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  • Alkotmányozási eljárások Magyarországon (1989-2011)
    Megtekintések száma:

    In my research paper I study the Hungarian constitutional processes. The subjects of my analysis are three periods, namely the change of the political system in 1989, the constitutional attempts from 1994 to 1998, and the constitutional process between 2010 and 2011.

    The processes are examined on the basis of the two notions: “legality” and “legitimacy”. Under the concept “formal legality”, I mean the legal validity of the constitutional process; i.e. whether the constitutional process takes place in accordance with the current legislation. The concept of “legitimacy” has two aspects. On the one hand, empirical legitimacy investigates whether the citizens de facto accept the constitution and value it as respectable independently of the normative motives of its acceptance. On the other hand, normative legitimacy examines whether the constitution is based on justifiable principles and whether it might be considered as legally binding.

    The constitutional process in 1989 - aimed at establishing a democratic transition – took place within round-table discussions of the representatives of the old system and the strengthened opposition. As a result of the radical changes, the democratic Constitution was established in Hungary and the multi-party system also developed. The outcome of the discussions was the general supervision of the Constitution. Formally, there was only an amendment to the Constitution in 1989; however, as regard its content, a completely new norm was established.

    Since the change of the political system in 1989, the idea of creating a new constitution emerges again and again in the Hungarian public life. In the course of the elections in 2010, a party alliance (in which both parties represented the same political line) reached the required two-thirds majority in the Parliament, and aimed at establishing a new constitution. The result of the constitutional process is a completely new constitution (both the form and the content of the previous constitution were changed).

    All things considered, it can be stated that the amendment to the Constitution in 1989 was accepted lawfully by the Parliament of the old system, i.e. the constitutional process was legal, and in a normative sense, a legitimate Constitution was created. In 2011, the Fundamental Law of Hungary (Hungarian: Magyarország Alaptörvénye) was adopted on the basis of the procedure determined by the Constitution in 1989, i.e. the constitutional process was legal, though; the present research paper highlights some elements of the constitutional process that might be criticized. At present, the legitimacy of the Fundamental Law of Hungary is controversial from both sociological and normative perspectives.

  • A jogosulatlan pénzügyi tevékenység megítélése a közjegyzői gyakorlatban és összefüggése az okirat hamisítással
    Megtekintések száma:

    The unlawful providers destroy the trust, as well as in the lawful providers in the whole financial system. The adjudgement of the loan service by non financial providers can cause problem in the notarial practice. Namely the notary can just conclude of the frequency, for-profitnature and organization of the loan service provided by the parties statements.

    My present study gives a summary about the criminal facts and their analysis occur in the practice as well as to the notarial bench, who can be seen as non-proffessional connected to the criminal education. The article provides useful information, the reader gets an opportunity to analyse the unlawful financial service from the notarial aspect.

  • Atipikus szerződések Magyarországon és Szerbiában
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    The paper analyzes the notion and types of atypical contracts, primarily in the Hungarian and
    Serbian law, but also in wider, European perspective. The analysis sheds light on the different
    terms used in different legal systems to denominate contracts that do not fit explicitly into the
    range of nominate contracts, that is into the range of contract-types envisaged by the civil
    code or code of obligations, respectively. According to the Hungarian legal literature, all civil
    law contracts are divided into two main groups: nominate and innominate contracts. The
    former group is further divided into the categories of typical and atypical contracts, while the
    latter into the categories of mixed contracts and de facto innominate contracts.
    The authors conclude that there is a tendency in Europe, both in the jurisprudence, the
    legislation and the application of law, to create a unified and coherent law of contracts, which
    affects the range of atypical contracts as well. Most notably, the Draft Common Frame of
    Reference, the normative proposal of the Study Group on a European Civil Code and the
    Research Group on EC Private Law (Acquis Group), contains model rules on franchise, timesharing,
    commercial agency and treatment contracts, just as rules on electronic commerce, on
    the one hand. The legislation of the European Union, on the other, aims at the highest possible
    level of harmonisation of laws which, from the aspect of protection of consumers and
    competition law, affects the range and statutory content of atypical contracts. Finally, the
    paper refers to a series of decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union that tackle
    certain features of the atypical contracts, whereby the Court in the determination of issues of
    contract law applies a rather functional approach.

