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  • The Appearance, Development, and Reception of Danger to Society in Hungarian Criminal Law

    The concept of danger to society is perhaps the most controversial element of the Criminal Code's definition of crime. This concept plays a prominent role in the determination of criminal liability in domestic criminal law. In the 20th century, its necessity in our Criminal Code, which was in force at the time, was the subject of debate among jurists of repute in the field of criminal law.

    In the socialist criminal law of the pre-communist era, the concept of danger to society was used to express the 'class nature' of criminal law. After the 1990s, this concept - in the science of criminal law, in legislation and in the application of law as well - was cleared of the content elements adopted from Soviet law to serve the aims of party-state policy. Nowadays, the definition of danger to society is so devoid of ideological, party-political connotations that it is regarded by a significant number of legal scholars in the field of criminal law and even by case law as the conceptual equivalent of material illegality, taken from German legal theory (ÚJVÁRI, 2003).

    In this paper, I will present the emergence and reception of the concept of danger to society in Hungarian criminal law and criminal jurisprudence, from the preceding period – which applied formal illegality – to the Criminal Code of legal force. 

  • The Hungarian system of sanctions in connection with copyright law comparising to directive 2004/48 EC about validation of intellectual property right

    Copyright law is a relative young area of civil law. Intellectual property and creations ensure the revelation of human personality. The infringement of these rights became general with the development of technology. From the beginning copyright law tried not only circumscribe the possibilities of unrestricted use but ensure effective protection to authors with exact sanctions.

    In the essay I examine the international and Hungarian regulation against usurpation demonstrating all sanctions and opportunities. Not only one area of law gives protection to these rights. Civil law, criminal law and administration law has different sanctions for infringements.

    On 29th April 2004 2004/48/EC directive has been accepted about validation of intellectual property rights. The explanation of this directive is that different regulations in member states endanger the unified internal market. The directive consists of the rules of proceedings and sanctions.

    In this study I present the development about system of sanctions form an international and from a Hungarian perspective. I examine all types of sanctions concerning to the field of civil law and try to analyze functions and aims in connection with them. The effectiveness and history of these legal institutions are also presented in the study.

    Comparing the directive and the Hungarian copyright law it can be said that despite of all circumstances the Hungarian law has to be improved especially on the field of proceedings and temporary arrangements. These rules are specified compared to the ones in the Hungarian civil procedure, so judges have to take care of these differences.

  • Lack of Balance In Contract Law: the State as Contractual Party

    Contractual relations mean balanced cooperation between the parties. Right and obligations on both sides are equal. This seems to be a classic essential of contracts. As of many among the terms and condition in contract law, special situations clam for a different perspective. This essay is about a unique problem in contract law that origins from the ancient dilemma about the role of the state in private law relations.

    State as a sovereign has original power and hierarchic connection to citizens. In the field of constitutional law, public administration law, criminal law it is necessary to transfer certain right to the state and allow it determining one-sided obligations that cannot be changed in a particular relation. The theory of state immunity failed in the 20th century in private law. Since jurisprudence makes a difference between the role of the state as a merchant and a sovereign, we cannot maintain the old immunity rights of the state anymore.

    In the essay we examine three specific questions in connection with state participation in contracts. The first part of our study analyzes the strange legal arguments in a famous Hungarian case, called the Subway case. In this case the reasoning of the Supreme Court denied the balanced elements in a private contract and accepted a redefined theory of state immunity in private relations. Although there is a strong political content in the story and right after the criticized decision the Hungarian Civil Code was modified to clear the facts, we want to prove that even today state participation can cause interferences in the coherent theory of contracts.

    A specific contract type is examined in the second chapter of the essay, the concession agreement. This contract is far from the balanced theory of party positions due to its unique nature and content. We emphasize many different aspects in mixing private and public law nature of provisions and rules. Concession agreement is an excellent example to demonstrate extra-rights on the side of the state.

    Finally we spare some words on authority contracts in which state authorities can manage debates in public administration procedures with using the private law nature of contracts.

  • Impeachment of Heads of State in International Criminal Law

    Recent years the legal position of Heads of State and other very senior State representatives has received considerable attention from national and international courts, writers and practitioners. It is often said that the establishment of the ad hoc tribunals and the International Criminal Court, reflects a growing belief that the heads of State should be held accountable for serious violations of international humanitarian and human rights law. It has been argued that international law is now the stage where immunity should no longer apply in relation to serious international crimes. By contrast, others have emphasized the political and practical difficulties inherent in allowing national courts to serve as a tool for the transnational enforcement of penalties or damages for crimes committed abroad by the leaders and officials of foreign States. The resulting controversy has led the International Law Commission to include the topic ‘Immunity of State officials from Foreign Criminal Jurisdictions’ in its work programme.

