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  • Financial Support System of EU – EFTA (Member States) cooperation

    The economic cooperation between the EU and EFTA states constitutes a special cooperation form in several ways: the actors of cooperation (economic integrations and their Member States), the legal and institutional framework and the budgetary relations also have unique features. In our study the rules and changes of the EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanism, as well as the Swiss Contribution are analyzed from aspect of integration theories and financial law. In the framework of historical analysis and comparative method the financial instruments of EFTA states are compared with the EU Cohesion and Structural Funds with the help of evaluating statistical data.

  • A Case Study on the Interaction Between the General Data Protection Regulation and Artificial Intelligence Technologies

    This paper presents a general overview of the problems regarding the regulation of artificial intelligence (AI) raised in the official published works of the European Union (EU) and interprets these problems from the perspective of the Hungarian experts as a case study. Even though a new regulation on AI has already been proposed at the EU level, the paper evaluates specific rules and principles regarding data protection since data is the lifeblood of AI systems and the protection of such data is a fundamental right enshrined in the EU legislation via the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The result of the study shows that the application of the GDPR on AI systems in an efficient and uniform way might be at stake since different outputs were generated by the experts to the same legal questions deriving from a scenario presented.

  • Privacy Issues Regarding the Use of Web Cookies

    EU cookie laws have been in place since 2011, but before the entry into force of the GDPR, the conditions for consent were interpreted differently across Europe. Since the GDPR came into effect, there has been a great deal of interest in how it applies to cookies and similar technologies. The GDPR updated the EU’s longstanding digital privacy framework, with key additions including tightening the rules around consent as a legal basis for processing personal data. The purpose of this study is to clarify for data controllers the rules they need to pay attention to, in order to ensure that the use of cookies on its websites is strictly in accordance with applicable laws