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Search Results

  • Development Opportunities of Health, Wellness and Sports Services in Medical Tourism Based on a Research Study

    The quality and quantity of additional services play an increasing role in the competitiveness of service providers in the tourism sector. In our research, our goal was to explore the service development possibilites of two different sites of a Northern Hungarian healthcare institution in the framework of a market research. In the field of services, we focused on different issues of health, wellness and sports services. Our research has shown that the availability of additional services and therapeutic recreational, sport or wellness services are important for patients as they can positively influence their quality of life and health status.

  • Research of Healthy Behavior at Faculty of Economic Sciences' sport sciences' students at the University of Debrecen

    Nowadays the healthy lifestyle is getting more and more attention, thanks to emerging health trends. The review of the literature summarizes the latest results of research on two aspects of healthy behavior. In our primary research, we measured the sporting and dietry habits of sport sciences’ students at University of Debrecen. In the case of sporting habits, we asked the students about the frequency and motivation of sports. In the other hand we asked them about their dietary habits about the frequency and amount of vegetable, fruit and fluid consumption. After the evaluation of survey we can say that the 70% of respondents are satisfied with their physical condition. We can tell about the frequency of vegetable and fruit consumption is that the 15-20% of students eat vegetables and / or fruits daily. However, it can be said about the fluid intake of students that seventysix percent of them are consuming fluid daily.

  • Civic Organizations, Sports Civic Organizations and the Control

    Control, az a managerial function cannot be considered as one of the most frequently preferred examinational topics, and it is also valid for the matter of civic organization. Nevertheless, we must not forget about the increasing number and intensive non-profit sphere after the change of the regime, where the civic sphere inside has become determinant. In 2017, 15,2% of the 61 151 nonprofit organizations had a sport profile, and this ratio is higher, 16,2% regarding the 53 613 classic civic organizations (including only associations and foundations).  The specialty of these organizations is the strong relationship with subsidies, and it seems that it has turned into subsidy dependence by now (2/3 of the incomes are subsidies), as a conclusion from the data of the Hungarian Statistical Office. This topic may also become sensible in a way, when an organization cannot account the received subsidies or cannot meet expectations of the judicial expectations, which all raises managerial control related concerns. It also highlights the relationship between civic organizations and control. In this study, we aim to cover some relevant specifications of the topic through the control, as a managerial function, and based on the results we may conclude that a higher ratio of organizations cannot really perform by the expectations.   

  • Justification for the Olympic Reform Package Based on Good Practice

    The Olympic Games have always been the pinnacle of sport and achievement. The modern Olympics are held every four years, and the venue is chosen from among the cities that apply. In my research, I wanted to find out the reasons for the decline in the popularity of the Games. To answer this question, I looked at 2 successful Olympics (2000 Sydney, 2012 London) in the hope of identifying success factors that could be adapted to other host countries. I conducted secondary research, reviewed related international and national research, and the available economic data. During the document analysis, I found that the expected costs of organising the Olympic have increased significantly over the last two to three decades, and under-planning is a common feature. As a result of the research, I have found that the most important pillars of successful organisation are a proper organising committee, comprehensive opportunity and risk analysis, accurate planning, sustainability in planning, continuous cost control, private sector support, and the work of volunteers.

  • Sport Civic Society – Approaches and Facts

    After the change of regime in Hungary in 1989, the domestic civic sphere started to improve, and after numerous change in the legal regulation, currently the Act on Civic Organizations (Act 174/2011.) rules the operation of the sector before all, supplemented by additional legal background. The vital component of the new regulation is possibility of the appearance of the novel organizational form, the civic society, which is quite odd even considering the past and even on international level. The database enabling the statistical overview of the domestic nonprofits publish the end of 2019 provides no information on the data and operational features for this organizational form, which provides a thorough reason for the researcher to be interested in the topic and the organizations. Through the possible secondary data, a primary database of a lately done sports civic organization related research includes such basic data (even its sample height is small), which may be considered as a starting point at the examination of the specifications of the sports related civic societies.

  • Egy világméretű sportesemény, a 2017 Vizes Világbajnokság néhány társadalmi aspektusa a jövő managereinek szemszögéből a felkészülési időszakban

    Hungary hosts the 2017 FINA World Championships and Master’s Championships, one of the world’s largest sport event. Besides exploring the influential factors behind the potential effectivity, this study aims to identify social effects related to the event. Students in higher education today are the next generation of managers and company owners, therefore their attitudes and opinions will be determinative in terms of the decision-making. The empirical research took place in the University of Debrecen, the most populouses University of Hungary, 6 month before the official opening ceremony of the Championships.