  • A foglalkoztatáspolitikai eszközök szabályozásának változása napjainkban
    Megtekintések száma:

    The aim of the present essay is to give an overview of the means of the employment policy through the analysis and construction of the relevant statutory intruments and legal rules.

    During the treatment of the means of the employment policy this essay tooks the classification accepted by the scientific literature as a basis therefore it deals with these instruments divided into two big groups.

    Among the active types of the means of the employment policy the direct and also the indirect kinds of benefits of the jobless and unemployed are treated here.

    Among the passive types of means those instruments are presented which are to succeed the unemployment benefit and the unemployment allowance such as jobsearch benefit and jobsearch allowance.

    The definition of ‘employment policy’ is widely construed that is why this definition comprises the classical instruments of Labour Law and in a separate subsection the subsidy of the atypical legal relations of employment are also presented.

  • Zárt ajtókról nyíltan Avagy vannak-e persona non grata-k a büntetőeljárás keretei között végzett igazságügyi pszichológiai szakértői vizsgálatokon?
    Megtekintések száma:

    Authorities and courts are supported by various experts from a long time in the process ofdomestic criminal procedures, howeverlegalpsychologyis a pretty young profession in this field. Despite of its brief history it has achieved stability in the system of criminal sciences and has an outstanding role in influencingjudgementon cases. What happens when this specialty itself becomes the subject of an expert procedure? My article willtryto answer this question. I examine the mechanisms of hungarianlegal psychological expertingthrough personal features of the experting-examination within thecriminal legal procedures of law. At the same time I verify thepresumption that thesecomponents work unrealistically and dissimilarly to the actual practice due to thenatureof current legislations. My hypothesis is supported by four interviews with legalpsychological experts and relevant statistical data brought from the analysis of thirty-one cases from TheCourt of Law of Debrecen, between 1st Jan 2000 and 15th Jul 2016. In the last section of my work I propose individual recommendations and guides for the legislator in relation to the earlier highlighted defects.

  • A kamat szerepe a polgári peres eljárásokban
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    A tanulmány a kamattal kapcsolatos különböző igények polgári perben való érvényesítését, azok speciális perjogi szabályait tekinti át, hangsúlyozva, hogy a pénzkövetelések érvényesítéséhez képest eljárásjogi szempontból kevés egyedi normával találkozhatunk az eljárási kódexben. Összeveti ugyanakkor az írás az 1952. évi III. törvény és az új Pp., a 2016. évi CXXX. törvény kamattal kapcsolatos rendelkezéseit és igyekszik adekvát válaszokat adni a szabályozási hiátusból eredő jogalkalmazási kérdésekre. A cikk megállapítása szerint a perjog általában a főköveteléssel együtt érvényesített járulékokra vonatkozóan egységesen fogalmaz meg néhány egyedi eljárásjogi rendelkezést, melyek a főkövetelés járulékaként a kamatra is irányadóak, elenyésző a tisztán kamatspecifikus rendelkezések száma hatályos perjogunkban. Kitér az elemzés a pertárgy érték meghatározása, a kereseti kérelemhez kötöttség, az elsőfokú ítélet kamatra vonatkozó rendelkezései elleni fellebbezés, a kamatot érintő keresetfelemelés másodfokon való megengedhetősége és a jogerős ítéletnek kizárólag a kamatot érintő rendelkezései elleni felülvizsgálati kérelem megengedhetősége kapcsán a kamatot érintő egyedi törvényi rendelkezésekre és eseti bírósági döntések elemzése útján értékeli a judikatúra irányait. Megállapítja a szerző, hogy az egységes és koherens ítélkezési gyakorlat az egyértelmű törvényi rendelkezésekre alapítottan megfelelően szolgálja az igényérvényesítő felek érdekeit.

