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  • A kártérítés határai
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  • A személyiségvédelem aktuális kérdései
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  • Felelősség-áttörés a bírói gyakorlatban
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  • Recenzió az Atipikus szerződések című tankönyvről
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  • A civil szervezetek program- és jogalkotásban való részvételének egyes kérdései Magyarországon
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    Among the tools of including the concerned elements of society into the decision making processes the government operating since 2010 rather prefers the non-legal ones (i.e. those which do not constitute direct obligations for the government); rather solutions outside of the legal system are put into focus. Therefore the so-called national consultation, which – among others, such as sectoral, professional and other negotiating forums – introduced in Hungary a previously unknown political technique: within two years – in ordinary mail – each citizen received two surveys with possible answers to choose from, furthermore, – as a method not really used before in Hungary – an information booklet was sent to all citizens with the right to vote which presented the newest pieces of legislation.
    Looking beyond political slogans and pathetic forms it may be well observed that the government expects from the method of crowdsourcing – which may be considered traditional in other countries – as well as from different online consultations and the introduction of new means (surfaces) of information the establishment and deepening of discussion (cooperation) with society. Among the new means of information we shall mention that the government of Hungary created its websites and related to the civil sector (in broader sense about legislation related to the civil sector). The websites – according to the intentions of the government– are part of the process of changing the attitude aimed at with the new act on the civil sector (Act CLXXV of 2011 on right of association, non-profit status, operation and support of NGOs), through which the government wishes to establish transparent connections with the civil sector.
    In Article 7 of the new Act CXXX of 2010 on legislation the two basic form of social compromise are described, general negotiation and direct negotiation. The former one provides opportunity for sharing opinion on the website of the organisation publishing concepts, drafts (in a way which obliges the organisation which asks for the opinion, e.g. through confirmation obligation or through preparing summaries on the merits), while the latter one allows the concerned minister to directly request persons and organisations to give opinion. A specific form of direct negotiation – creating obligations on the side of the minister – is the institution of strategic partnership, the framework of which is settled in a thorough agreement. One material weakness of the regulation, however, is that Article 13 paragraph (2) of the act only lists in an exemplary way those with whom such partnership may be concluded, by mentioning forms of organisations (e.g. church, trade union, civil organisation).

  • A zsarnokölésről, avagy jogszerű-e a zsarnok elpusztítása?
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    The aim of the essay is to analyse a special moment, namely the moment of the end of a tyranny. An outstanding problem is how to judge the murder of a tyrant, and the occurrences that lead to that, because these acts actually make a chain of crimes, if they’re examined without the context.

    Breach of the peace, mayhem, mutiny, homicide, these are acts, that are against the moral code of humanity. They have been punished by criminal laws throughout history. Therefore it is crucial to examine the circumstances of this very act. These circumstances are actually the key factors to legitimise the aggression of a rebellion. Nevertheless the first thing that someone has to do during the analysis is to find a comprehensive definition that shows who is the person, who possesses the characteristic of an unjust despot.

  • A privátszféra polgári jogi védelmének alapkérdései
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    Privacy has become a hot topic in personality rights protection in the 21st century all over the world. Classic personality rights did not cover all aspects of modern privacy law and the lack of an exhaustive list for personality rights also left many questions unanswered. The right to privacy is hard to define and it is even more difficult to identify the limits of this sensitive right. Our goal is to analyze various definitive attempts to privacy and synthetize them with actual judicial practice in order to get closer to what privacy law truly covers in modern jurisdictions. Even if brand new challenges arise almost every day, privacy remains a powerful instrument to provide autonomy to individuals and sometimes to legal entities.

