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  • MARG szenzor alapú pozíció becslés periodikus mozgásra
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    A kutatás során magnetométer, giroszkóp és gyorsulásérzékelő szenzorok (MARG szenzor) jeleinek fúzióját vizsgáltuk. A cikk fókusza a felügyelt tanulás által végzett szenzorfúzió, amely a különböző típusú mért adatok párhuzamosfeldolgozásán alapuló pozíció becslését jelenti periodikus mozgások esetén. A tanuló algoritmusok alkalmazhatóságát egy inga gyakorlati példáján keresztülvizsgáltuk meg

  • Android Linux alapú alkalmazás fejlesztése & RFID beléptető rendszer monitorozása
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    Napjainkban az IoT eszközök egyre szélesebb körben vannak jelen az iparban és ez a trend kezd elterjedni a kis- és középvállalkozások körében is. Az efféle új technológiai ágazatok az Industry 4.0 megjelenése óta robbanásszerű növekedésnek indultak. Az informatikusok számára új kihívást jelent ez az új irányzat, mivel a korábbinál alaposabb ismeretekre van szükségük a számítógépes hálózatok területén, valamint a hálózatra kötött eszközöket nemcsak programozniuk kell megtanulni, de ismerniük kell azok egyes elemeit és működésüket. Projekt során egy olyan beléptető rendszert került létrehozásra, ami nemcsak a nagyvállalatok, de a kisebb vállalkozások, valamint magánszemélyek számára is megfizethető, és könnyen kezelhető.

  • The Optical Effect of Thermal Expansion over Excessed Injection Molded Lens Arrays in Modern LED Outdoor Luminaires
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    For the rapid development observable in solid state lighting technology, both in favor of the better lighting performance achievable and the advantage in upkeep, changing the conventional installations to LED luminaires is often considerable in the modern roadway lighting practice. By these modernization investments the sales volume is usually high for lower additional expenses and a quicker RoI; thus the replacement products are generally cost sensitive. As the global market price of Aluminum increases on a long term trend, while the cost of the task efficient luminous power became very desirable with Light Emitting Diode; a high level of integration and compactness is demanded by such luminaire designs. This approach raises complex technical challenges, as the thermal expansion difference between the lens array and the Insulated Metal Substrate (IMS) Printed Circuit Board can lead to major deviation in the light distribution over the rated ambient temperature range. Having a robust design is a key aspect in providing a reliable, safe lighting design for any application of a global product.

  • Noise and Performances Analysis of Commerical Aircrafts using Artificial Neural Networks
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    Commerical aircrafts are very important part for airway travelling. In spite of high technology on aircrafts, there is still fatality accidents in the world. Because of this reason, it is very important criteria to analyse noises of main elements of the air-craft systems. In tis study, an aircraft’s main disturbances are analysed with proposed neural networks. Firstly, the noises of the jet, turbine and fan were measured from the aircraft. Secondly, the measured parameter values were predicted the proposed neural networks. The results of the proposed neuarl approaches were shown that this type of neural predictors will be employed to predict aircrafts unpredicted disturbances in real time applications.

  • Ambilight alternatív megvilágítási technika Arduino által vezérelve & screen capturing alkalmazásfejlesztés DirectX API felhasználásával
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    2004-ben, Philips által kifejlesztett Ambilight televíziók megjelenése nem hozott átütő sikert. 2010-ig mindösszesen négymillió ilyen tévét tudtak értékesíteni. A 3D technológiához hasonlóan az Ambilight szerű megvilágítási technológiák is igen megosztóaknak bizonyultak [1]. Projektemben egy Ambilight szerű, saját megvilágítási technika került megvalósításra, amihez az inspirációt az Ambilight technológia adta. A cél, hogy asztali számítógépes rendszereken is könnyen alkalmazható legyen és stabil-megbízható működést lehessen vele elérni, aminek fő platformja Windows operációs rendszer. A projekt megvalósítása során megismerésre került a DirectX API által biztosított, úgynevezett „screen capturing” technológia, valamint az Arduino és intelligens, LED-enként vezérelhető LED-szalag programozási ismerete is.

  • Further Development of a Laser Interferometer
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    A more than 25 year old laser interferometer has been further developed in order to handle the signals also by computers. A TTL signal converter has been built in using an analog comparator unit type LM319. A National Instruments 6341 OEM measurement card was implemented too. The modernized laser interferometer has been verified with a precise Renishaw XL-80 interferometer. A vibrometer unit has been also calibrated with the updated interferometer.

  • Android Based Autonomous Mobile Robot
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    The spreading of mobile robots is getting more significant nowadays. This is due to their ability to perform tasks that are dangerous, uncomfortable or impossible to people. The mobile robot must be endowed with a wide variety of sensors (cameras, microphones, proximity sensors, etc.) and processing units that makes them able to navigate in their environment. This generally carried out with unique, small series produced and thus expensive equipment. This paper describes the concept of a mobile robot with a control unit integrating the processing and the main sensor functionalities into one mass produced device, an Android smartphone. The robot is able to perform tasks such as tracking colored objects or human faces and orient itself. In the meantime, it avoids obstacles and keeps the distance between the target and itself. It is able to verbally communicate wit.

  • Fault-tolerant Mechatronic Systems Development: a Biologically-inspired Approach
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    Modern mechatronics embeds sophisticated control systems to meet increased performance and safety requirements. Timely fault detection is a critical requirement especially in safety-critical mechatronic applications, where a minor fault can evolve to catastrophic situations. In such cases it looks a high demand for more reliable, safety and fault-tolerant mechatronic systems development. The alternative to overcome all these bottlenecks was inspired from the biological world. By adapting the remarkable surviving and self-healing abilities of living entities it is possible to develop novel hardware systems suitable to fulfill in all the most demanding high reliability operation criteria’s and requirements. The paper presents a biologicallyinspired computing system based on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) network developed for high reliability mechatronic applications. By choosing a design strategy relying on a multi-cellular concept which outlines the versatility of biologically inspired technologies, task allocation or reliability problems can be solved with high efficiency. Real-time simulations prove that by implementing methods that imitate biological processes, high performance fault-tolerant and selfhealing hardware architectures can be experimented and tested. The benefits of this approach are also confirmed by experiments performed on a laboratory-prototype hardware platform. The results underline that techniques which imitate bio-inspired strategies can offer viable solutions in high reliability mechatronic systems development.

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