  • A felszolgálási díj szabályozásáról az alapvető jogok biztosának eljárása kapcsán
    Megtekintések száma:

    The article introduces the statutory regulation of service charges in relation to the procedure of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights in a complex manner, by referring to all affected parts of the statutory system providing a detailed and critical analysis, reasoning, furthermore the article also refers to the statutory dogmatic, constitutional issues, controversies, maladministration and interpreting questions related to service charges, by also making reference to the halts in consumer protection – repealing the 15% upper limit. The article presents the answer of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights and the necessary reflection to this answer. The author publishes his thorough and firm opinion, which  takes into consideration consumer protection and discrimination aspects, in a usable manner for legislators and law enforcement bodies, and summarises the final conclusions, „missing items” complied in nine points.

  • Peter Goodrich és a Satirical Legal Studies
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    Satirical Legal Studies is a study by Peter Goodrich, written in 2005. It was published in Michigan Law Review. I wrote my essay with the purpose of analyzing the main points of this study because – as I know – it has not been translated or published in Hungarian yet.

    Goodrich gives a comprehensive analysis of the history of the satirical genres, making comparisons, revealing the most important characteristics of these kind of writings. It is the function that distinguishes simple humour from satire and especially legal satire. Satire uses humour as a tool for pointing out to relevant legal matters that need to be changed, so it can easily be admitted that the purpose of satire is reform itself. It means also that the satirical tendencies in jurisprudence have always become stronger in times of need for reforms but we can state that independent of this satire has (more or less) always been present throughout the history of jurisprudence.  

    Satire has classical, antique traditions that show us the connections between satire and politics or literature. The literary vein of satire or legal satire is less radical than the other one which is in close connection with politics. The latter, more radical form is called Menippean satire and the style of it has always been a certain call for reforms, it always represented a certain social urge to change some relevant legal matters.

    The study deals with the problems of metaphysical nonsenses in the territory of law, such as for example law would be God made, or it could be unchangeable. Satirical Legal Studies clearly states that these are all contradictional nonsenses. Besides this Satirical Legal Studies has always represented and fought against the social injustice and the injustice of legal institutions.

    These main points guide us to the figure of the Bad Man, whom the author, Goodrich features as the immunological power of the society revealing all the serious social affairs waiting for an answer. Taking all these facts into consideration the Bad Man is not a tool for the idea of Bad, what’s more: he is or can be the cure for a society’s illness if the legal system does not ignore him and his voice at all because his decadence is only the decadence of the certain time and place that he is a part of. The role of satire is to face the legal system with the pure reality and needs in order to become adequately reactive.  

  • A szülői felügyeleti jog megszüntetésének hatályos jogi szabályozása a Polgári Törvénykönyvben
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    Being a judge practicing on the area of the law of crimes I rarely come across with the need to apply civil law. Nevertheless, a handful legal concepts may be applied also by criminal courts. One of these concepts is the termination of parental control. Before turning to relevant case analysis in my study, I focus on the principle of the "child's best interest" which is referred to under article 3 of the New York Convention on the rights of children and which has a general fundamental applicability in respect of all provisions of the Convention. This principle must apply not only in civil, but also in criminal proceedings and generally in all types of proceedings irrespective of the area of law such proceedings fall under. Special emphasis is attributed to the legal consequences of terminating parental control and to the distinction of cases where the termination of parental control by the court is mandatory and where such a decision is made in the discretion of the court. I pay separate attention to cases where the court has convicted the parent of a crime committed wilfully against the convicted person's own child and in which cases the convicted person is sentenced to prisonment and as a result of these the criminal court has competence to order the termination of parental control. I address also some issues relating to matters of proof and evidence in connection with crimes of domestic violence. Finally, I explain the nature of a child-focused jurisdiction through the presentation of the Hungarian system which ensures to respect and to give effect to the rights of children to the maximum extent possible. The ability of providing special treatment for children in court proceedings is of the utmost importance.

  • A sérelemdíj funkció-analízise
    Megtekintések száma:

    A 2013. évi V. törvény (Ptk.) – felválta a korábbi, elméleti és gyakorlati ellentmondásoktól terhes nem vagyoni kártérítés jogintézményét – a személyiségi jogok megsértésének önálló szankciójaként vezeti be a sérelemdíjat, mely kettős funkcióval bír: egyrészt célja az, hogy akit személyiségi jogában megsértenek, olyan pénzbeli juttatásban részesüljön, amely az elszenvedett nem vagyoni sérelmeket hozzávetőlegesen kiegyensúlyozza, kompenzálja. Másrészt magánjogi büntetésnek is tekinthető a hasonló jogsértések megelőzése érdekében, preventív jelleggel.

