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  • Az együttműködés a szociális munka egyik kulcsa és eszköze

    Starting out from the relevant international and Hungarian literature and current Hungarian social work practice this study examines the different aspects of cooperation. The reasoning for cooperation one of the main part of professional helping activity follows in context of the ideas and international definition of social work. The key elements viewed in a system represent the areas of interaction with so-called inter-model and cooperation is demonstrated as a key-competence for social worker. The qualitative aspects of cooperation are discussed: such as its dynamics, learn ability, map for development, community and interprofessional characters and finally the difficulties that may hinder cooperation.

  • Együttműködési kapcsolatok és hálózati struktúrák a győri várostérség szociális intézményrendszerében

    The main objective of the survey is the empirical analysis of the inter-organizational relationships of the social care institutions with social network methods in Győr and the surrounding micro-regions. We measured and described the network structure and pattern of the organizational field, the basic directions and types, forms, frequency, intensity and the quality of inter-organizational cooperation. We are looking for answers to what factors hinder cooperation in this particular organizational milieu? What organizations are the key players of the network? How strong the position and effect of Győr as a regional centre in the cooperation network of the social sector? The network indicators have confirmed that the web of connections in the field of social care system is organized around a core institutional domain with only 5-6 dominant actors. The key players of the system with high network centrality and prestige are the big sized, functionally complex, territorially combined institutions. It has also been shown that, in addition to these central core members, the majority of the analysed organizations have a relation with each other only in a limited number, the network density is low, the centrality index is high, and the geographical distance is decreasing the probability of inter-organizational relations. In the whole network the probability and the number of intra-regional, national or international ties are also limited.

  • Tapolcai szervezetek és szakembereik fejlődési lehetőségei az interprofesszionális kooperációban

    In the period between 2018 and 2020, two organizations in the city of Tapolca also launched programs aimed at the prevention of mental health and prevention of addictions. In the present study, the focus is on the collaborations that have taken place on the programs and on the motivation of the professionals in terms of getting involved in the programs. The basic question is what effect the established collaborations will have on social professionals and the services they provide in the future. The evaluation of the results has shown that responding to the social problems present is important for all sectors and can be described as a common issue. In the new techniques learned by the applications, professionals see an opportunity for treatment, which can also be the basis for working together. Thus, it can be said that interprofessional cooperation is present in the city, which is a strong basis for building interdisciplinary professionalism. However, the social and educational fields were basically involved in the programs, so we cannot yet talk about fully promoting interdisciplinary cooperation at the city level.

  • The importance of social rehabilitation as an effective tool for activation for the parent’s perspective

    If the situation arises when a child's proper upbringing and favourable development are at risk and parents cannot or are not able to solve this situation by themselves, the child is, according to act on social and legal protection of children, considered as endangered (Act No. 359/2009 Coll., on social and legal protection of children).
    It is not easy to determine the degree of risk and it is even harder to choose the suitable support service and involve parents, considering the degree of risk. A true professional makes the family realize that the problem solution is connected with responsibility and the quality care for children (Gjuričová, Š., Kubička, J., 2003).
    During the last five years, several new sorts of support services have been created in order to attempt to provide support tailored to the needs of the aforementioned families (Act. No. 108/2006 Coll., on social services).
    Social rehabilitation is an example of such auxiliary service. It emphasizes the bond between parents and children and brings out family ties in general (Act. No. 108/2006 Coll., on social services).
    The acceptance of social rehabilitation is very difficult for every family. With regard to psychology, families must deal with complicated stressful situations (Bob, P., Vymětal, J., 2005).
    Centre for children of South Bohemian region in Strakonice has been performing social and legal protection for children since 2006. The main target of the Centre for children is mutual communication with families, cooperation and rational problem solution. This would be barely possible without the participation of the family, or at least one of its members.
    Mutual cooperation, empathy, thoughtfulness, helpfulness, sympathy and patience are essential for social work. In order to solve problems efficiently, it is also convenient to know the viewpoint of the family in relation to the provided service. The opinion of the family can reveal many issues.
    Martin Karas is the director of the Centre for children, which focuses on active involvement of family in social rehabilitation. He highlights one of several problems - insufficient and unsystematic support of family from institutions in the process. Insufficient support may prevent children’s return to their biological family in time. In his studies he focuses on an important issue – the active participation of the family in problem solving.
    The aim of this article is to point out that active cooperation with family, especially the opinion of family, is an important criterion of the quality of the partnership. The article contains interviews with participants and former participants of social rehabilitation; several conclusions were made based on these interviews.