  • A légi közlekedés bevonása a közösségi kibocsátás-kereskedelmi rendszerbe
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    Nach der Einführung des Emissionshandels auf gemeinschaftlicher Ebene vor etwa einem Jahr hat sich die Europäische Kommission für die Erweiterung des Anwendungsbereichs des Systems entschlossen. Da der Luftverkehr und damit die Emissionen aus dem Luftverkehr dermaßen – trotz der technischen Fortschritte – gestiegen sind, sind über die verschiedenen möglichen Instrumente nachzudenken, mit denen im weiteren die negativen Auswirkungen der Treibhausgasemissionen – anfangs nur die Kohlendioxid – aus dem Luftverkehr zu vermeiden sind. Hier können technischen, ökonomischen Lösungen in Frage kommen, doch scheint heute die Einbeziehung des Luftverkehrs ins Emissionshandelssystem am effektivsten zu sein. Damit kann ein Instrument, das sowohl regulatorische, als auch ökonomische Elemente enthält, eingeführt werden. Wegen der eigenartigen Eigenschaften des Luftverkehrs tauchen rechtliche Probleme auf, die von der Kommission baldmöglichst gelöst werden müssen. Solche sind die Kompatibilität einer eventuellen Einbeziehung in das Handelssystem mit dem Chicagoer Abkommen, das die internationale Zivilluftfahrt behandelt und damit Verpflichtungen nicht nur für die Vertragsparteien aus der Europäischen Union, sondern auch für weitere Staaten bestimmt. Die Kompatibilität der Einbeziehung ist auch im Zusammenhang mit dem Kyotoer Protokoll zu überprüfen, nach dem wegen dem Sonderstatus des internationalen Luftverkehrs die internationalen Luftverkehrsemissionen nicht den nationalen Emissionen der Vertragsstaaten des Kyoto-Protokolls zugeordnet sind.

    Vor der Erweiterung des Systems ist auch der Kreis der Verpflichteten festzustellen, wobei auch an die geographische Reichweite des Luftverkehrs und die wettbewerbsrechtliche Aspekte zu denken ist. Als weiteres beschreibt der Aufsatz die Frage der Erhebung einer Mineralölsteuer auf Kerosin (sog. „Kerosin-Steuer”) auch für die gewerbliche Luftfahrt, damit die bisherigen steuerlichen Vergünstigungen für den Luftverkehr abgebaut werden könnten. Im Aufsatz wird von der ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) erarbeiteten drei Systeme vorgestellt, nach denen die Emissionen aus dem Luftverkehr in Betracht werden können, unter denen sich sowohl die ICAO, als auch die Europäische Gemeinschaft für das offenes System ausgesprochen haben.

    Schließlich werden die eventuellen direkten Auswirkungen der Einführung des Luftverkehrs in das Emissionshandelssystem behandelt.

  • Az iszaplerakódás sorsa a római földmérés és jog tükrében
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    Besides legal sources, the term alluvio appears in Roman surveyors’ works and to a lesser extent in literary pieces. Chronologically, the word was used later in literary works than by surveyors and legal sources. Legal usage had definitely influenced literary usage. However, the meaning of the term had undergone some change during the word borrowing process. The Digesta and Institutiones first define the term, then deal with this doctrine in connection to usufruct, pledge, will and sale. Legal sources are well complemented and tinged by the Roman surveyors’writings, who examined the problem of alluvio from technical and legal aspects as well. For example their writings provide essential information about which parts of the Roman Empire were affected regularly by the action of rivers. The collation of sources makes it possible to examine the problem of alluvio from historical aspect as well, which is closely connected to the assessment of river bank land. It seems probable that as a result of a long process the distinction made between ager occupatorius and ager limitatus became less important from the point of view of alluvial accession.

  • Gerhard G. Hösl: A mediáció mint eredményes konfliktuskezelő megoldás elvei és gyakorlata
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    A mediáció mint diverziós eljárási modell létjogosultsága és hatásfoka az egyik legvitatottabb kérdése a hazai és nemzetközi jogtudománynak. Gerhard G. Hösl tanulmánya ugyanakkor olyan pragmatikus módszerrel dolgozza fel e jogintézmény alkalmazásának folyamatát, amely komoly iránymutatást adhat a hazai jogalkalmazás számára is. A könyv gyakorlati példákon keresztül illusztrálja a közvetítői eljárásban résztvevő személyek számára irányadó magatartásformákat, a közvetítőként eljáró személy (ld. mediátor) lehetséges feladatait, valamint a szóban forgó jogintézmény előnyös hatásait.