    A cél szerinti értelmezés szerint a sérelemdíj csak akkor kerülhet alkalmazásra, ha az képes betölteni a funkcióját, vagyis ha nem mutatható ki olyan nem vagyoni sérelem, amely arányos jóvátételére (elsődlegesen) hivatott lenne a sérelemdíj, akkor egyáltalán nincs helye megítélésének, hiszen a személyiséget érintetlenül hagyó jogsértések esetében kizárólag a büntető funkció érvényesülne, ami teljesen összeegyeztethetetlen a magánjog eredendően helyreállító, kiigazító jellegével.

    A jogirodalom egyöntetű véleménye szerint az elsőbbség a kompenzációs funkcióé kell, hogy legyen és csak másodlagos helyet foglalhat el a magánjogi büntetés jelleg. Munkám alapján elmondható, hogy sérelemdíjra a bírák is elsősorban az elszenvedett immateriális sérelmeket orvosló, az elveszett életörömök pótlására szolgáló jogintézményként tekintenek és azt kizárólag preventív céllal nem ítélik meg, hanem az esetek döntő részében a prevenciós funkció a marasztalás összegét emelő tényezőként kerül értékelésre.

    Tanulmányomban több szempontból kívánom elemezni, hogy a sérelemdíj kettős funkcióját a bíróságok hogyan értékelik az előttük fekvő ügyekben, melyik jelleg domborodik ki az összegszerűség és melyik a jogalap kapcsán. Lévén a kutatás alapvetően empirikus jellegű, ezért minél több ítélet feldolgozásán keresztül vizsgálom, hogy, milyen szempontokat értékel a judikatúra a kompenzációs (pl.: elszenvedett testi sérülések, lelki változások, életkor, a sértett családi élete, életvitel megváltozása stb…) és milyen szempontokat a prevenciós funkció (pl.: jogsértés súlya, elhúzódó jellege stb…) keretében. Végül meg kívánom válaszolni dolgozatom központi kérdését, vagyis: milyen funkciót tulajdonít a gyakorlat a sérelemdíjnak.

  • Hivatalrendszer az Oszmán Birodalom magyarországi peremvidékén
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    My essay is on the development of autonomy of the country-towns and the changes of their relationship with the Hungarian county, the land lords, and the Turks. My research is based on the analysis of original account books of Debrecen and Nagykőrös. The situation of these towns was special in the 17th century, among other things, because of their geographical location. Debrecen situated at the border of the three big powers and Nagykőrös placed inside of the Turkish Empire. Later the country-town leaders were able to pay the cost of autonomy. The county administration system disappeared in the Turkish territory, but the functions of it were continued. For example the assembly of Pest county was hold in Fülek which was outside of the county. The administrative bodies of the counties worked according to the old Hungarian regulations. Turkish ruling was considered temporary. It was hard to keep contact between the county and the towns. It was one of the reasons of establishing municipal self government. These towns regularly paid tax to the Hungarian land lords and a higher amount to the Turks. The land lords who escaped from the Turkish territory were still in power. The towns paid the tax to the lords in a lump sum. The lords didn’t exercise their power. The town leaders recognized this situation and reached economical and later political autonomy that was very expensive. After the end of Turkish ruling the counties (re)expanded but the local self governing system was maintained.

  • A zsarnokölésről, avagy jogszerű-e a zsarnok elpusztítása?
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    The aim of the essay is to analyse a special moment, namely the moment of the end of a tyranny. An outstanding problem is how to judge the murder of a tyrant, and the occurrences that lead to that, because these acts actually make a chain of crimes, if they’re examined without the context.

