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  • Main Characteristics of Table Egg Consumption in Hungary

    In the last years many changes occurred in the egg sector in Hungary; the sector’s participants have to face with a number of challenges today as well. Both egg production and consumption decreased significantly in Hungary. The objectives of present survey are (1) to identify factors which are important for domestic customers in the course of purchase and consumption of table egg and (2) to investigate how informed the consumers are as regards table egg. To examine the aforementioned objectives online inquiry was applied, in pursuance of it 729 appreciable questionnaire put in. 99 percent of respondents consume eggs occasionally or regularly, while 79.1 percent of them buy as well. The findings suggest that the freshness and soundness of egg the most important factors for the domestic consumers.On the other hand trademark, price of kilogram and colour of egg influence on the decision of customer less. Present study only focuses on the importance of the factors influencing purchase and consumption, furthermore it introduces the consumers’ opinion on these factors. On the strength of disposable database

  • Main Characteristics of Craftsman Sweets Consumption in Hajdú-Bihar Country

    Nowadays consumer trends in chocolate consumption are changing continuously. There is an increasing role of handmade ingredients, higher cocoa content, as well as chocolate is free from preservatives, additives and plant based oils. Therefore, chocolate products are healthier. The present study focuses on the consumption of craftsman chocolate in Hajdú-Bihar county. During our studies we have done primary and secondary research data and information collection. Our research is based primarily on online questionnaires and personal interviews. During the interviews we recieved 348 evaluating questionnaires. The research results show that 58.4% of the people who live in Hajdú Bihar county consume craftsman chocolate regularly. These consumers are mainly influenced by the taste and quality in their purchase. The county’s population is receptive to new ideas and is willing to spend more money on high quality products. The respondents regularly purchase and consume craftsman chocolate.

  • Main Characteristics of Confectionery Products Consumption in Hungary

    Present study focuses on the purchase and consumption craftsman confectionery products. Domestic confectionery has been subject to many changes in the recent decades, this sector suffers from internal problems and tries to reply to the changed consumer habbits. The specific Hungarian confectionery section – according to the professional literature – has not yet investigated earlier. Our objective is to analyse the changed consumer habbits and that’s influence factors. As the primary research method we used personal interviews and online inquiry. The personal interviews are in progress, therefore this study introduces only the results of the online inquiry (n=468). The majority of the respondents consume and purchase confectionery products. Most of people are looking for quality
    products, even they spend more money for this. The consumers mostly purchase products from confectioneries, they visit the pastry shops because of relaxation and unique, prime pastries. The products made from light and natural materials, are very popular due to the changed consumer habbits.

  • Specific Features of Health Awareness for 11-17-Year-Old Hungarian Students After the Millennium Based on Hbsc Research Data – Literature Review

    The aim of this study is to present the health behaviour of 11-17-year-old Hungarian students. In connection with this topic we analyzed international and Hungarian articles based on primer researches and the results of a Hungarian survey as part of an international research, namely „The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children” (HBSC). The aim of the research is to monitor health related habits and health status of 11-17-year-old students, to track temporal and international trends of survey results, and to explore factors influencing health indicators. In this study we present the results of health promoting (nutrition, physical activity) and health compromising behaviours (smoking, alcohol consumption) and their characteristic changes based on five recent surveys (2002, 2006, 2010, 2014, 2018). During this study, we made a document analysis based on the previous Hungarian research results. The results showed a prosperous scheme, which predicts a slow but steady positive change, however there is still a long way to go. The biggest problem in the way of life of these children is the lack of conscious behaviour. Most of these children are not aware of the consequences of their lifestyle on their health.