    Elöljáróban megjegyezném: a jogtudomány számos képviselője azon az állásponton van, hogy jelen eljárásjogi konstrukció derogálja a bíróságok presztízsét, míg mások a jogviták megoldásának hatékonyabb, gyorsabb és az érdekeltek számára minden szempontból kedvezőbb lehetőségét látják benne. E teoretikus vitapontok ellenére megállapítható, hogy a legfejlettebb uniós tagállamokban már rutinszerűen alkalmazzák e lehetőséget: Ausztriában több mint 4000 mediációs szervezet létezik, Németországban - Hannoveri székhellyel - 2003 óta évente országos kongresszusokat tartanak e tárgykörben, Svájcban kógens jogszabályi előírásokat hoztak a mediátorok képzési rendszerével kapcsolatosan, stb. Leszögezhető tehát, hogy e konstrukció igénybevétele növekedő tendenciát mutat, mégpedig - nemzetközi szinten - elsősorban a családi, az öröklési, a munka-, a gazdasági és a büntetőjog területén. A könyv tárgyát képező praxis jövőbeni fejlődése azonban természetesen a jogalkotó, illetőleg jogalkalmazó kezében van, teljes mértékben kikristályosodott gyakorlatról pedig még egy európai állam esetében sem beszélhetünk.

  • A büntetőeljárás nyilvánosságának jogszabályi hátterében húzódó alapjogi kollíziók feltárása, különös tekintettel az ágazati titokvédelemre
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    The right to a fair trial by an independent and impartial tribunal is a fundamental right everybody is entitled to. Through such right, transparency and publicity becomes an important guarantee of the administration of justice, in a broader sense, and as a procedural principle of different court proceedings as well. The collision between the requirements of privacy protection and transparency impose challenges on the legislator, the legal practitioners and on the judicial practice as well, from many aspects. Beyond issues of data protection, these requirements influence the publicity of the courtroom, the publicity of proceedings to the press, and the protection of personality rights.

    In the general interpretation publicity is a safeguard which guarantees the indecency and impartiality of the court and it is also a significant instrument of social control. The study distinguishes between the different level of publicity in a criminal procedures such as “socially publicity”, “courtroom publicity” and “client publicity” and examines practicable problems like online-streaming during the criminal court proceeding.

    In order to ensure the transparency of courts, the information stored must be provided to the parties, other authorities, and the media, taking into account applicable legal provisions.

    When it comes to the operation of courts, one of the biggest problems with regard to the constitutionality of data processing is when the qualification of a particular data is changed several times in different procedural stages, and is – consequently – subject to different legal protection. Needless to say that the same data cannot be considered as both public and protected at the same time in the same procedure. However, this issue arises regularly, which is quite frankly a legal nonsense requiring an immediate and comprehensive solution.

    Finally the study mentions some de lege ferenda recommendations as well.

  • A gazdasági társaság határozatainak bírósági felülvizsgálata a joggyakorlat tükrében
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    A tanulmány a gazdasági társaságok határozatai bírósági felülvizsgálatának törvényi szabályait mutatja be részletesen és rendszerezetten, feldolgozva a bírói gyakorlat gazdag anyagából a fontosabbakat.

    A tanulmány ismerteti, hogy milyen esetben kérhető a határozat bírósági felülvizsgálata, kik a peres felek, hogyan alakul a keresetindításra biztosított határidő, milyen határozatot hozhat a bíróság, hozzárendelve a kapcsolódó bírósági döntéseket, majd csoportosítja és bemutatja a tipikus jogsértő határozatokat, végül a jogintézményt elhatárolja a törvényességi felügyelettől.

  • Az iparjogvédelem heterogenitása
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    Industrial property protection, in addition to copyright, is a specific group of protection instruments and forms of protection under intellectual property law. The area of industrial property protection covers a very wide range. On the one hand the copyright law is homogeneous and on the other hand the industrial law is heterogeneous. This statement is based on the fact that copyright is governed by a single law, copyright law and industrial law is governed by several laws. It is a feature of the technical nature of industrial property protection that these are intellectual creations and as such are under legal protection, which is implemented by the application of different legal institutions depending on the nature and level of creativity. It is noticeable that technical progress has accelerated considerably today and this process must be followed by industrial property law.

  • Az e-közigazgatás megvalósulásának garanciái
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    Der Artikel beschreibt die Garantien der Erreichung von eGovernment, das heisst was sind die Faktoren, mit deren Stärkung und Unterstützung elektronische Verwaltung verwirklicht ist. Unter den Hürden gibt es sowohl psychologische, als technische und finanzielle Barrieren auch. Das zentrale Element is die Strategie-Schaffung, die die einzelne Hindernisse abbauenden Massnahmen festlegt, Verantwortliche ernennt, und den finanziellen Hintergrund für die Entwicklung bestimmter Gebiete versichert.

