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  • Application of OptiTrack Motion Capture Systems in Human Movement Analysis: A systematic Literature Review
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    With the spreading of motion analysis decisions to invest into a new system demand scientific reference applications. The aim of the present systematic review is to reveal the biomechanical scientific applications of OptiTrack motion capture systems and to overview documented usage conditions and purposes. Six major scientific literature databases were used (PubMed, PubMed Central, ScienceDirect, IEEE Xplore, PLOS and Web Of Science). An OptiTrack camera system had to be used for human or biologically related motion capture. A total of 85 articles were included, 4 out of which dealt with the validation
    of OptiTrack systems and 81 utilized the system for biomechanical analyses. The data analysed and extracted from the system validation studies included: description of the validated and the reference system, measured features and observed errors. The data extracted from the utilizing studies also included: OptiTrack application, camera type and frequency, marker size, camera number, data processing software and the motion studied. The review offers a broad collection of biomechanical applications of OptiTrack motion capture systems as scientific references for certain motion studies. The review also summarizes findings on the accuracy of the systems. It concludes that the method descriptions of system usage are often underspecified.

  • Odometry and Teleoperation Application using NI Robotics
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    This document is intended to present the progress in developing a remotely operated mobile robot that can feedback information related to its position. The equipment used for the robot frame, communication and feedback technology are used are just one alternative of achieving the teleoperation and feedback tasks, and are not to be taken as the standard or the only way of achieving the objectives. The application was programmed using LabVIEW for the remote operation of the robot, for obtaining video streaming we have used two alternatives one being a standard IP camera and the other using a USB WebCam connected to a Raspberry Pi. Positioning feedback was determined from the information provided by the two motor encoders mounted on the DC motors.

  • Practical Application of the TTM, Predictive Maintenance Module (PdM)
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    The purpose of the paper is to present the connetion between the Total Traceability Management (TTM) software and the technical solutions for predictive maintenance. As a key function of the TTM, the predictive maintenance module is based on conditioning monitoring systems. Sensors for measurement of temperature, color, vibration, force, chemical composition, ultrasound waves, light, dimensional, are developing on the global market as part of the 4th industrial revolution, Industry 4.0. The TTM is combining the factory floor technologies with the informatics systems as ERP, customer portals, and MES, through a specific algorithm and based on PLC and sensorial hardware. The TTM is becoming a mandatory requirement for automotive industry as stated in the new norms of AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group), VDA (German Association of the Automotive Industry), and JAMA Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association. The approach of this paper is a theoretical presentation of the practical experiments presenting the most modern solution in terms of software, sensorial installations, monitored equipment and the realized outputs. The TTM concept are not yet fully mature, various solutions being deployed on the market with specificities for diverse industries.

  • Performing Canny Edge Detection Using NI LabVIEW Software Environment
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    Performing image acquisition and processing can require a high amount of computational resource. In this article, I am discussing the application of Canny Edge Detection algorithm to a live webcam image real-time using NI’s software environment.

  • A Review Regarding Deep Learning Technology in Mobile Robots
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    Deep Learning usage is spread across many fields of application. This paper presents details from a selected variety of works published in recent years to illustrate the versatility of the Deep Learning techniques, their potential in current and future research and industry applications as well as their state-of-the-art status in vision tasks, where their efficiency is experimentally proven to near 100% accuracy. The presented applications range from navigation to localization, object recognition and more advanced interactions such as grasping.

