
Csokonai és a többiek: Az irodalomtörténész Borbély Szilárd – szubjektív pályaképvázlat

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Kiválasztott formátum: APA
Debreczeni, A. (2016). Csokonai és a többiek: Az irodalomtörténész Borbély Szilárd – szubjektív pályaképvázlat. Studia Litteraria, 55(1-2), 9–14. https://doi.org/10.37415/studia/2016/55/4232

Szilárd Borbély’s career as a literary historian began with a thesis about Csokonai, and ended with a postdoctoral work about the same poet a quarter century later. This paper gives a rough sketch about the path between these two endpoints, in a subjective manner. The first part is the overview of this thematically diverse progress, including the most relevant text editions and books. The second half of the paper offers a shot description of the remarkable characteristics of the Csokonai biography, which was edited posthumously.