    Die Beteiligung der Bevölkerung, die Entwicklung und Stärkung der Rolle von Verwaltungspersonal in eGovernment, die IT-Entwicklungen, die Prozessoptimierung und Reorganisation, die organisatorische Erneuerung, die Umwandlung der rechtlichen Rahmen und deren Konvertierung an die neue, veränderte Umgebung und Lebenssituationen erfordern strategischen Ansatz und brauchen die Schaffung kurz-, mittel- und langfristiger Strategien. Die Strategien sollen ebenfalls flexibel, anpassungs- und erneuerungsfähig sein. Der Artikel beschäftigt sich mit den Elementen einer idealen Strategie.

    Die Herausforderungen und Chancen der Informationsgesellschaft haben sich in unseren Alltag verwurzelt und sie sind auch ein integraler Bestandteil der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Landes. Allerdings sind Finanzierungsmittel auch nötig zur Umsetzung der oben genannten Aufgaben, deshalb bedeutet die strategische Planung die exakte Projektierung der EU-Mittel, die sieben JahreimVoraus die Richtungen definiert, die die Unterstützungen abzurufen fähig und geeignet sind. Die Bedeutung von 2020 Széchenyi liegt in der Tatsache im Bereich des E-Government, dass getrennte Priorität in diesem Bereich zugeordnet hat.

  • A monista felfogás érvényesülése a szerzői jogi törvényben
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    Examining the history of copyright law, we can distinct two significant theories. The distinction is based upon the position of entitled parties. Two separated fields can be found among the rights of the author: personal and financial rights. It is no doubt that personal rights are inseparable from the author itself, these rights cannot become objects of commercial businesses. If we look at these rights a little bit closer, we can realize that personal rights of the author do not play significant role in earning money from an intellectual product. These rights ensure the integrity and originality of works. Separating the two theories we have to focus on financial rights. Trying to describe these rights we can see that no exact definition can be given to them because of the permanent development of printing and publishing technology. Due to the monist theory it can be said that financial rights are close to personal ones, they are inseparable from personality of the author. Transcribing this opinion to the language of law it means that the decent regulation should prohibit the transfer of these rights among living persons. In the Anglo-Saxon legal system experts think that financial rights have to take part in commercial trade if we want to acknowledge the achievement of authors.

    In Hungary copyright law is on the point of the monist theory. The Act refers that financial rights of the author cannot be transferred and the author has no right to abandon them. If we get a closer look at the structure of the valid Act, we can say that monist theory is not consistent. It is possible to inherit financial rights. We need this rule if we would like to harmonize the system to the time of protection. The other relevant fact of crossing the prohibition is in connection with works created under labour frames. In this case the employer gets financial rights ex lege. To find the reason of this regulation we have to examine the nature and aim of labour relations. The employer gives payment to his employee, the author to establish and create works. In this situation it is natural that the author looses his financial rights. The problem is that in Hungary differences can be found between civil and labour law. If we try to give meaning to labour relations, misunderstandings and different point of views can reveal. The other problematic factor is that the Act does not bother with the question of succession.   

    In my study I present the pros and cons of both theories and gather those significant practical and theoretical fields of copyright law that can be limits of monist theory. I examine special rules for special works, rules of civil and labour law in connection with authors and give a short historical overview to see what can be the main directions of future developments.

  • A közút tartozéka: egy sajátos jogintézmény ellentmondásai
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    In the legal terminology of private law several times the same definition is used for addressing the same legal institution (e.g. default penalty, in-building). In most of the cases there is no problem to separate these institutions and we can also give an explanation why legislator used the same terminology.

    The definition of accessory is used for a special group of article groups in the Hungarian Civil Code and also used in the Act I. of 1988. From the angle of judicature it is problematic as even if the definition of road accessory is build upon the general terminology of accessory in the Civil Code, the two legal institutions are not the same.

    In the essay we would like to emphasize that the safety of traffic does not give a decent reason why we have to restrict the proprietary rights with using the institution of road accessory. This restriction is in a close connection with not only the distance from the public road but the effect of the property to the safety of traffic. The valid regulations may cause illogical contradictions and judicature problem.

  • A rokkant lét szabályai Magyarországon
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