    In my study I present the development of status of the Heads of State in international law, especially the criminal liability in the XX-XXI. Centuries. In this study I exhibit the development of the legal status of the heads of State and the actual questions in international law related to the criminal liability of heads of State and other senior State officials.

  • A „távollétes ügyek” egyes elméleti és gyakorlati kérdései a büntetőeljárásban

    The idea of simplification of the law of criminal procedure has been an interesting topic in the science of law for a long time. Practical necessities, namely the overburdening of the criminal courts and the new challenges of the criminal law called this concept into life. Finishing up a procedure in a reasonable time limit is a very crucial interest – as it was pointed out several times by the Council of Europe, Committee of Ministers and also the Hungarian Constitutional Court. As the international principle declared in the Human Rights says everyone has the right to plead its case within a reasonable period and it can only be achieved that way.

    Because of the reasonable time limit required for a procedure, various simplifications of methods have been introduced into the national systems of criminal procedure. As a part of this process several legal institutions were introduced in the Hungarian law system aiming to accelerate the legal procedure. One of them, which is called special procedure against absent accused, is regulated by Chapter XXIV. of the Law of Criminal Procedure.

    This essay deals with this special procedure in details. Firstly I show through a short international outlook how the procedure against absent accused appears in the practice of the European Council and the European Union. Hereafter a certain case is examined in details where the European Court for Human Rights considered the necessity of the accused person’s appearance. The Court established a principle if the absence of the accused had hurt the requirements of the fair trial. According to this the appearance of the accused person is necessary if it could play a role in the forming of the Court’s opinion.

    Next, I examine the problems connected to the Hungarian regulations because recently serious constitutional worries have appeared related to this legal institution. As a result of this the Constitutional Court made its decision (n. 14/2004) and found many paragraphs of the then existing legal institution unconstitutional. Based on this Decision I go through in details all the problems and requirements related to this procedure. In the light of this, the regulation effective from the 1st of January, 2005 is described, which – according to my opinion – meets the requirements made by the Constitutional Court, so it is exceptional and provisional.

    In the next chapter certain practical experiences of the procedure against absent accused are examined. Here it is stated that the application of this legal institution is the rarest among the legal institutions aiming the acceleration of legal procedures. I explain it by the fact that this is a relatively young legal institution and there was not enough time since it was introduced to give certain conclusions, moreover the application is limited concerning the range of individuals. As a conclusion it can be stated that the application is more common in those cases where the accused is abroad but does not stay in an unknown place. I call the attention to some problems emerged in the practice as the protection of the accused, or the delivery of the copy of indictment and summons, etc.

    As a final conclusion it can be stated that using this legal institution is not so common but the importance of this will increase in the future by joining to the EU because of the easier way of crossing the boards. Hopefully the regulation, which suits to the requirements of the Constitutional Court, will be proper to gain its original aim, namely to simplify and accelerate the legal procedure.

  • Possibilities of mediation in the criminal procedure with the eye of a labour lawyer

    Mediation or agreement between perpetrator and victim in criminal law is a special form of damage reparation. Contrary to the simple reparation – where is no need to have a formal contract between the parties – mediation means a meeting between the parties to make an agreement that suits to both of them.

    Development of mediation in criminal law has its roots in the birth of diversion. It was a formal legal procedure to rebuild the injured legal system and repair damages. The first programs of mediation have appeared in Canada and the United States.

    Differently from the conciliation in labour law authorities have to define guidelines about forms of procedures outside the trial, about the process and modes of harmonization to preserve the prestige of state’s power of punish.

    In the mediation process competence of making decisions are in the hand of the parties too. Parties have to order upon the agreement. This extra-jurisdictional form of agreement means that the potential victim gives up his right to accusation. This agreement frees the perpetrator from the criminal liability.

    We can say that fundamental principles of mediation are the same in any fields of law, but mediation in criminal law has the most interesting and numerable specification because of the state power.