    Breach of the peace, mayhem, mutiny, homicide, these are acts, that are against the moral code of humanity. They have been punished by criminal laws throughout history. Therefore it is crucial to examine the circumstances of this very act. These circumstances are actually the key factors to legitimise the aggression of a rebellion. Nevertheless the first thing that someone has to do during the analysis is to find a comprehensive definition that shows who is the person, who possesses the characteristic of an unjust despot.

  • Családon belüli erőszak egy irodalmi mű alapján. (Móricz Zsigmond: „A világ végén már szép és jó”)
    Megtekintések száma:

    In my study I am going to present a rather complicated issue, namely a few problems of domestic violence based on a less-known short story by the Hungarian writer Zsigmond Móricz. I chose this story because it is still relevant today, it could even be set in 2017, as it basically depicts domestic violence in its complexity. This story by Móricz proves that the phenomenon of domestic violence is not at all new, given that in the beginning or the middle of the 20th century we can see the same complex social problem which present-day criminal law has to face. Hungarian society 50 or 100 years ago was not exempt from domestic violence either. We may also claim that the factors enhancing domestic violence were even stronger than today. The story aligns several dimensions of domestic violence, as it shows examples of both child and wife abuse. I am going to analyse the crimes depicted by Móricz according to the criminal laws effective today, and I just tangentially touch upon the judgment of the offences in the age of writing. This way, first I analyse the questions of child abuse, focusing on the right of punishment, which is still relevant in today’s criminal system as a cause for miscarriage. Then I present a detailed analysis of the bearing of case of partner abuse in the framework of violence in relationships, which exists in Hungarian criminal law since 2013.

  • A szociális jogok alkotmányjogi megközelítése a hazai és nemzetközi környezetben
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    The aim of the study is to demonstrate how many different legal approaches are there to the judgment of social rights. This varied approach lets us view the subject in several different perspectives, shading the evolving first impression.

    During my disquisition I analyzed how effective are the tools protecting social rights, that can help us to understand and accept the legal practice of the Hungarian Constitutional Court. Doing this by not only approaching the question through legal theory, but also aiming to synthesize it with economic reasoning through a legal filter.

    This complex approach creates the opportunity for a new platform of analysis when examining individually each social right.

  • Társasági üzletrész értékelése házastársi vagyonmegosztási perekben Szakértői bizonyítás – Szakértői kompetencia
    Megtekintések száma:

    New types of assets has appeared in property lawsuits in the past 25 years, such as company shares (one of the most important kind of valuable rights). This fact made forensic experts - who deal with evaluation of these assets - to obtain additional comprehensive knowledge.  The Kuria quoted that "the expert opinion is an underlying proof for the court judgment, an objective and precise means of proof, which usually affects directly the decisions of the court," and I think the date of the completion of the trial can be affected significantly.

    The author of the study and writing of the addition was designed to court pointed out weaknesses in the analyzed case by case decisions perceived peer involvement draws the attention of the interested public on the company's assessment of literature on the importance of knowledge. To that aim the light of the experience gained from the analysis of the case law, above all, the study seeks to publish the company's fundamental valuation basic concepts summarize the literature on the same value in generally accepted and applied definitions and outline the applicable assessment methods. It is certain that the regulation of property relations in the new Code requires the renewal of judicial regulation of professional activity as well.

  • Az orvos gyógyító tevékenységének polgári jogi vonatkozásai
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    The article wish to briefly cover the civil liability of the medic. The actuality of this topic is exemplified well by the fact that court trials for compensation of damages against healthcare providers show an increasing tendency year by year. It is deem important to briefly delineate the drawing of line between the civil and criminal liability during the presentation of the civil liability. After speaking about issues of drawing of line, the study is going to cover the effective liability for damages of the medic. While explaining the liability for damages of the medic, it will cover the concept of legal nature of invasive procedures, matters concerning the liability of healthcare institutions, and the basic topics of tort and contractual liability. The article is going to introduce the issues concerning illegality, the patient’s right to self-determination, his or her right to information, the obligation of medics to disclose information, in addition to matters related to the concept of the legal nature of informed consent along with the connected judicial practice in the chapter about the informed consent of the patient. As for closure, during the analysis of issues regarding evidence, it wish to cover the rules of culpability, the choice for healing methods of medics, and medical documentation, respectively.