  • The Governance of Sports Organizations in Morocco: the Case of the Royal Moroccan Federation of Judo and Related Martial Arts

    Governance is crucial for effective sports organization management, particularly as sports organizations increasingly adopt business models. Research inquiries into suitable governance practices in sports have grown, reflecting the evolving landscape of sports management. This qualitative research examined the governance of the Moroccan Judo Federation through semi-structured interviews and analysis using Voyant Tools. Stakeholders, including the vice president, board members, coaches, athletes, referees, technical committee members, and financial manager, provided insights on key aspects of governance. The findings emphasized the importance of strong leadership, effective decision-making processes, transparent governance structures, stakeholder engagement, and ethical conduct. However, challenges were identified in decision-making, stakeholder engagement, conflict resolution, and financial management. Stakeholders highlighted the need for inclusive decision-making processes and transparent and accountable governance practices. By addressing these challenges, the federation can strengthen its governance, support judo's growth, and foster fairness and inclusivity.

  • Kinematics and Control of a Planar Cable Robot

    This paper deals with the kinematics and control of a planar cable robot [1], which is driven by four DC motors with gear. Cable robots are frequently used e.g., for the motion of cameras in sport halls and stadiums and also in high storage logistical systems [2]. Main goal of this research work is to design and build a test bench with low budget, which can model the motion of real life cable robots.

  • Néhány választott egyéni sportág jelenlegi helyzetének és versenyképességének elemzése Magyarországon

    In the past few years, our country increased importance of sports. 2010 was highlighted in 16 individual sports, which receive state subsidies for the period 2013-2020. In this research we selected the four disciplines of sports - canoeing, modern pentathlon, wrestling, judo - I examined the domestic situation and competitiveness. The sports competitiveness investigated on the basis of their role in the media occupied, according to the method of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The IOC and the Olympic Games Organising Committee (OCOG) mediation from the proceeds distributed to sports, by way of support. I think it is important to examine the competitiveness of sports, and international jótapasztalatokat used later to propose solutions to increase viewing figures. The first stage of this research, which shows the position of sports Hungary, explore their differences and draw parallels between the similarities.

  • The presence of stress and leisure sports in the life of today’s people

    Today's people are extremely busy with a lot of things, such as work, family, learning, so they try to spend their free time with activities that promote them in relaxation, reassurance, recreation. It can be said that the people of today's world are burdened, more stressed and nervous, trying to do the best they can to live properly. A lot of people have a hard time communicating, community life. There are a lot of people who are forced to work from home, as projects and weeks' deadlines don't wait. Besides, there are many things to be done, children need to be dealt with, you have to have fun, you have to pay attention to health, you have to run a household, etc., so there is little time for people to do what they really love. In my research, I assessed the leisure habits of the inhabitants of Romania and Hungary, but their attitude to active reclamation activities (N=273) was their activity in sport. The results show that passive leisure activities (watching TV, reading, listening to music, internet) are still the most popular among people, although most of us do sedentary work. People who play sports in their spare time felt more refreshed, and they had a better mood, more positive. The sports that people can play outdoors and in parks come to the fore.

  • The characteristics of civil organisations for sports with special regards to employment

    The aim of our article to compare the characteristics of the civil organisations operating in Hugary and in Romaina with special regards to the employment characteristics of the sport civil associations. We ascertained during our research work that the civil sector of the two investigated countries show several similarities. One of these similarities is the lag from the same sectors operating is Western-European countries. The use of volunteer working is a main characteristic of the employment in the civil sector however the paid work plays an important role too.

