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  • Grounds of changemanagement

    Organisations of the 21st century exist in a permanent change. Change management in business management deals with the analysis of directed and planned changes. However, it does not consider spontaneous changes.Change has been addressed in social science since the 1970s and is of growing importance. As in many cases adapting to the change is crucial for the organisations to survive. With the changeThese spontaneous changes are chaotic processes that are carried out without control. In this paper I present the evolution of changemanagement, and the most important questions of changes.

  • Teaching the Analysis of Newton’s Cooling Model to Engineering Students

    To apply mathematical methods to physical or other real life problem, we have to formulate the problem in mathematical terms. It means that, we have to construct the mathematical model for the problem. Many physical problems shows the relationships between changing quantities. The rates of change are represented mathematically by derivatives. In this case the mathematical models involve equations relating an unknown function and one or more of its derivatives. These equations are the differential equations. In this article, teaching the analysis of Newton's cooling model to engineering students is presented as one of the applications of separable differential equations.

  • Classical and applied mathematics in secondary school

    In a secondary school I wrote a test with similar abilites student. In one class students had to solved applied mathematics exercises, in other class there were pure mathematics exercises. I anayzed the results.

  • Investigation of SCOR Model in Connection with Performance and Warehouses

    Business leaders can use several strategic tools to improve the organization, depending on what they consider to be important. The Supply Chain Operational Reference Model (SCOR) is one of these. Its importance is to link business processes, performance metrics, best practices, and technology together and to create a unified structure. It promotes communication between the stakeholders of the supply chain and improves supply chain management and the efficiency of the related supply chain improvement activities. The aim of this study is to find out how the SCOR model appears in the international literature related to warehousing and performance. What methods and tools do authors use to investigate their research questions and hypotheses? Description statistics and category selection were used to present the results of the study. The number of SCOR model researches related to warehouse performance measurments are very rare, it is rather used to describe different processes. In the future, it would be worthwhile to extend the SCOR model analyzes to further fields, especially to warehouse performance measurements.

  • The Alternative Use of Straw

    The problem addressed in this work is to examine the feasibility of using straw in innovative and alternative ways, focusing on aspects of cost sensitivity in subject areas of building investment and energy compsumption. I analysed the energy efficient performance of a straw bale building and compared that with those of a conventional construction, a newly-constracted building and a passive house. In my study I assessed the figures of costs of emboided energy, primary energy consumption and carbon dioxide emission. I made calculations in terms of energy costs for a lifespan of 50 years. Considering that straw-bale construction uses an excellent and sustainable insulation material, its energy use is by 25.38% less than that of conventional construction.

  • Menedzsment módszerek az Ipar 4.0 tükrében

    The fourth industrial revolution poses major challenges for organisations in terms of technological aspects and from a management point of view, too. Good (effective) management is vital as it can help overcome the difficulties arising from shortages of skilled labour and from cost-cutting pressures, and it can help improve efficiency of resources. Innovations require management methods that support the introduction of industry 4.0. In my review of the literature, I aim to find out how the current level of sophistication in this new field can help managers of SME to better embrace change. Based on the reviewed literature, from management point of view, organisational structure, leadership style and HR practices are key to creating an atmosphere conducive to learning and innovation. In terms of structure, researchers do not suggest one thing to apply, but emphasise that industry 4.0 is characterised by an unstable, changing environment, so it is worth developing a structure that is characterised by decentralisation, few rules, horizontal communication and collaborative teamwork, i.e. much more organic than mechanical. In terms of different leadership styles, it is the transformational leadership that is the most often mentioned, however, in case of industry 4.0, we need even more because it can have various limitations. Even before industry 4.0, literature has highlighted that the recommended leadership style can be defined as the combination of transformational and transactional leadership; research in industry 4.0 in recent years also emphasises that it is the expanded construction of a knowledge-driven leadership style that blends the two, which can best facilitate innovation and learning. Managers can develop employee skills and improve their learning abilities through a variety of HR practices. So the right structure, leadership style and HR prepare the organisation for industry 4.0 by facilitating learning, improving skills and innovation.

