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  • Possible improvements of the water law concepts

    The present article concentrates on the so-called water law concepts. As regards water law concepts, the article especially deals with the challenges of the Hungarian water management. The article has five main chapters. In the first chapter, the author focuses on the basis of the water law concepts, namely on natural, social and engineering sciences, furthermore, the author also determines the legal instruments which are able to provide proper links among the different water law concepts. The further four chapters analyse the water law concepts one by one; i.e. (a) ruling over waters, (b) water as an environmental component, (c) water as the subject of commercial deals (good or service), (d) water as cause of damage a.k.a. defence against water.

  • The New Zealand concept of the legal personality of water and its applicability in Hungarian legal order, especially in connection with lake Balaton

    The present article concentrates on two aspects of the legal personality of water. First, it deals with the national legislation of New Zealand, especially the „Te Awa Tupua (Whanganui River Claims Settlement) Act 2017”, in which the legislator granted legal personality to the Whanganui River. Second, the article focuses on a Hungarian initiative concerning the establishment of a legal personality for the biggest Hungarian lake, i.e. Lake Balaton. Is it a real alternative to renew the legal protection of the environment in the Hungarian law? The article tries to launch a theoretical and practical dispute on the topic.

  • The New Hungarian Act on Irrigation in the Light of a Landscape-Orientated and Land-Use-Based Water Management

    The present article relates to water governance, and within that a specific Hungarian problem, namely, the cumulative water-related damage occurring in the Great Plain (floods, droughts and inland water) and the ambiguous situation of environmental services. Due to the complexity of the problem, the solution itself can only be systematic and can therefore only be solved in the context of integrated and adaptive water management. In Hungarian, this water management is defined as landscape-oriented water management by a research group connected to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The possible implementation of landscape-oriented water management has recently emerged in connection with the development of agricultural irrigation. The novelty of this study is the assessment of the new Hungarian Act concerning the irrigation taking into account the different aspects of hydrology, pedology and jurisprudence.

  • Integration of the Hungarian Water Utility Supplier from a Legal Aspect

    The present article focuses on the integration of water utility supplier operated public water utility supplies in Hungary. According to the new Hungarian law (namely Act CCIX of 2011 on water utility supplies), the integration is merely one element of the instruments of the decision-makers to achieve their goals. According to the preamble of the act, the goals are the followings: to establish the basic rights and obligations of water utility supply, to protect national water utility property, to provide sustainable development in water utility sectors, to fulfil the objectives of the protection of drinking water resources and to ensure the conditions of water utility supply serving the extensive promotion of consumer protection, furthermore to ensure the implementation of these objectives by detached and transparent regulations. Expectedly, the procedure will be finished only by 2016, however, the number of water utility suppliers having existed before the adoption of the new law (i. e. circa 400 suppliers) has been reduced to approximately one-tenth by begin of 2014.