  • Benefits of Cyber-Physical Systems Modeling and Simulation with LabView
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    Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) as part of the Industry 4.0 strategy, represents one of the most challenging research topic for engineers. It’s well known that CPSs integrate at highest level digital technology (computation, control and networking) into physical objects. However, by incorporating various heterogeneous subsystems with different energy levels and functionalities, both analogue and digital signals management, as well as a large scale of communication and information technologies, their modeling and simulation becomes a difficult engineering task. In the past years a huge number of research papers has been dedicated to identify and develop modeling techniques and simulation toolkits being able to handle CPSs complexity. Following these trends, this paper is focused to research and evidence issues linked with the LabView graphically oriented programming technology utilization for CPSs modelling and simulation purposes. Both advantages and shortcomings of this very special technology are studied in order to design and implement a viable software framework being able to model and simulate various CPS structures. As a concrete example, a specific CPS configuration consist of six computer-based mechatronic systems that constitute a laboratory-prototype manufacturing plant has been chosen for LabView-based modeling and simulation. Various virtual instrument-type models of this setup has been conceived and proposed for real-time simulation. It has been concluded then that the application of LabView technology lead to interesting and useful results. The paper specially highlights the benefits and versatility of LabView utilization for complex CPSs modeling and simulation purposes.

  • Intelligent Buildings as Cyber-Physical Systems: a Reconfigurable Hardware Technology-based Approach
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    This paper discusses the idea to change the way to approach intelligent buildings (IBs) development and implementation by taking into account the last evolutions in cyber-physical systems (CPSs). Therefore, the main goal is to extend IBs design engineering with the constraints of systems in a CPS context. As well known, smart buildings are increasingly complex as they integrate many scientific areas and research topics, as well as a large scale of last-generation technologies. At the same time, the Internet has deeply transformed the way to manage information and services, respectively how information is transmitted and computed in cyberspace. The quick management and information processing inside cyber layer challenges the interaction with the physical world in a sense to develop IBs as smart distributed systems or CPSs. In addition to this, the papers emphasize the original idea of developing reconfigurable hardware technology-based (RHT-based) CPS architectures for IBs implementation purposes. The benefits of the RHT application in a CPS context for IBs are widely discussed and analyzed. The unfolded theoretical background has been supported by an implementation example using last generation software technologies. These experiments evidence the advantages and versatility of this challenging implementation paradigm of the latest digital technology, applied for current-state IBs development.

  • The Optical Effect of Thermal Expansion over Excessed Injection Molded Lens Arrays in Modern LED Outdoor Luminaires
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    For the rapid development observable in solid state lighting technology, both in favor of the better lighting performance achievable and the advantage in upkeep, changing the conventional installations to LED luminaires is often considerable in the modern roadway lighting practice. By these modernization investments the sales volume is usually high for lower additional expenses and a quicker RoI; thus the replacement products are generally cost sensitive. As the global market price of Aluminum increases on a long term trend, while the cost of the task efficient luminous power became very desirable with Light Emitting Diode; a high level of integration and compactness is demanded by such luminaire designs. This approach raises complex technical challenges, as the thermal expansion difference between the lens array and the Insulated Metal Substrate (IMS) Printed Circuit Board can lead to major deviation in the light distribution over the rated ambient temperature range. Having a robust design is a key aspect in providing a reliable, safe lighting design for any application of a global product.

  • Linear Identification of a Servo-pneumatic System
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    The identification of a nonlinear system is quite challenging for engineers. This paper presents the automatic identification of a servo-pneumatic cylinder based on a framework implemented in MATLAB. The introduced application shortens the process length of identification and gives areference model, important for controlling.

  • Development of Portable Measuring System for Testing of Electrical Vehicle’s Heat Energy Recovery System
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    Nowadays the consumer society applies a huge amount of energy in many fields including the transportation sector. The application of the internal combustion vehicles contribute substantially to the air pollution. An alternative solution for reducing energy consumption is replacing the internal combustion vehicles by electrical or hybrid vehicles. Today one of the biggest disadvantages of the electrical vehicles is the finite capacity of batteries. The research topic presented in this paper is the „Energy Harvesting”, and development of energy recovery system for electrical vehicles which largely contributes in increasing the driving range. At the current phase of the research efficiency analysis of the heat energy recovery devices are investigated in real driving circumstances. Computer based mobile and wireless measurement system for the analysis was developed, tested and installed in a real vehicle. Driving tests were performed and analysed in different circumstances.

