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  • Cytokinins affect the stomatal conductance and CO2 exchange of in vitro apple leaves

    Effects of different cytokinin supplies including two types of aromatic cytokinins, such as benzyl-adenine, and 3-hydroxybenzyladenine applied at two different concentrations (2.0 and 6.0 μM) were studied on water and gas exchange parameters in in vitro apple leaves of ‘Royal Gala’ and ‘Freedom’ scions after 3 weeks of culture. Cytokinin supply affected the stomatal conductance of water vapour, transpiration rate and the sub-stomatal CO2 concentration of leaves. Effect of cytokinin depended on its applied type and concentration, moreover on the apple scion. According to the results, the rate of CO2 exchange itself is not usable for characterization of function of photosynthetic apparatus of in vitro leaves. However, measurements of stomatal conductance of water vapour and transpiration rate seemed to be good indicators for stomatal behaviour of in vitro apple leaves.

  • Single and dual effects of different cytokinins on shoot multiplication of different apple scions

    Shoot multiplication responses of three apple scions to different concentrations of BA and BAR as single source of cytokinins and in combination with two concentrations of KIN were studied. The effects of hormones depended on genotype, type and interactions of different cytokinins. Use of BAR significantly enhanced the shoot multiplication of cv. Jonagold (6.5 shoots per explant). The multiplication rate of cv. Jonagold could not be improved by using the combination of BAR and KIN. The best proliferation was achieved by 1.0 mg 1-1 BA combined with 1.0 mg 1-1 KIN of cv. Prima..(8.1) and of cv. Galaxy (10.4).The effect of 0.5 mg 1-1 BA along with 1.5 mg 1-1 KIN was similar on multiplication rate (10.9) of cv. Galaxy.

  • New in vitro micrografting method for apple by sticking

    The requirements for in vitro micrografting in apple are described. In vitro multiplicated shoots of cv. Royal Gala were the sources of rootstocks and scions after different pre-treatment, respectively. Oxidative browning of cut surfaces could be inhibited by the use of antioxidant mixture during grafting process. Scion base cut in v-shape was stuck by 1% agar-agar solution into the vertical slit of rootstock. There was no any displacement and the rate of fused and further developed grafts was 95 percent. Agar-agar between the rootstock and scion made the transport of different materials possible and hold the graft units together until the fusion took place. Fusion was proved also by histological studies. Some of in vitro micrografts were planted and acclimatisated and the survival was 100 percent.