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Benefits of Cyber-Physical Systems Modeling and Simulation with LabView
1-6Views:222Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) as part of the Industry 4.0 strategy, represents one of the most challenging research topic for engineers. It’s well known that CPSs integrate at highest level digital technology (computation, control and networking) into physical objects. However, by incorporating various heterogeneous subsystems with different energy levels and functionalities, both analogue and digital signals management, as well as a large scale of communication and information technologies, their modeling and simulation becomes a difficult engineering task. In the past years a huge number of research papers has been dedicated to identify and develop modeling techniques and simulation toolkits being able to handle CPSs complexity. Following these trends, this paper is focused to research and evidence issues linked with the LabView graphically oriented programming technology utilization for CPSs modelling and simulation purposes. Both advantages and shortcomings of this very special technology are studied in order to design and implement a viable software framework being able to model and simulate various CPS structures. As a concrete example, a specific CPS configuration consist of six computer-based mechatronic systems that constitute a laboratory-prototype manufacturing plant has been chosen for LabView-based modeling and simulation. Various virtual instrument-type models of this setup has been conceived and proposed for real-time simulation. It has been concluded then that the application of LabView technology lead to interesting and useful results. The paper specially highlights the benefits and versatility of LabView utilization for complex CPSs modeling and simulation purposes.
Bond-Graph Model Based Stepper Motor Output Characteristics Simulation Implemented in LabVIEW Environment
1-6.Views:353In the industry, simulations are of great importance. They enable measurements to be made in different conditions about a virtual device, which are highly comparable to measurements made in a real life scenarios. Because of their wide range of usage in lower power drive systems, where precision and simplicity is a must, the subject of study is a permanent magnet stepper motor. For precise positioning purposes, it is essential to know the positioning behaviour of these devices. The model construction process involved an intermediate step, which consisted of creating the Bond-Graph of the motor based on pre-defined models available in the literature in this field. In the next step, the Bond-Graph model was converted to a block diagram of the motor. This permitted the direct implementation of the motor model in LabVIEW visual programming environment. The preliminary steps allows us to check and confirm the functionality and correctness of the model. This article covers in detail the model conversion and implementation steps of the simulation. At the end, the functionality of the simulation was tested.
Brushless DC Motor Modeling Using Bond Graph Method and Control using LabVIEW: Speed control based calssical PID control
1-5.Views:283This paper aims to simulate and control a three-phase Brushless DC Motor. Bond Graph method has been used to obtain fast and simple dynamic model. The system has been controlled by classical PID controller. All the paper results were fulfilled using LabVIEW program.
Simulation of PMSM Vector Control Using Multisim and LabVIEW
1-7.Views:221This paper represents the simulation of field-oriented control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor. Using Clark-Park transform and three PI controllers for controlling speed, direct-axis current, and quadrant axis current. As maximum torque occurs when the rotor field and stator fields are 90 degrees from each other. The goal is to bring the stator field always orthogonal to the rotor field. The simulation is performed using Multisim and LabVIEW software
Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor Using Scalar Method and PID Controller
1-5.Views:260This paper presents the speed control of a three-phase induction motor using the scalar control method with PID controller. The system maintains a constant volt to frequency ratio for any change in the load. We also used vector control method and bond graph to describe the motor model, as well as its behavior. Finally, we simulated the system using Labview, where the good results of using the scalar control technique are shown.
GPS adatok mérése és feldolgozása NI, LabVIEW szoftverrel
1-7.Views:141Ezen fejlesztés keretein belül egy GPS adatok mérésére, feldolgozására képes program készült el LabVIEWban, amely képes a feldolgozás után az adatokat olyan formátumú fájlba kimenteni, amely alkalmas térkép megjelenítő szolgáltatások általi betöltésre, mint például a Google Map vagy Google Earth.
Performing Canny Edge Detection Using NI LabVIEW Software Environment
1-6Views:200Performing image acquisition and processing can require a high amount of computational resource. In this article, I am discussing the application of Canny Edge Detection algorithm to a live webcam image real-time using NI’s software environment.
Modelling and Simulation of Stepper Motor For Position Control Using LabVIEW
1-5.Views:1814This paper presents hybrid stepper motor (is a type of stepping motor) modelling and simulation which is widely used a kind of motor in industrial applications. In this study, the stepper motor was modelled using bond graph technique and simulation for desired position was executed on LabVIEW
graphical interface. Then, firstly a convenient PID controller was designed for position, speed and current and PID close loopresponse was obtained for position control. Then, PID parameters for each controller were arranged separately to obtain good response Secondly, Fuzzy Logic controller applied to
the system and its response was obtained. Finally, both responses are compared. According to comparison, it was observed that Fuzzy Logic controller’s response is better than PID’s. (In this paper, all shown responses were observed for 120 degree desired position) -
Development of Gait Recognition in NI LabVIEW
1-3.Views:153Nowadays, one of the most significantly improving area in security is the world of biometric identifiers. Within the biometric identifiers, the research group is working with the gait recognition speciality. The research group realized a complex gait recognition system in NI LabVIEW, that can detect more reference points simultaneously with a universal camera and is capable of suiting predetermined curves on the detected points. Moreover, the program can compare the functions suited on the reference curve and the actual curve and evaluate if the two gait images are the same or not. In the program there is a saving and a reloading function which cont ributes to the production of the reference gait image. The foot analysis program before the gait recognition is designed to improve accuracy. The self-developed gait recognition system was tested on more persons and the False Acceptance Rate (FAR) was zero.