  • Historical Aspects of the Internationalisation of the Higher Education as Historical Examples of Innovation and Knowledge Transfer

    The internationalisation of the higher education is one of the most actual topics of the education management nowadays. It can bring a solution for the problems of the Hungarian higher educational institutions caused by the demographically expected decrease of the number of students. The internationalisation of the higher education is not a new-fangled phenomenon however it became much popular in the last decades and it has been spread globally. The aim of this article to show the historical aspects of the internationalisation in higher education based on literature review and research.

  • International Experiences of Introducing Dual Training Based on Examples from Some Countries

    In Hungary, dual training was introduced in 2015.  Dual training is a response to the needs of the labour market and has become increasingly popular since its introduction. Dual training is also playing an increasingly important role in higher educationin many countries, helping to modernise education, the knowledge transferred and fostering stronger links between companies and universities. The aim of this article is to present the dual training system and the international experience gained over time, drawing on the literature available on the subject.

  • The Opportunity of Analysing Global Career

    The study aims to define global career and to present an applicable method. Internationalisation and globalisation indisputably have affect on companies actions. The value of human capital as a resource has got notably higher than before. To retain competitiveness, multinational companies have to focus their sight on employees with globally usable knowledge. In today’s globalized world international assignments are particularly frequent. It is a must to differentiate between working abroad willingly or sent abroad by the company. Achieved and applied knowledge from international assignments are essential ingredients of global career. However, the inappropriately planned career structure can cause damage for the company and for the cost effectiveness of the HR department. It is vital to appoint the most suitable employee for the assignment, to increase the company’s success rate and to maximize the individual’s performance as soon as possible. The effectiveness of the selection has influence on performing a successful assignment in the process of the career path.

  • Experiences of Innovation Projects in the Light of the „European Paradox”

    Corporate innovation can be a major factor in economic development and long-term high-level corporate performance. The position of the EU in international innovation rankings has not improved since the 2000 2009 period; though there has been a more positive trend since 2010, meeting the Lisbon goals, the EU is still not at the forefront in terms of R&D&I. Behind this process is the rapid progress of some industrially developing nations in R&D&I, as well as the relatively slow institutional development of national innovation systems in Europe. The relative lag in Europe can be explained by the frequently referred to “European paradox”, which is still unclear for methodological reasons. Firstly we consider the international ranking in innovation, then discuss one of the explanations put forth to explain this rather weak performance. We present case study that represent Hungarian experiences with corporate innovation.

  • Adapting Open Innovation Model in Supplier Qualification Programs

    The development of innovative models fundamentally contribute to the changing the way of thinking in business context. Today, in this process, the impact of open innovation model is a kind of paradigm shift. The contents of this change has been mostly clear in the field of context of product-, innovation and technology, but not onm the field of organizational and management innovations. In this study, we sought to answer that in the case of knowledge transfer’s special field –the programs of suppliers - how to apply the principles of open innovation and how this may have positive effects. The motivation behind, was to look for commonly used models for the SME sector, that is fundamentally linked to large enterprises as suppliers, characterized by increasingly rapid technological development ecosystem to collaborate.

  • Incentive Methods of Traditional and Lean Production

    Many research deals with the lean management, but mainly related to the topic of operational management. The target of the author to investigate the lean production can be found there any incentives that could be support of the changed labour market. After the labor market outlook, which may help us to understand the actualities of the topic, grouping the incentive methods based on the model of Hay Group's happening, which is collected on the basis of literature lean processing methods. An identifiable differences in the grouping of lean and related traditional production incentives, which are sometimes more supportive of employees' commitment to the company.