  • On Law as a Multidisciplinary Phenomenon
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    The article introduces the limits of conceptual analysis of law, and the possibilities of functional and multidisciplinary approaches to law. It sketches some stations of the history of legal philosophy emphasizing spreading multidisciplinary tendencies of the philosophy of law. It illuminates some connection of various scientific approaches on the basis of a concrete research relating to the religious roots of Roman law. Finally it outlines vertical and horizontal structures of multidisciplinary legal research, which are based on the ontological levels of reality and special scientific interests.

  • Európai kitekintés: A különélés értékelése a tagállami házassági bontójogokban
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    A különélés, mint a házassági viszony megromlásának legszignifikánsabb jele szinte kivétel nélkül jogilag releváns tény az európai tagállamok házassági bontójogában, de abban már lényeges különbség van a tagállamok között, hogy mekkora jelentőséget tulajdonítanak neki. Vannak országok, ahol már jogalkotási szinten szabályozásra kerül, akár mint a bontás kifejezett előfeltétele, akár mint a jogalkalmazót orientáló törvényi körülmény, és van olyan ország is, ahol a különélés bár tételesen nem jelenik meg, de a jogalkalmazás figyelembe veszi azt a bontóper során. Hipotézisem, hogy a különélés ténye olyan közös metszéspontja az uniós tagállamok házassági bontójogának, hogy a szempont kapcsán felvett jogi attitűdök érdekes alapot szolgáltatnak egy jogösszehasonlító elemzéshez. A jelen tanulmány célja, hogy egy fogalmi alapvetést követően megvizsgálja az egyes uniós országok különélés kapcsán alkotott álláspontját, azokat besorolja „a jogalkotástól a jogalkalmazás felé haladva” logika alapján, végül egy összegzés keretében megtegye a végső konklúziókat.

  • Az MH-17 légi járat lelövésének nemzetközi jogi megítélése a nemzetközi polgári repülésről szóló Chicagói Egyezmény tükrében
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    This paper addresses the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH-17 in 2014 from the perspective of the Chicago Convention on international civil aviation. Two issues are closely examined namely the applicability of Article 3bis on prohibiting the use of force by states against civil aircraft to the specific case and States’ obligation to close the airspace to civil aviation over conflict zones.

    If the assumption of the Joint Investigation Team is correct in that flight MH-17 was shot down from a territory held by separatist groups it will be a legally challenging task to prove the necessary link to Russia requried by international law to determine state responsability for the breach of Article 3bis. The fact that the International Court of Justice has never delivered a judgement on merits concerning aerial incident cases due to the lack of jurisdiction does not advance the prospect for a reassuring conclusion of the case concerning flight MH-17 from the perspective of international aviation law.

    The obligation to close the airspace by the state exercising sovereignty over the airspace over conflict zones is not spellt out explicitly in the Chicago Convention. States responsible for the airspace should however close their airspace if the airspace in question is not safe for civil aviation. The critical question remains whether the state responsible for the airspace has all the relevant information at its disposal when making the complex decision about closing the airspace. In case of a non-international armed conflict non-state actors are not obliged under the Chicago Convention to share aviation safety related information with the enemy state responsible for the airspace under international law over the conflict zone.

    It is hereby proposed that binding regulations should be adopted either in the field of international air law or humanitarian law to the effect that during an armed conflict non-state actors co-operate in information sharing for the sake of guaranteeing the safety of (international) air traffic.

  • Terhelti védekezések jogi és pszichológiai szempontú értékelése az adminisztratív csődbüntett köréből
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    Psychology plays a main role in the criminal procedure, in which the people’s personality is very important to be investigated and known. The psychological methods started being used only in the 19th century. During the legal proceedings the authorities must deal with people. The behavior of the people is very different. The authorities must know the basic rules of the psychology to understand these different behaviors of accused people. The human memory has a lot of regularity. The knowledge of these regularities make easier the efforts of the authorities to get the truth. In the whole process of the investigation the most important fact to know is the personality of the person who committed the crime. When the suspected is being heard, different type of personalities can cause different final resumes. Therefore the importance of the psychological knowledge in the legal occupation is unquestionable.