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  • Examination of the Relationship between Renewable Energy and Economic Performance

    Many countries are making considerable efforts to achieve solutions to environmental problems that we face today and developing renewable energy resources is one of the potential long-term solutions that constitute an absolute priority from a sustainable development perspective. The usage of renewable energy is one of the critical future challenges to reduce greenhouse gas emission and decrease energy dependency at the same time. Thus, replacing traditional energy sources with renewable ones, like Hydropower and wind power to produce electricity instead of fossil fuel. The objective of this study is to find a relationship between renewable energy consumption, macroeconomic factors, and the environment. There is a reliable and significant (at 1% significant level) association between REC with GHG and GDP and a relatively strong association with EC.

  • The Relationship Between Renewable Energy Consumption, Net Energy Import, Greenhouse Gas Emission and Human Cap

    The measures to improve energy efficiency and increase of renewable energy production and consumption should be encouraged in the interest of sustainable development. Many factors can influence the use of renewable energy such as the level of economic development of an economy, nationals’ and the main  economic actors’ environmental awareness, energy import dependency, ratio of the urban population, and government subsidization intensity among the others. The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the share of renewable energy in the total energy consumption and net energy import as a percentage of energy use less production, greenhouse gas emission per capita and human capital using by OECD countries data from 1990 to 2014. The results indicate that there is a negative relationship between net energy import and renewable energy consumption, and also negative relationship can be shown between the amount of greenhouse gas emission per capita and renewable energy consumption. However, we identified a positive relationship between human capital and renewable energy consumption for energy importer countries above a certain level of human capital.

  • Optimizing the combustion processes of a small scale solid fuel-fired boiler

    Over the last decade, the public has been paying increasing attention to reducing greenhouse gas and acid rain emissions and reducing particulate matter, which is extremely harmful to health and the environment. To improve air quality, the European Commission has achieved a range of measures to reduce air pollutant emissions in the transport, heat and electricity, industrial and agricultural sectors. In Hungary, the amount of gas and solid air pollutants from solid fuel combustion used by the public during the heating season represents a significant percentage of the total amount present in the atmosphere. In 2016, taking into the total emission, the 29% of CO2 emissions; 85% of CO emissions; 75% of the particulate matter emissions and 21% of the NOx emissions were derived from households. It follows that the improvement of air quality can also be achieved by controlling the emissions of solid fuel combustion plants. During our research we aimed to optimize the operation of a newly purchased TOTYA S18 boiler and a pilot pellet boiler. Operating the boilers in the correct mode minimizes air pollutant emissions, and the greater part of the heat generated is actually turns to heating the home, as with poor settings, a lot of heat leaves through the chimney. The data obtained during the tests can also be used to determine whether the boilers comply with the emission values set out in Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1185.

  • Future Power Plant Portfolio Analysis from the Point of View of Minimum Cost and Emission Optimization

    The article examines the expected composition of the power plant portfolio in Hungary by 2030. The indicators considered are the life-cycle unit costs (LCOE) and the life-cycle specific carbon dioxide emissions (LCA(CO2)) of the power plant types. The minimum of these two indicators, as objective functions, is determined by a linear programming method for the power plant portfolio. The results show that the LCOE minimum for the power plant portfolios in 2030 is worse in absolute terms and better in specific terms than in 2021. In both absolute and specific terms, the LCA(CO2) minimum is more favourable in 2021. These results are met under the thirty and twenty-five percent electricity import scenarios. With twenty percent imports, the absolute values are worse and the specific values are better for both indicators. On the other hand, the results of the calculations for 2030 fall short of the 2030 Agenda of the Institute for a Green Transition. This is due to the delay in commissioning a new nuclear power plant and the transformation of industry with increasing electricity demand. For the portfolios under review, a minimum of thirty percent of domestic generation from renewable sources is met. This contributes significantly to the European Union's ambition for the sector to be net greenhouse gas-free by 2050.

  • Climate-Neutral Energy Production - Prospects in Hungary in 2024

    In order to protect our planet's climate, it is important to reduce humanity's carbon dioxide emissions significantly. The energy sector is one of the most polluting industries, but the rapid spread of renewable energy sources over the past 20 years can significantly contribute to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. The study examined which energy sources are used to produce electricity in Hungary, and how the proportion of renewable energy has developed in recent years compared to more polluting energy production methods. There is a strong negative exponential relationship between the share of renewable energy and the carbon dioxide emissions of the energy sector, based on which the carbon dioxide emissions of the energy sector can be significantly reduced by increasing the share of renewable energy. A forecast was made for the renewable share based on past data and the revised state of the National Energy and Climate Plan in 2023, and a linear forecast was made for the energy sector's emissions. There is a strong exponential relationship between the data series. Both models examined in the study had strong explanatory power, but neither model supports the possibility of climate-neutral energy production by 2030.

  • Current Challenges in the Regulation of CO2 Emission of Road Vehicles

    Today, as part of the fight against climate change, regulations on greenhouse gas emissions are gaining significantly higher attention. Our work focuses on the European Union legislation on carbon dioxide emissions from road vehicles, with special emphasis on the target values. Current changes in CO2 measurement methods, as important issues of the regulations, are also reviewed within this article.

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