  • Az orvostudomány elméleti, gyakorlati eredményei és a büntetőjog kapcsolata

    In the 19th Century the results of the natural sciences – physics, chemistry –, the technical
    achievements incorporated in the medical science, and made the medical science an intensive
    progress. This article presents the scientific results, which have the largest relevance regard
    the criminal law and which have a significant impact on the science of criminal law and its
    The advance of medical science results the appearance on the one part the expansion of the
    medical knowledge and medical tasks, on the other hand new offenses and new types of
    evidence. The practical application of the results of medical research into the criminal
    procedure (blood tests, DNA test, etc.) allows primary the faster detection in the investigative
    stage of criminal proceedings, and the making of more reasonable judgments. On the territory
    of psychiatry are very important the results of research of the state of consciousness, that
    influence the offenders culpableness, because they give an answer to the question, in what
    consciousness was the offender at the time of the crime.
    This article submitted the most important correspondences of the medical science and
    criminal law, and it is established, that the results of the medical science support the further
    development of the criminal law and its affiliates.

  • Stations in legal history of error; focused on Nándor Bernolák’s thesis of error

    I examine one of the grounds for the preclusion of culpability and grounds for the termination of culpability: error. Grounds for the preclusion of culpability are the followings: infancy, abnormal mental condition, constraint and menace, error, negligible degree of danger to society of an act, self-defence, extreme necessity (emergency), absence of private motion, other grounds defined in the Act. Grounds for the termination of culpability are: the death of the perpetrator, prescription, remission, cessation or becoming negligible of the dangerousness for society of the act, other grounds defined in the Act.

    Grounds for the preclusion of culpability and grounds for the termination of culpability mean that culpability shall be precluded.

    Error - as an obstacle of the preclusion of culpability – is not as usual as other grounds for the preclusion of culpability, for example: insane mental state, constraint or menace. Error means - 27. § of the Hungarian Criminal Code – that the perpetrator shall not be punishable for a fact of which he was not aware on perpetration. The person, who commits an act in the erroneous hypothesis that it is not dangerous for society and who has reasonable ground for this hypothesis, shall not be punishable. Error shall not exclude culpability, if it is caused by negligence and the law also punishes perpetration deriving from negligence.

    I examine error’s ruling from Roman law to now days. One of the most important books was written by Nandor Bernolak: The Error doctrine. I succeeded Bernolak’s method to search how error was regulated in different ages. Bernolak wrote his essay in 1910, so he described the rules of error as it appeared in Code Csemegi. I follow his method during the examination of 1950.:II. Criminal Code of General Part, 1961. IV. Criminal Code and finally 1978. IV. Criminal Code.

    I found many differences and similarities between Criminal Codes, Propositions, and finally I compiled a table about the changes of the development in error’s legal history.

    There is a rule that is known generally from Roman law: „ignorantia facti, non iuris excusat”, which means: ignorance of the law means no excuse.

  • The connection between the work of the judicial experts and the public sector

    This is an essay about the connection between the judicial experts and the public sector. The expert opinion has a special role in the system of the envindeces in the criminal procedure. The expert opinion as a kind of evidence has a short history in the criminal procedure, because this evidence is the product of the new age. The second difference from the other evidences that the judicial expert needs a special quality, and because of this cause the law rules controls who has premitted to become expert and make expert opinion. The Criminal Procedure Act controls when should and when must delegate a judicial expert the criminal procedure. Consequently the state has a main role in connection with the activity of the experts by the law rules.

    In the first part I show the short history of the appearance of the expert opinion in the criminal procedure.

    In the second part I show the main law rules in connection with the judicial experts, and I write about the expert chambers, the list of experts, and the professional institutes and corporations.

    The third part is about the fees and taxes in connection with the judicial experts. In this part I show the problems about who have to pay the fees in the end of the criminal procedure. The acitvity of the judicial expert is always expensive, so the expeneses can grow quickly. If the accused is acquited the expense will stay in encumbrance of the state, and if the accused is convicted, the accused will have to pay the expenses. So this expenses are enourmous encumbrances for everyone. This problem has waited solution yet. Reduction of  costs or hunting out  justice ?  Sometimes very hard to decide, which one is the better. The judicial experts also work in the private sector. The competition of the judicial experts is big in the private sector, and this phenomenon is influences the private prices.

    The end of the essay is a summary which contains my main conclusions.