  • Situation Report of European Club Football (2017 – 2019)

    The most professional and profit oriented sector of the sports industry is football. International summary analyzes of the sector show a steady increase in revenue over the last 20 years. Yet the real turning point in terms of the profitability of European club football was in 2017, when the aggregate result of the clubs playing in the top European leagues were realized as a profit. However in recent years, the sector has faced serious competitors. The esport industry draws attention to itself with the growth rate of the base of its’ followers and related revenues. Also the fitness sector outperformed the football sector in 2019. In this article I reviewed european football between 2017 and 2019, in order to explore the characteristics of the football sector, to ascertain its revenue-generating capacity, its change in its revenue structure, and to answer the questions that if this sport will maintain its dominant position in the European sports market. My research method was document analisys of annual reports published by UEFA and Deloitte, which allowed me to examine data from more than 700 clubs in 55 countries. In overall it can be stated that the european football industry is maintaining it’s position, but it should allocate resources to stabilize its follower base instead of fearing the endagerment by other sports.

  • Analysis of Social Media Activities - Through the Examination of Handball Clubs Competing at Different Levels

    In Hungary, handball enjoys special attention and support, this is true not only for our country, but also for Europe, and the sport is gaining more and more space worldwide. One of the biggest innovations of the last two decades is certainly social media, which has reformed the basic strategies related to information transfer and traditional marketing activities. The processes of content production on these platforms have radically changed, which every sports club should pay attention to, as they can gain significant advantages in terms of economics, marketing and community building if they are able to communicate well. Three sports clubs competing at different levels were compared during a qualitative study in terms of their social media marketing strategy activities, namely PICK Szeged, Balatonfüredi KSE – BFKA Balatonfüred and DEAC handball team. The basic concept of this research model was built on how the online marketing communication activities of club teams fighting for different professional goals at different levels differ from each other, as well as what are the development opportunities and aspects that can be used as effectively as possible on social media platforms. The handball club teams agreed on several research questions, but a significant difference could also be discovered in one area, in which the professionals responsible for social media disagreed or represented a different point of view. Looking at my results, it can be concluded that behind a successful online marketing strategy there is always serious preparation and planning work, as well as the diversification of content production on different platforms, because the consumer communities of the platforms are also different from each other.

  • Examining the Social Involvement of Sports Civic Organizations

    Analyzing the information available in the Hungarian database of the CSO, we can see that a significant part of the income of classical non-governmental organizations, especially non-governmental organizations with a sports profile, comes mainly from state or private support. In addition, it can be said that these organizations are essentially non-profit-oriented and play a significant role in social integration and the performance of essential social tasks. Therefore, the relevant question is to what extent and in what way their social embeddedness is realized, in what way do NGOs influence people in the course of their operation? Within this, the study of the social usefulness of sports non-governmental organizations and the sphere of support conditions in the sphere emerges as a priority area. In our study, we undertake to examine the activity of the organizations included in the survey, their social impact and to compare the results with their role in local society. Nearly 50% of the NGOs surveyed in the study have a local scope, and more than 50% typically engage in grassroots and leisure-related activities.

  • Motivational Factors of Choosing BMX and Other Extreme Sports

    Extreme sports play an increasingly important role in the supply of recreational activities, as an increased consumer demand has shown a dynamic growth over the past decades. In our research, we investigated motivational factors related to leisure time and in particular BMX sport on a sample of 237 people who do extreme sports. Our results have revealed that BMX is mostly chosen by young men as a leisure time activity. The consumers of extreme sports are characterized by internal motivation, pursuit of their own boundaries, testing of novel and exciting activities and the need for doing joint activities with acquaintances and friends.

  • Opinions of Higher Education Students about Internships and Working while Studying

    The importance of working while studying in higher education has a globally growing tendency, and Hungary is not an exception. The demand for the opportunities of student employment has been recognized not only by the students but also by the policy makers of higher education, leading to the introduction of solutions like the obligatory internship semesters or the dual training programs. The current study contributes to the better understanding of this field through the analysis of a database from a questionnaire survey conducted among bachelor students from seven majors of the University of Debrecen during the Fall semester in 2015 (N = 589). The main findings suggest that the students mostly consider the internships as an investment into their future career while the short term compensation and the personal interests have a lower importance for them. About 75% of the students would be willing to work not more than 20 hours a week, and most of them would look for ‘official’ studentwork. For working, they would sacrifice the time connected to the following activity-areas (relative to the other activities in the list, and in descending order): time for leisure (this is the most likely to be sacrificed), for sport, for friends, for family, and for learning (this is the less likely to be traded in for working hours). Willingness to work (measured in daily working hours) seems to be connected to the following factors: major, year of study, how important the activity areas are considered compared to working (learning, family, friends, sports, leisure), and the importance of finding a personally interesting internship.

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