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  • Thermoelastic Problems of Multilayered Spherical Pressure Vessels Subjected to Axisymmetric Loading

    This paper deals with the linear thermoelastic analysis of functionally graded multilayered spherical bodies subjected to constant mechanical and thermal loading. The temperature field is arbitrary function of the radial coordinate, the material properties and the radial body force vary according to power law functions along the radius of the sphere. An analytical method is presented to calculate the displacements and stresses within the multilayered spherical body. The method is expanded to tackle the problem of spherical bodies made from radially graded materials with temperature dependent material properties. The results are compared to finite element simulations and other methods.

  • Torsion of Truncated Hollow Spherical Elastic Body

    This paper deals with the torsion of a body of rotation whose shape is a truncated hollow sphere. The material of the truncated hollow sphere is isotropic, homogeneous and linearly elastic. To solve the torsion problem, the theory of torsion of shafts of varying circular cross section is used, which is introduced by Michell and Föppl. Analytical solution is given for the shearing stresses and displacements. A numerical example illustrates the application of the presented solution. The results of the presented numerical example can be used as a benchmark problem to verify the accuracy of the results computed by finite element simulations.

  • Examining the Social Involvement of Sports Civic Organizations

    Analyzing the information available in the Hungarian database of the CSO, we can see that a significant part of the income of classical non-governmental organizations, especially non-governmental organizations with a sports profile, comes mainly from state or private support. In addition, it can be said that these organizations are essentially non-profit-oriented and play a significant role in social integration and the performance of essential social tasks. Therefore, the relevant question is to what extent and in what way their social embeddedness is realized, in what way do NGOs influence people in the course of their operation? Within this, the study of the social usefulness of sports non-governmental organizations and the sphere of support conditions in the sphere emerges as a priority area. In our study, we undertake to examine the activity of the organizations included in the survey, their social impact and to compare the results with their role in local society. Nearly 50% of the NGOs surveyed in the study have a local scope, and more than 50% typically engage in grassroots and leisure-related activities.

  • A Wounded Soldier Fighting on two Fronts: Civil Society Organizations Initiatives Struggling to Overcome the Pandemic Crisis by Practical Protective Means, Volunteerism, Reporting and Awareness Campaign Discourse

    Given the fact that the covid-19 pandemic virus has had a pervasive impact on almost every sphere of life globally, it is noteworthy to highlight the role and position of the civil society sector, and this paper intends to do so by striking at two matters. Initially, outlining the impact on the functioning and activities of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), to then proceed with their response to the crisis, through new multifarious initiatives/activities. The analysis was developed by using, essentially, unobtrusive data and direct non-participatory observations of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Kosovo that have had initiatives against covid-19. Although CSOs were badly affected by the pandemic as such, and the consequences it brought, whether, through measures and/or neglect from the central level, they still found the resources and willingness to launch initiatives to combat the pandemic in the form or different. All over the country, appeared organizations which among their activities found a place for awareness campaigns, material and financial assistance to citizens in need, production of masks, face shields, and other protective equipment for citizens or health institutions, and providing voluntary assistance as health staff. To link practice with theory, there are presented cases of NGOs that well reflect scholarship ideas such as the need to have a classification of CSOs based on activities, the importance of their IT repertoires, coproduction, and especially the response to the crisis. The importance of this study grounds on the benefit it brings to understanding the role and contribution of CSOs in exceptional times of crisis, especially for a society that underestimates and neglects this sector.

  • Civic Organizations, Sports Civic Organizations and the Control

    Control, az a managerial function cannot be considered as one of the most frequently preferred examinational topics, and it is also valid for the matter of civic organization. Nevertheless, we must not forget about the increasing number and intensive non-profit sphere after the change of the regime, where the civic sphere inside has become determinant. In 2017, 15,2% of the 61 151 nonprofit organizations had a sport profile, and this ratio is higher, 16,2% regarding the 53 613 classic civic organizations (including only associations and foundations).  The specialty of these organizations is the strong relationship with subsidies, and it seems that it has turned into subsidy dependence by now (2/3 of the incomes are subsidies), as a conclusion from the data of the Hungarian Statistical Office. This topic may also become sensible in a way, when an organization cannot account the received subsidies or cannot meet expectations of the judicial expectations, which all raises managerial control related concerns. It also highlights the relationship between civic organizations and control. In this study, we aim to cover some relevant specifications of the topic through the control, as a managerial function, and based on the results we may conclude that a higher ratio of organizations cannot really perform by the expectations.   

  • Sports Civic Organizations-Subsidies and the Subsidy Exposure

    When we discuss the topic of civic organizations, especially sports profile civic organizations we need to note and comment that issue how these organizational forms are able and capable to accept subsidies. The related data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) highlight the phenomenon that incomes of the classic civic organizations are mainly composed of state or private source donations. Although there is a really and pretty predictable subsidy system in the field of civic sphere currently, from one hand the distribution of the single subsidy forms considerably vary, on the other hand it result in the considerable amount of available financial resources. The fact whether subsidy forms and subsidy incomes have relationship with the addition alvariables of the organizational operation, such as subsidies provided, employment relationship, and expenditures may acquire special attention at the management of organizational operation together with the planned strategic interventions in the field of the civic sphere. 