  • Application of Linear Motors in Mechatronic Devices
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    Nowadays linear motion can be achieved in many different ways, traditional and new. Based on this, it is of great importance to know the advantages and disadvantages of different technologies in use. In this paper, traditional pneumatic and mechanical linear actuators are compared with the new linear motor technologies, which are used in mechatronic devices. Differences between various linear actuator types are studied, and a discussion is presented regarding their characteristics.

  • Reconfigurable Hardware Technology Application in Buildings Supervising and Monitoring Systems
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    Due to the continuously increasing demand for more comfortable residential or commercial buildings in the last decades the researches in the so called “intelligent buildings” topic has emerged as one of the most challenging and high ranked engineering task. Consumers also require a higher level of security, supervision, and control of the buildings according to a large scale of user needs. These expectations face building automation and supervising system developers with a challenging problem, difficult to approach with classical methods or strategies. Therefore, this paper is focused to outline novel facilities and solutions offered by the current level microelectronic technologies in building automation. In the first step of this endeavor the benefits and advantages of the reconfigurable hardware systems is highlighted and outlined. Then a concrete building automation and supervising system implementation in hardware reconfigurable technology is presented and detailed. The main unit of this system has been built upon a Genesys Virtex-5 FPGA-based development board, as a high speed, parallel, and distributed computing reconfigurable unit. The software modules for building supervising and monitoring purposes embed last generation MicroBlaze technology which allows fast and convenient implementation of sophisticated control algorithms. The result of the entire development is a powerful and versatile system representing a well suitable solution for the most sophisticated and demanding customer needs in building supervising and monitoring applications.

  • Forearm-attachable EMG-based Wireless Controller
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    This paper presents the development process starting from a simple electronic module for amplification of EMG signals. During development the tasks to be solved were extended towards the creation of an EMG-base controller that eventually can be connected to a PC. Among the main goals were the simplicity and low cost of production. There are similar devices commercially available, but the main focus was on the whole process of design, testing, fabrication and the exploration of application areas. It was important to use medical recommendations. The device matches the suggestion of SENIAM, except for the resolution of A/D conversion, which is permissible due to the fact that it was not designed for medical purposes. The final version is capable of detecting and amplifying EMG signals, with the appropriate filtering and digitizing procedures for further processing. With the development of wireless communication capabilities, the device which can be attached to the forearm can be used as a USB HID device with a PC. A number of additional applications are also discussed, pointing out the fact that this piece of technology offers a wide range of possibilities.

  • Szerelt nyomtatott áramköri lemez optikai ellenőrzése National Instruments szoftverek használatával
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    Jelen cikk témáját szerelt nyomtatott áramköri lemez National Instruments szoftverekkel megvalósított, optikai úton történő ellenőrzése képezi. Az ellenőrzés során 7 különböző típusú ellenállás, 3 különböző típusú integrált áramkör, vonalkód, valamint szöveg detektálása valósult meg. Az vizsgálati eredmények Microsoft Excel alapú vizsgálati riportba kerültek exportálásra. Az optikai ellenőrzés National Instruments Vision Development Module és LabVIEW fejlesztőkörnyezet használatával valósult meg.

  • Rule-base Reduction in Fuzzy Rule Interpolation-based Q-learning
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    The method called Fuzzy Rule Interpolation-based Q-learning (FRIQ-learning for short) uses a fuzzy rule interpolation method to be the reasoning engine applied within Q-learning. This method was introduced previously by the authors along with a rule-base construction extension for FRIQlearning, which can construct the requested FRI fuzzy model from scratch in a reduced size, implementing an incremental creation strategy. The rule-base created this way will most probably contain only those rules which were significant during the construction process, but have no important role in the final rule-base. Also there can be rules which became redundant (can be calculated by using fuzzy rule interpolation) thanks to another rule in the finished rule base. The goal of the paper is to introduce possible methods, which aim to find and remove the redundant and unnecessary rules from the rule-base automatically by using variations of newly developed decremental rule base reduction strategies. The paper also includes an application example presenting the applicability of the methods via a well known reinforcement learning example: the cart-pole simulation.

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