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  • Nyomorskála 2.0

    This paper analyses a part of the annual February 3rd survey of 2023, data about the income of 5600 respondents. It reflects that the average income of homeless people does not reach one third of the average net income of the Hungarian population. It seeks to find whether there are layers of poverty among these extreme financial circumstances and identify the factors behind the differences of income between various groups. The analysis highlights the vital role of in-kind donations at the personal and service level, as inflation threatens many with starvation.

  • Mondd, hogy vagy így? (Like a Rolling Stone)

    The study seeks to understand what benefits homeless people – based on their own explanations, perceptions – attribute to the place they chose to spend their nights, and often their days as well. What factors influence their choice in where they spend the night, where they sleep. We answer these questions through analysing almost 6200 responses to the annual national February 3rd survey.

    Our research reveals that for homeless people – just like for others – the factors influencing the choice of accommodation range wider than its primary, physical conditions, like a roof, heating, possibilities for sleep and shower, or fulfilling other basic needs like accessing food. Other characteristics defining a home (such as security, autonomy and freedom provided by privacy) are equally important.

    Professionals working with homeless people can build on understanding the differences between the motivation, preferences of values between homeless people sleeping in various services or on the streets when weighing the advantages of a certain type of accommodation or when deciding whether to “go sleep in a shelter” or “stay outside”.

  • A nincstelenség konceptualizálása: elméleti megközelítés és gyakorlati relevancia

    Jelen tanulmány a nincstelenség (destitution)2 újszerű és kifejező társadalomelméleti fogalmát vizsgálja. A nincstelenség tágabb koncepciója alkalmas az esszenciális szegénység és a szélsőséges társadalmi kirekesztés ábrázolására. A nincstelenség újszerű társadalomtudományi megközelítése kihívást jelent a korábbi neoliberális, jövedelem-alapú szegénység vizsgálatokkal szemben, mivel a szegénységet a lakáspiac, a foglalkoztatás, a családi kapcsolatok és az egészség terén megjelenő deprivációk többrétegű kapcsolatrendszerén keresztül mutatja be és nem csupán a materiális tényezőkre összpontosít. Noha a nincstelenség az egyén szintjén megjelenő biológiai és pszichológiai deprivációk mentén is tanulmányozható, írásunk elsősorban a fogalom strukturális, szociálpolitikai dimenziójával foglalkozik és mindenekelőtt két területre összpontosít: a hajléktalan személyek és a papírok nélküli migránsok szociális jogaira és jogosultságaira. A nincstelenség fogalma számos szociológiai, filozófiai, közgazdaságtani és politikai tényezőt foglal magában. Jelen írásunkban a szociális munka és a szociálpolitika elmélete és gyakorlata mentén vizsgáljuk a jelenséget.

  • Egy jobb élet reményében : Magyar hajléktalanok Bázelben

    This paper aims to introduce the living conditions, the migration-related motivations and the fulfilment of previous expectations of Hungarian homeless people living in Basel. The research was based on participatory observations conducted in social institutions as well as on semi-structured qualitative interviews carried out with both homeless people and social workers. The main findings of the study reveal that the Hungarian homeless community is rather heterogeneous considering the member’s age, background and the general circumstances of living. Despite of this heterogeneity, the common language and cultural background create a relatively strong bond among the affected people. Although Basel is not a primary target of economic migration, the tolerance of the authorities and the people, and the favourable living conditions  affect a lot of Hungarian and other Eastern-European destitute people to the city. The previous expectations for living a better life and finding a job are regularly not fulfilled and people are often trapped in homelessness and poverty for a long-run.

  • Értékközpontú művészetterápia… a szociális munka margójára

    My aim by writing this case study is first of all point out art therapy, logo therapy and existential analysis as an efficient tool for care professionals working with homeless people struggling with serious mental disorders.
    My essay emphasizes the importance of antistigma by the care professionals` work and claims, that one of most crucial factors of therapeutic work is the way how is the human being defined within the therapeutic process. My text offers a possible and reachable way for suffering people to access hapiness.

  • Mentális zavarral, hajléktalanságban élő személyek segítése - a BMSZKI gyakorlatának rövid bemutatása

    Persons living with mental disorders and homelessness belong to a particularly vulnerable client group. The stigma associated with mental illness reinforces the stigmatization of homelessness. If someone receives a psychiatric diagnosis, society treats it as a label and categorizes the person. Fear of being labeled undermines the motivation of people with mental disorders to seek help. A good example of this is the case of people living in homelessness and with mental disorders, who do not want to take on another stigma in addition to the stigma of homelessness and therefore do not use help or services in connection with their mental problems. Another difficulty is the problem of accessibility to services. The F3 report on the 2020 homeless data collection "After the criminal law - before the pandemic" Péter Győri's summary work Becoming homeless - services - perspectives shows that 29% of the respondents were receiving psychiatric treatment. The misconception that "homeless people are mentally ill, psychiatric patients" can be found in the work of Péter Győri (Győri, 2020). At the same time, we know that not all people with mental disorders appear in the care system, so there may be more than 29% of people who are affected by the problem. The Budapest Methodological Social Center and Institutions (BMSZKI) has developed a complex rehabilitation service for people living in homelessness and with mental disorders in cooperation with the Awakenings Foundation. The purpose of this paper is to present this practice.

  • A hajléktalanság női arca

    This article aims to enrich knowledge about homeless women. As according to most research (although many argue that this can be caused by the methods used) there are more men than women in a situation of homelessness, most research focuses on men. After summarizing already existing evidence about homeless women in Hungary and abroad, the authors introduce their work. They analysed the case dossiers of fifty women sleeping in BMSZKI’s hostels for homeless people in Budapest. The description of basic demographics is followed by attributes special to women, like motherhood and keeping in touch with children (whether small children who are separated from them or grown ones) and romantic relationships. Data was recorded by social workers, and reflect their views, thoughts and the outcomes they esteem possible for the women. Results reflect the perceptions of the women and their support workers.