  • The Abolitionist Tendency in Hungary: the History of Capital Punishment between the Sixties and the Eighties

    The capital punishment was poena ordinaria throughout the history of Hungary. Nevertheless, it was applied most frequently not in the Middle Ages, but in the 20th century. There have never been so many legal executions in our country, than during the World War One and Two, however in lack of reliable statistical data the precise number of the death penalties is not known even in recent years. There were numerous death penalties imposed in the Fifties as well, mainly in the years of retaliation after the Revolution of 1956. Only in 1961 did the situation get back to normal, when implementation of martial law stopped for good and all. In this year the Parliament of the People’s Republic of Hungary passed the Act V of 1961 on the Criminal Code that permitted the infliction of the death penalty for altogether thirty-one criminal offenses (for nine crimes against the state, two crimes against peace and humanity, eight military offenses and twelve common offenses), but this sanction in no cases was qualified as compulsory, the judge had the possibility to impose an imprisonment sentence for 10-15 years in each times. The Criminal Code’s Amendment, the Law Decree No. 28 of 1971 reduced the number of the crimes punishable by death to twenty-six, although a new capital felony, seizure of aircraft, was introduced as well. In 1978 a new Criminal Code, namely the Act IV of 1978, was drafted in which death was also ordered for twenty-six offenses, of them for a new one, Act of Terrorism. Meanwhile the number of the death penalties carried out persistently decreased (in the Sixties there were 129 executions, in the Seventies there were 47 and in the Nineties there were 32). However, the process of the abolition actually started only in 1983 when a conference was organized by the Hungarian Lawyers Alliance to discuss the future of the capital punishment in the Hungarian criminal law. Nevertheless, the Hungarian abolitionist movement gained strength in deed when the League Against Capital Punishment was formed in 1989. In the subsequent year the League asked the newly established Hungarian Constitutional Court to declare the death penalty unconstitutional on the ground that it was contrary to the right to life protected by Article 54 of the Hungarian Constitution. Eventually this happened in 1990 by Constitutional Court Decision No. 23-AB of 31 October 1990. From this time the practice of capital punishment is irrevocably forbidden in Hungary.

  • Thoughts for emptying real estate – litigation or non-litigation procedure –

    In many cases, owners have problems recovering their rented or arbitrarily occupied real estate. News often report difficult situations in connection with the evacuation of real estate. More instructive cases have also drawn attention to the severity of the problem. The study describes the rules for (litigation and non-litigation) court proceedings for the evacuation of real estate and does not deal with the enforcement procedures ordered by a notary.

    The possibility to initiate emptying real estate non-litigation procedure - according to Vht. 183rd-184th § - is not well known widely. According to most people, almost the only possible way to reclaim the real estate is to litigate, although the possibility of initiating the non-litigation procedure has been provided for years, provided the conditions of the law are met. Emptying of real estate in non-litigious procedure is possible in the case of real estates by arbitrarily occupied real estates, fixed-term tenancy agreemens of residential premises and other non-residential premises, as well as other types of properties specifically designated by law.

    The study presents the possible ways of carrying out the real estate evacuation, the enforcement procedure following the litigation procedure and the enforcement procedure initiated on the basis of a court non-litigation procedure, focusing primarily on proceedings commenced after 1. January 2018. The study deals with the legal background to the non-litigation and litigation procedure, the order for enforcement, the issuing, the service of an enforceable instrument, the possibilities provided by law in the event of non-execution, the short presentation of remedies. It also deals with some of the innovations introduced by law CXXX of 2016 on Civil Procedure Rules, suspension of enforcement, as well as the applicability of the eviction moratorium in each case. In the emptying of real estate, debtors often face criminal law. The most frequent criminal cases during the emptying of the real estate are presented in the study too (breach of seal, assault on a public official).

  • Cheating at the genetic lottery - the regulation of human germline gene editing in Hungarian criminal law

    Germline gene editing has undergone a revolutionary development in recent decades: genetic intervention has the potential to bring about drastic changes in human lives, or even in the human race. However, this development has not been matched by legal and, in particular, criminal law: the response of criminal law to the development of genetic engineering is outdated, insufficiently elaborate and the deterrent effect of the penalty is disproportionate to the gravity of the offence. In my thesis I am outlining the development of genetic engineering, its ethical and social risks, the international regulation reflecting these, the domestic regulations and their shortcomings, and - as a synthesis of my experience - I am making a de lege ferenda proposal to remedy the latter in an effort to create the most appropriate criminal law regulation possible. The aim of my proposal is, first and foremost, to regulate germline gene editing through more specific, modernised and, in certain aspects, stricter criminal law provisions, which will protect the individual, society, humanity and the interests of society from the dangers that can be expected from the imminent spread of human germline gene editing.