  • The Landscape of Civil Society Organizations in the Economy of Kosovo

    Civil society organizations (CSOs) in the scientific literature have been studied broadly from various aspects such as cultural, political, social and economic. But as far as the last one is concerned, there is still a research gap because there is a lack of study about their contribution to economies under development, such as Kosovo, and which must be filled because of its importance. This paper tends to analyze the present situation of CSOs in Kosovo and their potential contribution to economic activity. Highlighting the activities, the structure and the place of these organizations in the economy will be the approach, in the beginning, to pave the way for further study of specific areas related to them. The methodology established contains analyses of secondary sources that are done by using data from the Ministry of Public Administration of Kosovo, Kosovar Index of Civil Society which is a regular report of the Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF), and other supplementary data. However, this will proceed after the scientific conceptual issues of CSOs and their place within the economy. Finally, the results show that civil society in Kosovo is very diverse with organizations in different sectors, and the economic activity sector consists of mostly agricultural NGOs.   In transition countries, CSOs are seen as an alternative that improves a particular sector. Thus far, there are over 10,000 organizations established in Kosovo, but relative studies suggest only 1000 to be active. Furthermore, their activity and contribution to economic development is little known so far, while the main problem of the economy remains unemployment.

  • Comparison of the Euler-Bernoulli- and Solid Models of Three-Point Bending Test Specimens

    For hand calculations, the Euler-Bernoulli beam model has become widespread in engineering practice due to its simplicity and accuracy. In the present study, I compare the state variables calculated based on the Euler-Bernoulli model of a crack-free concrete beam and a crack-free concrete beam reinforced with FRP bars with the result of the three-dimensional solid body model.

  • Risk Management Requirements in Management Systems

    The management system standards published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) contain requirements related to risk management activities. The objective of the current research is to identify the relevant risk management requirements and creating the integral risk assessment method in Quality Management System (QMS), Environmental Management System (EMS) and Information Security Management System (ISMS). In my research I prepared a risk management requirement matrix, which can help the organisations to understand the relevant requirements of the three examined standards. The developed integrated risk assessment method allows the application of a common risk assessment table concerning the three standards.

  • Tips and Tricks for Making Examination in Moodle

    Electronic exams made with the Moodle system can greatly facilitate the examiners job, but only few people use this option. This paper will review the examination system of the Moodle, the uploading of the question bank, the creating of the test, and the range of the available statistics. Then answers some frequently asked questions and misunderstandings, and give tips and show tricks related to secure examinations.

  • Menedzsment szakos hallgatók a munkaerőpiacon: az elhelyezkedés mintázatai

    The present study analyses the labour market career of graduates from three management majors. Majors in connection with the economic and engineering educational field (economy and management, engineering manager, human resources manager) belong to the average and in numerous aspects to the good status majors and professions. The social recrutation of the majors analysed is middleclass. According to their  labour market success, such as the duration of finding a job, the level of employment and income they are among professions of favourable position. The knowledge gained at university may be considered well usable in their work. Their satisfaction with the different components of their work is similar to other university graduates, they are most satisfied with the content of their work, and less with its prestige and possible income.In this study we analyse 2011 and 2012 databases of the Graduate Tracking System.

  • Innovation, Artificial Intelligence in Contingent Work-Force Management

    In recent years, the global use of contingent workers is rapidly increasing despite the increasing quantity of artificial intelligence applications in business. The question is "how these companies leverage the use of artificial intelligence to enhance contingent workforce's management?". The ideal goal of this paper is to develop a purely conceptual application of innovation, artificial intelligence (AI) adjacent to contingent workforce management(CWM). The researcher used qualitative information gathered from various authors and observations to reinforce the usage of AI. One of the critical tools to integrate with contingent workforce management for reduction of time spent on human resource administrative tasks is AI. There must be a transformation of thinking, accepting positive organizational change, utilization of technology and openness to new technology to foster  AI. Along with that, integrating contingent workforce management with AI reduces risks and costs, increases efficiency and quality of work. Innovation and Artificial intelligence have been used in five pillars performance of contingent workforce management to mitigate the challenges associated with it.

