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  • Is an education programme based on social innovation sustainable?

    Social sustainability is a key concept that can be identified as an important factor in the processes supporting the satisfaction of the current needs of humanity and the preservation of the environment and natural resources for future generations. Social innovation initiatives are solutions that support a sustainable future and can be suitable for mitigating differences at the regional level, increasing regional competitiveness, and helping to catch up. The reduction and elimination of educational inequalities requires long-term solutions that require innovative cooperation between the actors of society. Within the framework of the study, we examine the examples of social innovation efforts in education and the effects of these practices, during which we pay special attention to issues of social sustainability. Our goal is to present social innovation programs and good practices that can be identified as equalizing education solutions and can be adapted and sustained in order to increase well-being while taking into account local needs and demands as well as the characteristics of the given community. Within the framework of the study, the examined good practices are presented in a structured form, emphasizing the key elements that ensure social sustainability.

  • Necessity of cooperation on pharmaceutical and biotechnology development processes in the Northern Great Plain region

    One of the leading sectors of the Hungarian Northern Great Plain region - a high capital-intensive, long-return, "high risk - high benefit" industry such as red biotechnology – was examined to see what impact its development might have and what expectations the various cooperation opportunities set for the value chain at different points. It can be stated that the industry has serious, decades-long roots in the region. At the same time, following the spiral of the "biotech industry" also comes with new challenges, and a modern, innovative university background is essential for the expansion of the sector and its establishment at all. In the 2020s, new competitors arrived, such as the vehicle and battery industries, which are also high value-added and innovation-intensive industries. In all these areas, industry clusters have been formed, with universities of the region as intellectual hubs. Along these lines, the innovation mechanisms and collaborations of the respective disciplines (biotechnology in this publication) have been renewed, modernised and strengthened, which is also important for managing risks.

  • Examining macro factors influencing human capital investment decisions in the pharmaceutical industry

    The innovation policies of the pharmaceutical industry are determined mainly by elements of the macro-environment that influence the strategic directions of the companies. In this context, the study aimed to examine whether and to what extent determined the expansion or reduction of the workforce of pharmaceutical companies in the last decade by macro-environmental indicators. These indicators represent the political, economic, social and technological innovation environment well, which are also considered their strategic decisions. The analysis was based on sectoral and macroeconomic indicators and industry employment data for 27 European countries. The results of the multivariate statistical analysis show that the economic potential of each country's uptake market, the volume of governmental support, and the human development index significantly influenced the evolution of pharmaceutical employment over the period under study.

  • Performance management focused social innovation in the public sector

    Performance management is becoming more and more important today in the everyday-life of a company or any organizations. Nowadays, the topic of performance evaluation has importance not only in the business sector but also in the public sector. Not only the interests of an organization have to be highlighted, but also those of the employees. In addition to this, in case of public service providers, their customers may have influence on performance perception. Literature in the field of performance management is very diverse but it can be stated that public service organizations have come to the forefront. In this paper a basic research is presented that contributes to the formulation of my research hypothesis.

  • The awareness and recognition of the tourism brand "Heart of the Hungarian Great Plain" and its attractions

    The objective of developing a geographical area is, first and foremost, the effective operation, the provision of an appropriate place to live and the well-being of its inhabitants, through the creation of appropriate economic, cultural, technological and ecological conditions. According to Ritchie-Crouch (2003), a tourism destination is competitive, if it has the capability for increasing tourism revenues, attracting tourists continuously, providing visitors with memorable experiences that meet their expectations, and furthermore, for profit generation. At the same time, however, the well-being of the local population must be maintained or increased by the preservation of resources for the future generations (i.e. keeping principles of sustainable development). The dynamic growth in tourism demand is also leading to increased competition between destinations. Intense competition also poses a challenge for the tourism marketing organization in the target area in terms of image building, product development and communication. However, the successful development of tourism can only be achieved through a well-functioning, well-cooperating system. Cooperation is needed both at regional and tourism product level. Although the slogan of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County as a tourism brand, the "Heart of the Great Plain" meets all the requirements for mottos, the recognition by travellers must be validated with market survey. A large sample (n = 1037) survey was conducted among domestic tourists visiting the destination in summer 2019. 71.6% of the respondents identify the county well by the brand “Heart of the Great Plain”, and the proportion of bad answers was trifling. In addition to the recognition of the tourism brand, the research also covered the assessment of the county's various tourism attractions. Twenty-nine tourism attractions were evaluated by the respondents as to whether they were visited or known. Based on the survey results, the well-known supply elements are Lake Tisza, Abádszalók, Jászberény Zoo and Botanical Garden, Cserkeszőlő, the spa resort, Tiszavirág Festival and RepTár, Interactive Aviation Museum in Szolnok. Although the awareness of county tourism attractions is considered favourable, twelve attractions had not been visited by 10% of non-county respondents until the date of surveying, and at least one quarter of respondents in each attraction were negative for a possible future visit. The conclusions of the research point out that by exploiting and developing the existing attractions in the destination, tourism innovation is needed to provide complex experience packages to reach a wide range of tourist segments. This can lead to a significant increase in the number of visitors.

  • The place and role of Debrecen style honey cake at the the Folk Art Association of Hajdú - Bihar county

    Debrecen style honey cake making has been registered in 2014 in the collection of Hungarian values of Debrecen and Hajdú - Bihar county. Thus it is worth and reasonable to study the roots and history of honey cake making and especially Debrecen style honey cake making, as well as the future perspectives of the profession. The evolution process of honey cake as a traditional open air market product to its many current forms was long and exciting. Operation of the National Value Pyramid, history of honey cake making was investigated and honey cake makers working in Debrecen and Hajdú - Bihar County are introduced in the present paper. The efforts of the Folk Art Association of Hajdú - Bihar County have been summarised, including how it promotes the honey cake - with its thousand year tradition - to remain a popular product and how it supports its members. While innovation is always a key issue for professionals, ensuring that this product is made of (traditional) healthy ingredients stays popular are the foci of Hungarian honey cake makers.

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