  • A büntetőjogi mediáció gyakorlati aspektusai

    Mediation is a conflict-management method designed to achieve restorative justice (offenders should assume responsibility and pay the penalty for their deeds, with the greatest emphasis on reparation of the victim, and the affronted community should be conciliated). This method may be applied to solving a variety of disputes or conflicts (e.g. disputes involving neighbours, families, couples, and companies).
    The mediation technique has already been used in the fields of civil law, family law and employment law. From 2007 onwards, it can also be applied in criminal procedures. According to Article 221/A of the Code on Criminal Procedure (Act XIX of 1998) the mediation process may be used in criminal procedures dealing with certain offences against the person, property or traffic offences if the crime is punishable with no more than five years imprisonment, and the offender has made a confession during the criminal investigation.

  • The temporal scope of the new Criminal Code in context of provisions of the General Part

    Act of 2012 on the Criminal Code came into force on the 1st of July 2013 after a long codification period.  A new Criminal Code always leads to problems in application of law, therefore, it is quite actual to make an examination on new provisions. Some classic provisions of the General Part remained the same, although the penalty system and some other regulations have been renewed. The temporal scope of the new code will possibly be in focus for years.

    The aim of this research is to take an examination on the case law and judicial decisions of Hungarian courts related to temporal scope of the new Criminal Code that is a significant part of this paper. The new Hungarian Criminal Code has been required to be prepared more severe than the former code. The other aim of this research is to revise the new provisions of the General Part resulting in statements about whether these new rules are more severe or more lenient than the Act IV of 1978.For this purpose a close legal interpretation shall be taken into account.

  • Combatting against terrorism

    In the last decades of our globalized world terrorism has become a phenomenon that implies a worldwide challenge and can hardly be prevented, and that is difficult to combat against with means of national and international law. The international terrorism in the sense as we use it nowdays has a history of only one and a half centuries, but since the appearance of concrete terrorist attacks is always changing (and of course the ideology and supplier of the different groups) there has not been any consensus yet among states or within particular international organizations how to define it. But it should be taken into consideration that attacks not only affect the state where they are executed but also the whole society and even the international order. That is why it would be essential to define it in international terms, because without an exact definition the proper defence against it can not be determined either.  

    It has to be emphasized that it does not exist a common strategy that could be adapted any time in any case. It can not be forgotten that the terrorism itself is also an answer, so its political, economical and social roots should be taken into consideration whilst choosing the best way to prevent it. The different means (primarily legal and classical ones) should be combined and used by states in strict cooperation, because these don’t substitute but complete each other. It is also important to underline that it is not enough to react upon terrorist actions and restore its harmful effects, but it is also essential to prevent it by eliminating its causes. Unfortunately, proactive strategies are not common enough - mainly because of its costs - in spite of the fact that in the long run it would be worth using them.

    It is important to act in conformity with international law, because this can legitimate the reaction after an attack. The main task for states is to elaborate an exact legal framework for it, because without global accords and without the acceptance of this policy within the nation an effective policy against terrorism cannot be realized. National criminal law should be aggravated, flow of information among intelligence services, cooperation among media and governments should be developed and it is also essential to inform the society properly and make it obvious that assistance at a terrorist attack is also to be punished. International measures should be taken in order to avoid financing of terrorist actions by preventing money-laundering. These means can be used even with certain restrictions on criminal law, but always respecting human rights either that of the victims or that of the delinquents. 

    To institutionalize international actions under the aegis of the United Nations numerous agreements were accepted, eg. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons (1973), Convention against Taking of Hostages (1979), Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism (1999) and  some conventions were signed on the Prevention Crimes committed in aircrafts, etc. The main problem is that these accords are not signed by all member states and hence their efficiency can be questioned. Of course not only the UN try to solve this problem with international conventions, so does the EU. Its activity has considerably increased since the attacks of Madrid, because this case made two things clear: even Europe is vulnerable and well-timed attacks can even lead to political changes.

    To be able to meet the challenges that terrorism mean nowdays there are two things to emphasize: first of all a worldwide cooperation would be essential and secondly the provision of financial sources for each state so that it were able to ensure national and promote global security.

  • Enforcment of the right to personal liberty in Bűnvádi Perrendtartás

    In this study, first of all I am dealing with the question, how the right to personal liberty prevails in the Bűnvádi Perrendtartás, however at the beginning I would like to introduce how the law for the personal liberty formed and how it appeared in Hungary and in the international documents, so in the British, American and French law as well.

    The most serious barrier of the personal liberty is the criminal law, so i find it especially important to examine that for this reason what kind of safeguards were placed into the Bűnvádi Perrendtartás.

    In general it can be said that the most important guarantees of the personal liberty are found in the principles of the criminal law, for example presumption of innocence, and through this it prevails in the Bűnvádi Perrendtartás' system.