  • Változott-e az elsős mérnökhallgatók véleménye? (a szakmáról, a szakmai erkölcsről és a mérnöki etika tárgyról)

    A 2016-os tanév őszi félévében tettem először kísérletet arra, hogy információt szerezzek az első éves mérnökhallgatók elképzeléseiről: a mérnöki szakmáról, a helyes mérnöki magatartásról, és a saját alkalmasságukkal kapcsolatban. Az első felmérésem a félév első óráján készült. A feltett kérdéseim arra irányultak, hogy kiderítsem, tisztában vannak-e az érettségi után a műszaki felsőoktatásba bekerülő fiatalok azzal, hogy milyen szakmát választottak, milyen jellemvonások jellemzik a jó mérnököt, valamint hogyan látják önmagukat, megvannak-e bennük ezek a tulajdonságok. A második felmérés a féléves mérnöki etika tárgy oktatásának befejeződése után, tehát a félév végén készült. A kérdésekre adott válaszokból azt akartam megtudni, hogy mennyire segíti elő a mérnöki etika tárgy oktatása azt a nemes célt, hogy erkölcsös mérnökké váljanak a hallgatók. A következő évben egy új évfolyam esetén szintén hasznos mindezek tisztázása, ezért 2017 őszén újra elvégeztem ugyanezeket a felméréseket, és érdekes különbségekre bukkantam. Ebben a tanulmányban mutatom meg mindezt

  • Ecological Research of the Kő-hegy in Budaörs by Innovative Developmental Possibilities

    The function of the environmental education is essential for the sake of the natural environment. The amazing view from Kő-hegy is noticeable, and it must be preserved for the next generations. Today to achieve the environmental conscious forming aspects it’s necessary to develop modern applications and environmental education. The aim of research is the innovative development to sustainability

  • Characteristics of Knowledge Economy in Respect of Hungary

    The examination of the economic role of information, knowledge, human capital and investment into the human capital has come into the limelight over the last decades. Analyses include the characterisation of knowledge economy and the relationship between knowledge economy and market challenges. In this paper we examine the definition and indicators of knowledge-based economy. We analyse the trend of the participation rate in formal and non-formal education as a knowledge input, furthermore we examine the gross domestic expenditure on R&D as a percentage of GDP with particular attention to Hungary.

  • A vállalati kultúra sajátosságai a KKV szektorban

    A kis-és középvállalkozások szerepe az európai gazdaságban kulcsfontosságú, ugyanis a kkv szektor közel 87 millió embert foglalkoztat, a versenyszféra alkalmazottaknak mintegy kétharmadát és az Európai Unió hozzáadott értékének mintegy 58%-át teszik ki. Míg az uniós átlag 4,2 fő, addig a magyarországi kkv-k átlagosan 3,1 főt foglalkoztatnak. A kis- és középvállalkozások napjainkban nagymértékben hatást gyakorolnak a magyar gazdasági teljesítményre, illetve a foglalkoztatásban jelentős részt vállalnak, kiemelkedő a szerepük az új gazdasági szerkezetben. A versenyképesség lényegére, a vállalat termelékenységére nagy hatással vannak a vállalaton belüli, főleg a vállalati menedzsment és a vállalati kultúratényezők. Tanulmányom célja megvizsgálni a kis- és középvállalkozások vállalati kultúra tényezőit, amelyeket meghatározói a hatékony működésnek, majd ezek alapján javaslatot tenni a versenyképesség növeléséhez hozzájáruló kultúrafejlesztésre.

  • The Correlation between LGBTQ Tolerance and Economic Development in Europe

    This study analyses the relationship between LGBTQ tolerance and economic development. It uses various indices measuring tolerance and economic data of 48 European countries. Based on previous literature I outlined how economic progress is supposed to have an impact on the social inclusion of marginalised groups. Also, a number of empirical reports are cited providing substantial evidence that tolerance can too shape economic performance. The main aim of this paper is to confirm that these findings in fact hold water in Europe. Having examined the regression analysis of GDP per capita and tolerance, as well as HDI and tolerance, I found that the modernisation theory proved valid on my sample. The other component of my analysis focusing on the sway of social inclusion over FDI showed that more tolerant states attract more foreign capital. These results led me to believe that economic progress and LGBTQ inclusion are interrelated, thus the latter should be considered upon forming policy.

  • The Women’s Role in Supporting Family Businesses

    The women’s role in supporting family businesses is important. As a wife, mother and chief trust officer the female family members effect on the operation of the family business directly or indirectly. A questionnaire was prepared for better understanding how the female family members can contribute to the family business. The results include information about successor related decisions and about generational changes. There are some information about change of the different woman’s roles within family and business.

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