Optical Inspection of Mounted Printed Circuit Board using National Instruments Software
1-6.Views:226The topic of the given task based on the optical opposition of a mounted printed circuit board using National Instruments software. During the inspection, 7 types of resistors, 3 types of integrated circuits, barcodes and text were detected. The results of the detection have been visualized and a Microsoft Excel scan report has been exported. The optical inspection was carried out using the National Instruments Vision Development Module and LabVIEW development environments.
LabView-based Modeling and Evaluation of Solar Photovoltaic Cells Energetic Efficiency
1-6.Views:146As it is well known, an accurate knowledge of solar photovoltaic (PV) cell parameters from experimental data is of major importance for estimate their performances and to implement high energetic efficiency PV plants. In the last decade several solar cell models, respectively a high amount of software toolkits have been developed to evaluate their electrical behavior and performances. This paper is focused to introduce a LabView graphical programming language based solution to conveniently modeling, simulate, and evaluate solar PV cells energetic efficiency. By using their well known electrical equivalent circuits a fast and accurate PV simulator has been designed and implemented for research and energetic efficiency studies. The simulation models used has been validated through comparison of the obtained characteristics with the ones given by the manufacturers of PV panels. The computer-aided simulation results carried out are in a good agreement with the manufacturer’s catalogue data and the LabView-based program can serve as a very useful toolkit for engineers or researchers who require an accurate PV simulator and evaluate the performances of any photovoltaic module.
NI LabVIEW Based Camera System Used for Gait Detection
1-3.Views:254In these times, with the development of the world, biometric identification systems are becoming more and more widespread. Access control systems, but even the most mid-range smartphones have biometric authentication features, and even ID cards can include a person's fingerprint. The research group previously realized a rudimentary gait recognition system, which was upgraded to a multicamera system with high-resolution cameras and instead of reference points, the new version recognizes different templates. The program can compare and evaluate the functions that are matched to the reference curve and the current curve in a specific way, whether two walking images are identical. The comparison is decided by the definite integrals of the two suited functions. The self-developed gait recognition system was tested by the research team on several test subjects and according to the results, permission was never given to a strange person.
Store Elements LabView-based Energy-flow Models Developmnet and Implementation in HVAC systems
1-6.Views:109It is well known that store elements such as liquid tanks, water reservoirs, or gas containers, are basic elements in heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems development and implementation. In a wide range of applications they serve as efficient energy storage elements by capturing heat energy amount in hot water form. This paper presents a LabView graphical software-based energy-flow model development for store elements in HVAC systems. In the first research steps the mathematical background describing the energy-flow processes in the considered store element (water tank) it is presented and discussed. Then an original software model has been designed and implemented to simulate the ongoing energy-flow processes. The result of the above mentioned research efforts is a powerful and versatile software toolkit (virtual instrument) well suitable to modeling and simulate complex energy-flow processes in HVAC systems embedding various types of store elements. Beside the elaborated mathematical model concrete software simulation examples and measurement data are also provided in the paper. Not at least, the proposed original model offers a feasible solution for future developments and research in HVAC systems software modeling and simulation purposes.
Solar Tracker Platform Development for Energy Efficiency Improvement of Photovoltaic Panels
1-6.Views:201Solar energy systems have emerged over the last decades as the cleanest and most abundant renewable energy resources available worldwide. Solar trackers are devices specially developed to enhance the energy efficiency of solar energy systems. This paper presents the design and implementation stages of a reconfigurable hardware technology-based two-axis solar tracker platform, specially conceived to improve the energy efficiency of photovoltaic (PV) panels. The main module of this platform is the NI-MyRIO ready-to-use development system built upon a high-performance Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) processor that controls the entire solar tracker unit. Optimal tracking of the sun movement and obtaining the maximal energy efficiency rate is achieved by simultaneous real-time controlling both the captured sunlight intensity and PV cell temperature magnitudes. In this way, a robust and versatile positioning system has been developed that performs a high precision and accurate tracking pathway. All the control algorithms are implemented there under the LabView graphical programming software toolkit. The final solution boosts in a useful and modularized tracking system that looks useful in a wide range of applications both in industrial and domestic project sites with different power scales.
NI MYDAQ eszközzel támogatott ipari szenzor vizsgáló állomás modellezése
1-7.Views:127Munkám célja az volt, hogy tervezzek és valósítsak meg egy olyan mozgatással egybekötött programozott rendszert, amely a hozzá csatlakoztatott érzékelő bizonyos paramétereit és az adott érzékelt tárgyra adott reakcióját megfelelő mintavételezéssel feldolgozza, rögzíti, majd pedig kiértékelésre megfelelő formában meg is jeleníti.
Odometry and Teleoperation Application using NI Robotics
1-5.Views:123This document is intended to present the progress in developing a remotely operated mobile robot that can feedback information related to its position. The equipment used for the robot frame, communication and feedback technology are used are just one alternative of achieving the teleoperation and feedback tasks, and are not to be taken as the standard or the only way of achieving the objectives. The application was programmed using LabVIEW for the remote operation of the robot, for obtaining video streaming we have used two alternatives one being a standard IP camera and the other using a USB WebCam connected to a Raspberry Pi. Positioning feedback was determined from the information provided by the two motor encoders mounted on the DC motors.
DC Motor Simulation with ARM Based Hardware in the Loop
1-3.Views:126Hardware in the loop testing is increasingly important product testing for cutting down time to market. In my previous article I identified the parameters of a DC motor control system using system identification. An implementation of the resulting transfer function was developed on an ARM based hardware in the loop system and has been verified against the original system. The results show that the hardware in the loop system produces responses within tolerance to the stimulus signals and can be used for testing of controlsystems.