
The Right Answer to the Diesel Scandal? The latest Reform of German Collective Redress through the Eyes of Outsiders

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Harsági, V. (2019). The Right Answer to the Diesel Scandal? The latest Reform of German Collective Redress through the Eyes of Outsiders. Pro Futuro, 9(1), 9-38.

The aim of the article is the understanding of the development, experiences and barriers of the the German collective redress mechanisms – from the point of view of a foreign researcher. When establishing a possibility for collective redress the course of the whole procedure and almost all segments are concerned. The case known as Volkswagen-dieselgate made the issue particularly crucial. Through this case, the author  examines the new  procedure introduced in November 2018. She also gives a brief overview of the class action in the US, concluded by a settlement between the Volkswagen Group and consumers. She  tries to answer the question of whether the new law can be expected to provide an effective solution to the procedural issues that have arisen in this case. The analysis is also based on a review of previous sectoral regulation, which was  the main basis of the development of the new regulation introduced in 2018.

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