  • Employment Practice of Persons with Disabilities and a Reduced Work Capacity in the Open Labour Market

    Based on the labour market situation of persons with disabilities and a reduced work capacity as an employee group we can claim that it is an employee group struggling with significant disadvantages. Their economic activity is behind thereof the population without disabilities and a reduced work capacity. According to the latest statistical data the employment level of persons with disabilities and a reduced work capacity is only around 18 per cent. The governments in power try to increase the economic activity of the affected employee group with both positive and negative incentive system laying stress on the field of primary open labour market. However, it is all unimaginable without changing the approach of the society and the business sphere, which can succeed through the legal regulation of equal opportunities, equal treatment and the prohibition of discrimination. By means of professional interviews carried out with company directors and HR directors of 3 examined companies operating in the Northern Great Plain region as well as case studies the article aims at exploring the attitude of market participants towards the employee group of persons with disabilities and a reduced work capacity, legal changes of recent years, the extent this group is employed and the obstacles that make their further employment more difficult.

  • Sport Civic Society – Approaches and Facts

    After the change of regime in Hungary in 1989, the domestic civic sphere started to improve, and after numerous change in the legal regulation, currently the Act on Civic Organizations (Act 174/2011.) rules the operation of the sector before all, supplemented by additional legal background. The vital component of the new regulation is possibility of the appearance of the novel organizational form, the civic society, which is quite odd even considering the past and even on international level. The database enabling the statistical overview of the domestic nonprofits publish the end of 2019 provides no information on the data and operational features for this organizational form, which provides a thorough reason for the researcher to be interested in the topic and the organizations. Through the possible secondary data, a primary database of a lately done sports civic organization related research includes such basic data (even its sample height is small), which may be considered as a starting point at the examination of the specifications of the sports related civic societies.

  • Changeable requirements & Answers With a dynamic system in order to continual improvement of the environmental performance of a rubber industrial big company

    The topic of this article is the analysis of the changeable environmental requirements for the Environmental Management Systems (EMS) of the companies. The strengthened environmental criteria of the 21st century creates new challenges for the participants of the business sphere. In order to satisfy the criteria of the stakeholders, it is necessary to build out a - by the top management - preferred and proactive EMS that can contain also a life cycle thinking method. This logic is supported by the new ISO14001:2015 standard, too. In the first part of the article the stakeholder conception and the new standard model is presented based on literature analysis. The second part of the article presents an environmental management tool developed by a multinational, tyre company. The model combines the stakeholder conception, the requirements and the life cycle assessment (LCA) in order to respond to the new environmental management challenges. The last part of the article closes with the new development possibilities of the presented environmental management tool worked out by the author.

  • The Relationship Between Sports Civic Organizations and Human Resources

    Every spring the Hungarian Central Statistical Office records through its ELEKTRA database system the human and economic related operation data of the past year of civic organizations. This data source is usually considered as a standard at the evaluation of the domestic civic sphere. Still, the available handout titled “Most important features of the non-profit sector”, applying mainly descriptive statistics only provides a brief picture of specifications of the sector. Parallel with it, its background database is available yearly, which provides a unique possibility for a researcher to perform secondary analysis aiming to reveal deeper relationship. The objective of our study is purely to reveal a minor part of this considerable field, the relationship between subsidies and human resources mainly due to the fact, that human resource in this sector is composed of employees and volunteers, and it is questionable whether subsidies have an impact on employment.  Results revealed that there is a relationship between human resources and subsidies, where mainly private nature subsidies have a strong impact equally on voluntariness and work related employment

  • Sports Civic Organizations-Conceptualization Issues and Trials

    Lately published statistics of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office reveal such a phenomenon that in some years (between 2011 and 2015), that the number of sport related classic civic organizations has increased in the narrowing non-profit sphere. Inside, the role of sport has been intensified primarily among the sports associations, and not among the foundations. Considering the Central Statistical Office methodology, the questions arises and serves an issue that how can we conceptualize a sport civic organization. Regarding the same topic, we may face diverse databases, and it also seems that different conceptualization approaches exist, we do not have uniform regulation, and current data also raise further questions. Through a “from general to specific approach” we aim to reveal that in what way a civic organization can be considered to be a sports related civic organizations and also try to highlight the consequences of this plural approach.

  • Issues of Regional Social Innovation

    Social innovation is not determined as a uniform definition, after a literature review can be defined as follows: social innovation is an innovative and new way of improving community well-being [2]. Social innovation can be defined and measured at micro-, mezo- and macro level similar to technical and economic innovation and plays a key role in the competitiveness. Because of imbalances arising from different levels of economic development, catching-up demand of peripheral settlements have appeared. In addition to the so-called technical innovations, the solution of social problems can be achieved by social tools, methods and new organizations. In catching-up process the local, community level construed innovative ideas and the activities of social innovation play a significant role. The expansion of the innovative areas results in different innovation processes and they can be considered as complementary processes. The social and technical innovation are closely interacting. If there is achange in the economic sphere, social change can occur. This study examines the role of local communities in social innovation at regional level and summarizes the clarifying questions of implementation. Social innovation as a new tool is able to answer daily challenges. The innovative solutions of municipalities, which means new collaborations, result sustainable, flexible and open leadership at regional level. This study will examine the role of governments (or their institutions) in the implementation and generating of social innovation, the tasks of regional innovators and social solutions and models of certain municipalities in Hungary and the European Union.

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