, we recommend to apply 530 kg/ha Patentkali fertilizer (160 kg/ha K+ 53 kg/ha Mg active ingredients) for the fertilization in potato under non-irrigated conditions on the acidic sandy and sandy loam forest soils of the Nyírség, which proved to be the most effective treatment and with which we could obtain 30 t/ha yield in the average of the years (with the simultaneous application of N and P).

  • Investigation of some production factors on yield and quality of dry beans

    The correlation between plant density and yield average shows that the volume of yield increases in varieties of large and medium-size seeds up to a plant density of 285-400 thousand/ha, after which it declines.

    On the basis of the results, yield averages at plant densities of 285-334 thousand plant/ha are 0.17 t/ha higher than those achieved at low density (200 thousand plant/ha).

    High levels of potassium fertilizer did not enhance the yield of dry beans. With adequate-water supply the high level of potassium decreased the number of pods and seeds per plant compared with a basic level of fertilizer, which could ensure 2.5 t/ha yield.

  • Effect of N, P, K and Mg fertilizers on some vegetative and generative parameters of a sweet cherry cultivar

    This two-year-study was aimed to provide results on the effect of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium fertilizer treatments (control, NP, NPK, NPKMg) on vegetative and generative features of the sweet cherry cultivar ‘Carmen’. Examinations were performed in an orchard planted in 2012 on Prunus mahaleb rootstock with spacing of 5 x 2.5 m. All treatments improved the vegetative features of the sweet cherry trees in both years of 2016 and 2017. Fertilizer treated trees increased trunk cross section area (TCSA) with 51.3-63.1%, while control trees showed 48.3% trunk growth increase. Yields of control trees were lower in both years (5.9-7.2 kg/tree), than that of the fertilized trees (7.8-11.3 kg/tree). Treatments also increased the phosphorus (16-22%), magnesium (12-20%) and potassium content (3.5-18%) of the fruits compared to control treatments.

  • The effects of foliar nutrition containing various macro and microelements on the growth and development of young grafted walnut (Juglans regia L.) plants

    The Stopgril liquido (S), a foliar fertilizer containing nitrogen, calcium and magnesium was used to improve the spring and the summer growth of grafted walnut plants in the second year of cultivation in the nursery. To accomplish early termination of vegetative growth and good lignification, the composed mineral fertilizer Hascon M 10 AD (H) containing phosphorous, potassium and microelements B, Mn and Mo was applied on the same plants. Four treatments (S, H, SH, C) were applied three times in a growing season. Their effects on the height and the basal diameter of the plants in the nursery depended on the starting height of the plants and the time of application. During the first growth period in the orchard, the number of developed buds on the plant, the circumference of the plants and their height were influenced by the treatment in the previous year in the nursery. According to the results obtained through the investigation, three applications of Stopgril + Hascon in the nursery per year can be recommended in order to obtain high enough and well lignified two-year-old grafted walnut plants.

  • The salt tolerance of vegetable paprika varieties

    In our experiments, we have chiefly tested the salt sensitivity of sweet pepper varieties. In cold forcing, 0.3 1/plant nutrient solutions of different NaCI content were given twice weekly. EC of the nutrient solutions containing 0.25% Volldünger Linz complex fertilizer was made up to 6, 10, 14 and 18 mS/cm, respectively, by 2.51/9.17/17.97/26.76 g/m2 doses of pharmacopeal NaCI every week. The solution used for the control treatment contained Volldünger only (EC 4.4 mS/cm). Irrigation was made with pure water (EC 0.6 mS/cm) when necessary.

    The varieties chosen for the experiments were the following: Feherözön, HRF F1, Syn. Cecei (of white, conical fruit), Boni (of white, blunt, infolded fruit), Titan F1 (of pointed, hot fruit) and Pritavit F1 (of tomato shaped fruit).

    In general, the symptoms caused by NaCI treatments (with doses higher than 10 g/m2 weekly) have been the following:

    • They have reduced the leaf area, the height of the plants, the total and the early yield, the number of fruit set per square meter, the average weight of the fruit (and, in some measure, fruit length, too) and the thousand seed weight.
    • They have increased the calcium and the chlorine content of the leaves and fruits and the dry matter content of the fruits.
    • They haven't affected the dry matter content of the leaves, the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content of the leaves and fruits, and the germinating ability of the seed.
    • The effect on stem diameter and on seed production per fruit has been contradictory in some cases.

    The effects of the intermediate treatments haven't been explicit in several cases.

    The results of the examination of cuticular secretion have indicated the increase of the sodium and chlorine content of the leaves. This can be important in field growing where the rainwater may wash out a part of sodium and chlorine from paprika leaves.

    The hot, pointed variety and the tomato shaped paprika haven't shown clearly higher salt tolerance than the varieties of white fruit colour.

  • Response of alternate bearing of “Badamy sefid” Pistachio cultivar to foliar application of some macro and micro elements

    Response of “Badamy sefid” Pistachio trees to spraying of fertilizer was studied over two years (2006–2007). The boron and zinc fertilizer were used just on swelling time of female flower bud in compare to no fertilization (control). Also nutritional solution combined of nitrogen (400 ppm), phosphorus (P2O5) (380 ppm), potasium (K2O) (520 ppm), Fe (5 ppm), Cu (2 ppm), Zn (2 ppm), Mn (2 ppm) in 1000 liter water per hectare sprayed at first week of May, third week of June and July). The concentration of some macro and micro elements in flower bud and in leaves, also productivity (g/shoot sectional area) mean nut weight, fresh weight of nut per cm2 branch cross sectional area, blanks nuts %, non-split nut %, new shoot growth length after cessation of growth and remained flower bud (%) at the next spring were recorded for the different treatments. The results showed that boron and zinc concentration increased in the bud of sprayed trees in compare to control. Application of nutritional solution decreased the flower bud abscission, also resulted in increased vegetative growth, nut weight, and productivity of trees. In conclusion, spraying of fertilizers in the suitable time to the pistachio trees might be a useful method in decreasing flower bud abscission and mitigating the alternate bearing.