    Firstable the limitation of the personal liberty has to be looked in the coercive measures, so I studied the pre-trial detention institution, that besides the basic principle what kind of safeguards were brought in by the legislature.

    In the end, it can be said that the right to personal liberty influences the whole Bűnvádi Perrendtartás, and in the cases where there were limitations, they always solved it with a safeguard.

  • IQ versus impressionability

    This is an essay about the connection of impressionability and intelligence quotient. The intelligence quotient of witness or accused has main role in the criminal procedure.

    So, what is the intelligence and the intelligence quotient? The intelligence is a mental power, that contains the quality of argumentation, contemplation, learning, problem solution and the abstract thinking. This mental power helps to understand the happenings in the world. The intelligence quotient of the witness or accused is very important, because the quality of perception is based on the intelligence quotient. The perception shows how they can remember the criminal situations. The intelligence quotient depedns on the the social and cultural enviornment, the inherited qualities, and the personal experiences.

    The important question is, which is the stronger, the intelligence or the impressionability. High intelligence quotient is a mean of the witness or accused to escape form impressionability. On the other hand, the authorities try to use the power of influence. So two powers meet in the criminal procedure, the intelligence and the influenceing, and usually the stronger is the winner.

    The intelligence quotient has main role in the part of the investigation and the trial. The warnings before the interrogation are written in the difficult language of law. So it would be a problem in the part of investigation, because the witness or accused does not understand these. Because of that they would say or tell something that they would not tell in normal circumstances. The low intelligence makes the accused confess their real or believed sin. The accused with higher intelligence quotient understands much better the warning, and they can use those possibilites the law premits them. Their combinative quality is higher, so they discover another solutions not just the confessing. The authorities shall pay attention to the intelligence quotient of the accused, because the extremly low intelligence quotient would be the sign of mental retardation. The mental retardation is a kind of pathological mental state. The accused who suffers in pathological mental state is not be punishable or his or her punishment may be reduced unlimited.

    The language of trials is also difficult and the other problem with it is publicity. The accused with low IQ feels shame because of their low IQ so they want to keep it secret. The accused becomes stressed in the trial so they lose their second chance to make things better, because they are not able to confess without impressions again. Low intelligence quotient usually cooperates with low ability of problem solution, so the accused with low intelligence can’t adapt themselves to the occassion of the trial. This circumstance would influence the judges, when they impose punishment, so the punishment would be stricter.

    The conclusion is that the accused with low intelligence quotient meets with some difficulties during the criminal procedure, so the consuels for the defence shall pay attention to them, and help their clients with comments of the legal texts. On the other hand, the authorities shall be out for the good knowledge of mankind.

  • Domestic violence in a literary work (Zsigmond Móricz, It is nice and good at the end of the world)

    In my study I am going to present a rather complicated issue, namely a few problems of domestic violence based on a less-known short story by the Hungarian writer Zsigmond Móricz. I chose this story because it is still relevant today, it could even be set in 2017, as it basically depicts domestic violence in its complexity. This story by Móricz proves that the phenomenon of domestic violence is not at all new, given that in the beginning or the middle of the 20th century we can see the same complex social problem which present-day criminal law has to face. Hungarian society 50 or 100 years ago was not exempt from domestic violence either. We may also claim that the factors enhancing domestic violence were even stronger than today. The story aligns several dimensions of domestic violence, as it shows examples of both child and wife abuse. I am going to analyse the crimes depicted by Móricz according to the criminal laws effective today, and I just tangentially touch upon the judgment of the offences in the age of writing. This way, first I analyse the questions of child abuse, focusing on the right of punishment, which is still relevant in today’s criminal system as a cause for miscarriage. Then I present a detailed analysis of the bearing of case of partner abuse in the framework of violence in relationships, which exists in Hungarian criminal law since 2013.

  • The organisational changes of public administration in the mirror of the system of the authorities of the offences law

    The paper introduces the most recent processes taking place within the Hungarian public administration from a special aspect and follows the system of the authorities of the misdemeanor law from the 19th century to nowadays. It presents the system of the monarchy, the councils and the period after the change of regime. The Constitutional Court with its Resolution no. 63/1997 (XII. 12.) declared the dual nature of offences – being against public administration and bagatelle cases pertaining to criminal law – and although with a different legal reasoning, it prescribed the right of access to court in both cases. The mentioned separation has resulted in conceptual problems exerting their influence to this day, at the same time the majority of authors dealing with this field instead of the majority opinion accepted the concurrent explanation of László Sólyom, to which Constitutional Court Judges János Németh and Tamás Lábady also joined. In 2012, however, several important changes took place simultaneously. The new Act on Offenses shifted towards criminal law while it terminated the right of local governments to regulate offenses. In parallel with this, the Act on Local Governments at the beginning provided an opportunity for the local governments to sanction anti-social behavior which was revoked by the Constitutional Court in the same year. The paper investigates the effect of the decisions of the Constitutional Court and analyzes the opportunities of public administration within the present legal framework to apply sanctions and defines those criteria on the basis of which the legislator could settle the current situation.

