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  • Unfair Termination Review During Probationary Period: The Case of Iraq in Light of New Judiciary Trends

    Probation is a trial period to test a new employee for a particular position. It is commonplace for many employers to stipulate that the contract begins with probation based on a mutual agreement with the employee. During the probationary period, more flexible standards are given to review unfair termination. Notwithstanding, a degree of protection insofar as it safeguards employees from the risk of unfair termination shall be granted. Article 37 in the Iraqi Labour Code No. 37 of 2015 permits the employer to test the employee for a maximum of three months if the latter has no professional certificate. The same article empowers the employer to terminate the contract if the employee has failed in the suitability test without setting any standards for such a test. In reviewing cases arising on the basis of unfair termination claims, the judiciary in some developed countries has come up with basic standards of the suitability test. This paper, therefore, attempts to examine Article 37 in the Iraqi Labour Code in light of the new judiciary trends and finally suggests redrafting the mentioned article to be more compatible with the rights of contractual parties.

  • Principle of Environmental Integration – Thoughts on the 7th EU Environment Action Programme

    Integration of environmental requirements into other policies is a priority objective of the new, 7th environmental action programme of the EU. Principle of environmental integration was developed by the international environmental policy; it was inserted into environmental policy principles and into provisions of the Founding Treaty at the establishment of the EC environmental policy. The aim of the environmental integration principle harmful environmental effects, thus to serve sustainable development. Objectives of the EU sustainable development and sustainable growth strategies cannot be realized without integration of environmental requirements: integration of economic, social and environmental aspects of development can ensure the establishment of a resource- efficient, competitive economy, free from environmental degradation, improvement of quality of human life, meeting the needs of present and future generations, and preservation of natural resources which serves as the fundament for development of the other two pillars. Environmental integration is a principle provided for in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, binding the decision-makers and legislators of the EU and the Member States; failure of its application might lead to judicial review and annulment of an act.

  • Decentralization of Welfare Services in France

    The principle of decentralization is widely applied in public administration. Despite the conceptual insecurity decentralization is often linked to the principles of democracy, participation, efficiency providing a normative value for the principle. Practical experiences, however, show that the advantages and disadvantages of decentralization are influenced by historical, economical, social, institutional and cultural context. Decentralization policy to increase the effectiveness of French welfare services could not change the institutional structure with strong historical roots and to improve the service quality. The strengthening of task and competences of the county level led to the failure of decentralization due to the lack of funding, personal and coordination problems.

  • Quantum Mechanics and Law. What Does the Failure of Environmental Regulation Teach Us?
    The article first of all holds that environmental regulation has failed. This is because it is too weak to prevent the overstepping of ecological boundaries by humanity. This legal regulation reflects that human behavior is psychopathological. This collective mental illness may originate from false self-identification. Therefore, the author reviews the outcomes of modern natural sciences, such as quantum physics, cosmology, and non-local consciousness research. These results give sufficient support to argue, despite the traditional paradigm of materialism, that some aspects of consciousness are not limited by the space-time continuum. Moreover, all consciousness, regardless of its physical manifestations, is part of the universal Consciousness. From these scientific results, in line with ancient scriptures, an Eternal Order has evolved, which can be described at least by four fundamental and universal truths. This Eternal Order should be taken into account by positive law, if humanity wants to reach fulfillment within the ecological limits of the Earth.