    JEL Codes: I12

  • The Effect of Product Information on the Consumer Behaviour in the Course of Food Purchase

    This study investigates the course of the consumer’s information progression in order to underlie further quantitative and qualitative researches. This survey reviews the whole process of the information progression through which the consumer can decide which product to choose. The optimal consumption structure is configured by different principles and effects, and on the other hand every consumer is influenced by a diversity of information during the decision making process and the usage as well. The process of how individuals elaborate this information depends on numerous factors. The demographic and personality factors, qualification and profession, extant knowledge, the motivation for looking for information are very important as well as the evaluation of data. The cognitive, conative and emotive attitudes play an important role in the different stages of the information processes. The diverse information sources have a different effect on the consumer, too. The effectiveness of the information transfer is influenced by the consciousness of the consumer and how voluntarily they want to optimize their decision. In this process the extent to which they are concerned (for example a disease or prevention) plays a remarkable role. An important function of the stakeholders is to support the consumer’s decision with incomplex, laconic and authentic information. Without this the intended communication may generate a contradictory effect, however too much information may lead to rejection.

    JEL codes: M31, P36

  • Analyzing Consumer Attitudes Towards Health-protecting Food

    The main goal of our research was to analyze the role of health-protecting food in our daily nutrition. In our secondary research, we analyzed the generalities and characteristics of health and health behavior with the help of relevant domestic and foreign literature. We analyzed the domestic tendencies of health in details. We examined the most important characteristics of functional foods and investigated the factors of personalized nutrition. Based on a literature review, in our primary research we conducted an online questionnaire survey with 231 respondents. Our survey cannot be considered representative, however, the proportion of genders in our sample population is almost the same as the Hungarian population’s. In the questionnaire survey, we examined the frequency of consumption of health-protecting food. After that, we analyzed respondents’ perceptions of the actual health effects of health-protecting food. We have measured consumer attitudes towards health-protecting food. We analyzed the perception of potential health risks and problems from the consumer perspective. We measured the impact of various health factors on shopping. Besides, we have explored our intention to participate in personalized nutrition-related programs. Based on our research, most of the analyzed health-protecting food is consumed once or twice a week. It can be stated that the respondents considered the examined food categories less scientifically proven. We could identify the preventive behaviors of respondents for various health problems. However, there is also uncertainty in the decision of respondents in what is the right way to prevent the diseases. In this uncertain situation, only experts can provide real help to them.

    JEL Classification: Q16, Q12, Q13, O32

  • Awareness and Effect of CSR on Consumer Decisions

    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a common topic, both at national and international levels. Profit maximisation is essential for companies, but they should not forget the social and environmental impacts of their activities. The question of sustainability is also a common topic requiring examination. The future of the Earth, our natural resources and the generations that will come after us also impact on the responsibilities of companies. For many companies, this kind of responsibility is natural and they take such CSR and sustainable steps that are worth following. From modern society, there is a high expectation and even strong pressure on companies to conduct responsible business practice. The number of responsible companies is increasing due to this pressure. What do we mean by CSR? What sorts of activities and steps are covered by CSR? What are the motivators of the CSR strategies, CSR activities of companies? What are their reasons? Many researchers investigate the motivators of CSR. From them, opinion on the company, image of the company, “consumers will prefer us”, are among the most frequent ones. However, are the CSR actions of companies appreciated by consumers? The results of many researchers demonstrate that they are not appreciated. In general, responsible business practise is a high expectation from consumers, but when purchasing a product, this aspect is one of the least important factors. The aim of this paper is to collect some of the most relevant research findings on CSR, to introduce the informedness of Hungarian respondents on CSR in general, to find out the main influencing factors of their purchasing decisions, and also find correlations between the received results and the demographic variables based on our primary research. Our results support the present practice in terms of the definition of CSR. Almost all the listed alternatives are strongly associated with CSR by the respondents. The highest average received for the “creating workplaces, employment” alternative indicates the importance of this activity. Regarding the different factors influencing purchasing decision, our results underline the importance of price and price value ratio. This research finding is in line with other research findings, which shows that CSR actions of companies, responsible business practice is not the number one influencing factor of actual consumer decision.