  • Prevailing regulation of the termination of parental control under the Civil Code

    Being a judge practicing on the area of the law of crimes I rarely come across with the need to apply civil law. Nevertheless, a handful legal concepts may be applied also by criminal courts. One of these concepts is the termination of parental control. Before turning to relevant case analysis in my study, I focus on the principle of the "child's best interest" which is referred to under article 3 of the New York Convention on the rights of children and which has a general fundamental applicability in respect of all provisions of the Convention. This principle must apply not only in civil, but also in criminal proceedings and generally in all types of proceedings irrespective of the area of law such proceedings fall under. Special emphasis is attributed to the legal consequences of terminating parental control and to the distinction of cases where the termination of parental control by the court is mandatory and where such a decision is made in the discretion of the court. I pay separate attention to cases where the court has convicted the parent of a crime committed wilfully against the convicted person's own child and in which cases the convicted person is sentenced to prisonment and as a result of these the criminal court has competence to order the termination of parental control. I address also some issues relating to matters of proof and evidence in connection with crimes of domestic violence. Finally, I explain the nature of a child-focused jurisdiction through the presentation of the Hungarian system which ensures to respect and to give effect to the rights of children to the maximum extent possible. The ability of providing special treatment for children in court proceedings is of the utmost importance.

  • The questions of remedy during third procedure in the criminal procedure

    The questions of remedy are in close relations with the legal force. The legal force of the
    clinching decisions represents the final, irreversible decision about the demand of penal law,
    which decision is a guideline and undeniably binding for all, and cannot be attacked with an
    ordinary appeal.
    The legal force of other decisions with the capacity to have legal force defines a decision
    which is final, irreversible, a guideline for all, obligatory (independent of executability) and
    cannot be attacked with an appeal.
    Furthermore, there are the decisions with formal legal force, the legal force of which stands
    only for not being appealable.
    A valid decision can only be made about the factual and legal basis of criminal responsibility
    by the court that is entitled and obligated to do it, that is, only the court has a right during
    criminal procedure to decide whether there was a crime or not, and if yes, who committed it.
    In relation to this, the question of material legal force can only regard the constituted charge
    and the act in consideration, when the court makes a permanent decision about the demand of
    penal law, in the framework of the substantive judging of the act that became the object of
    Lodging an appeal on legal grounds shall be governed by the provisions set forth in Chapter
    XV of the Criminal procedure Act. The judgement of the court of second instance may be
    appealed at the court of appeal. The appeal against the judgement of the court of second
    instance may involve any of the dispositions therein or exclusively the justification thereof.
    An appeal may be lodged for legal or factual reasons. An appeal suspends the part of the judgement to become final which is to be reviewed by the court of appeal owing to the appeal.
    The third remedy is allowed only in cases where the first and second instance decision is
    absolutely different in the question of guilty.

  • Thoughts about the latest modification of the Hungarian Act on Copyright

    The Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright was amended by the Act CVLV of 2005 with effect of 15 April 2006 in compliance with the provisions of the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on measures and procedures to ensure the enforcement of intellectual property rights (hereinafter: “Enforcement-Directive”). The Enforcement-Directive concerns the measures necessary to ensure the enforcement of intellectual property rights (copyrights, patent, trade marks, etc.). The Member States of the European Union had to provide for the proportionate measures and procedures needed to ensure the enforcement of intellectual property rights covered by the Enforcement-Directive. The amended and supplement provisions of the Hungarian Act on Copyright provide efficient shelter for the authors from the infringement of copyright law on the one hand and provide legal (procedural) guarantees for the potential infringers on the other hand.

    There are some new provisions which can be applied against the infringers not only by final judgment but also as provisional and precautionary measures. When a judicial decision has been taken finding an infringement of copyright or neighbouring right, the judicial authorities may serve the infringer with an injunction aimed at prohibiting the continuation of the infringement. The judicial authorities can serve the alleged infringer, or the intermediary whose services are being used by a third party to infringe a right, with an interlocutory injunction intended to prevent any impending infringement of copyright or neighbouring right, or to forbid the continuation of the alleged infringements of copyright or neighbouring right, or to make such continuation subject to the lodging of guarantees intended to ensure the compensation of right holder. The judicial authorities can be empowered to require the applicant to provide any reasonably available evidence to their satisfaction with a sufficient degree of certainty that the applicant is the right holder and that the applicant’s right is being infringed or, that such infringement is imminent. The judicial authorities may order the publication or seizure of bank, financial or commercial documents. The judicial authorities may order the recall, at the infringer’s expense in appropriate cases, of the goods which have been found to infringe copyright or neighbouring right and may order that the goods which have been found to infringe the right, as well as the materials and implements used primarily for the creation or the manufacture of the goods in question, be disposed of outside the channels of commerce, without any compensation being due.  It can be also ordered, that the decision be displayed and published in full or in part in the newspapers or in the internet designated by the right holder.

    The most efficient protection against the usurpation can be satisfied by the parallel regulation of the civil and criminal law. The next steps to be done by the European Union are the criminal law provisions. Besides the regulations, consistent jurisdiction is necessary, in which the courts should play an important role.

  • The criminal liability of the medical doctor

    The article introduces the criminal liability of the medical doctors in a nutshell. The topicality of this theme is exemplified by the increasing number of criminal procedures against physicians as trends show. During the introduction of the criminal liability of the medical practitioners, the article considers drawing a line between the liability of civil and criminal law of importance. After describing the matters concerning the drawing of line, the study is going to elaborate the legal brief of endangerment committed in the line of duty, followed by a review connecting the prior and the medical profession, presenting some legal cases, respectively. It is very essential to explore the legal brief of prohibited abortion and charlatanry, in addition to delineating the concepts of active and passive euthanasia, and, after having explained the refusal of provisions, it is necessary to aspire to draw a line between the prior mentioned and the legal brief of the assistance in suicide.

  • Honestly about the Closed Doors - Do Persona Non Gratas Participate in the Psychological Expert Examinations in the Criminal Procedure?

    Authorities and courts are supported by various experts from a long time in the process ofdomestic criminal procedures, howeverlegalpsychologyis a pretty young profession in this field. Despite of its brief history it has achieved stability in the system of criminal sciences and has an outstanding role in influencingjudgementon cases. What happens when this specialty itself becomes the subject of an expert procedure? My article willtryto answer this question. I examine the mechanisms of hungarianlegal psychological expertingthrough personal features of the experting-examination within thecriminal legal procedures of law. At the same time I verify thepresumption that thesecomponents work unrealistically and dissimilarly to the actual practice due to thenatureof current legislations. My hypothesis is supported by four interviews with legalpsychological experts and relevant statistical data brought from the analysis of thirty-one cases from TheCourt of Law of Debrecen, between 1st Jan 2000 and 15th Jul 2016. In the last section of my work I propose individual recommendations and guides for the legislator in relation to the earlier highlighted defects.

  • Barbarian defendants - thoughts aroused by the short story titled ‘Barbarians’ by Zsigmond Móricz

    Zsigmond Móricz's works from the 1930s present areas barely affected by civilization; his short stories titled 'Barbarians' were published in 1932.

    The short story 'Barbarian' is about 2 shepherds - in the rigid world of shepherds living away from civilization - killing shepherd Bodri, his little son and his 3 shepherd dogs, just for the benefit of taking Bodri's 300 sheeps. The short story 'Barbarians' displays the confrontation of the good and the bad, with the moral content that sin never goes unpunished - be it moral contempt, social exclusion, public contempt, gnawing guilt, or even the judgement of a criminal court.

    Móricz does not exactly describe the age when his story takes place, but it may be inferred.

    The shortstory is made up of 3 chapters. From a legal perspective the short story can be considered a judicial decision, which is made up of statements of facts, evidence evaluation and decision. From a procedural perspective the investigation process and the trial phase can be separated. Criminal law and criminal procedural elements in effect at the time of writing the story and presently are well recognizable.

    In the story the statutory definition of two crimes can be observed: murder and cruelty to animals. The motives of the homicide as well as aggravating circumstances are clear: pre-arranged, crime against property, to the detriment of several people, repeat offender, offence against a person under fourteen years of age.

    The end of the story takes us to the idea that the word communicated by the judge: "barbarians", can be considered as a real punishment in itself for the defendants, followed by death by hanging. The judgment is therefore twofold: punishment according to the law, as well as by human society.