  • Mentális zavarral, hajléktalanságban élő személyek segítése - a BMSZKI gyakorlatának rövid bemutatása

    Persons living with mental disorders and homelessness belong to a particularly vulnerable client group. The stigma associated with mental illness reinforces the stigmatization of homelessness. If someone receives a psychiatric diagnosis, society treats it as a label and categorizes the person. Fear of being labeled undermines the motivation of people with mental disorders to seek help. A good example of this is the case of people living in homelessness and with mental disorders, who do not want to take on another stigma in addition to the stigma of homelessness and therefore do not use help or services in connection with their mental problems. Another difficulty is the problem of accessibility to services. The F3 report on the 2020 homeless data collection "After the criminal law - before the pandemic" Péter Győri's summary work Becoming homeless - services - perspectives shows that 29% of the respondents were receiving psychiatric treatment. The misconception that "homeless people are mentally ill, psychiatric patients" can be found in the work of Péter Győri (Győri, 2020). At the same time, we know that not all people with mental disorders appear in the care system, so there may be more than 29% of people who are affected by the problem. The Budapest Methodological Social Center and Institutions (BMSZKI) has developed a complex rehabilitation service for people living in homelessness and with mental disorders in cooperation with the Awakenings Foundation. The purpose of this paper is to present this practice.

  • Az idősek kiszolgáltatottsága és kockázatai a digitális szolgáltatások útvesztőiben

    In this study we offer a survey on the defencelessness and hazard of the elderly recipients of digital services emphasizing the security hazards of the transactions in the bank system and customer services. We offer propositions for the cooperation of the elder users, the service providers, the security experts, and the gerontological specialists on the field of risk reduction of the digital attacks against the users and the service systems.

  • A kora gyermekkori intervenció elmélete és gyakorlata I. - Néhány elméleti és módszertani összefüggés

    Preventive and intervention services in the early years of life are crucial for the development of the child, the strengthening of the family, and the future of society. A theoretical grounding of early childhood intervention and an overview of international trends and practices help to identify the points of policy intervention in Hungary and to define the directions for the development of the care system. Building on international experience, previous research and development results, the integration of the adaptable elements of coordinated, integrated service systems based on interdisciplinary teamwork into the Hungarian model will contribute to the development of a more efficient system. In this way, the problems of children with developmental differences, delayed development and at-risk will be detected and identified at an earlier age, and then they and their families could have access to appropriate, needs-based care and services in a timely manner.

  • Az Észak-alföldi régió szociális szövetkezeteinek működési sajátosságai

    In my study I attempted to give a thorough picture of the terminology of social economy, of the evolution of cooperatives in Hungary and of the current situation of social cooperatives both on a national and international level. I focused on the underlying causes of the success or failures of cooperatives. The topic continues to gain importance in the ever more intense economic competition of the present, which in turn results in rapid changes in social inequalities. Intense competition on the market causes increasingly rapid appearances of ever growing numbers of the disadvantaged who no longer possess the resources to break into the primary labour markets. Social cooperatives can be a powerful means to combat these inequalities and to support the integration of their members into the labour market and into wider society. My study aims to analyse the situation of social cooperatives registered in the Northern Great Plain Region of Hungary. I used national databases to focus on and analyse the social cooperatives of the region. My goal was to present the advantages and disadvantages of social cooperatives. To date, I have interviewed the heads of 33 social cooperatives. I processed the findings of my interviews through thematic analysis. I found that considering the low membership of the few available cooperatives within the region the above method would prove the most viable. As part of my work I also aimed to investigate the state of the infrastructure, as well as the leadership, social networks, marketing techniques, financial management, future plans, and the conditions surrounding the formation of each cooperative. My empirical research uncovered a growing dependency on projects and found that working under the local government can lead to violations of principles. On the other hand, cooperation with the local government proved to be beneficial considering the small size of owned capital. Sustainability of social cooperatives is further made more difficult by the negative connotation and biases that came to be attached to the term in the country.

  • Idő van! Van idő...? Újra a szakma–képzés viszonyrendszeréről, és mit kezdjünk a képzési és kimeneti követelményekkel?

    Importances of this study are given by professional and social workers sentences about the present situation of social education in universities and colleges in Hungary and the new educational and output requirements in 2016. The study defines the essence, functions and areas of social trainings in higher education by analysis of critical points of professional criticism and deals with the process from the regulation by educational context to output regulation: from Sopron Conference to today. There is inspiration to a dialoge about aims of social work education by cooperation of professional and educational actors, with accent of common responsibility of professional development. The study presents that how can the educational and output requirements help to the development of competence-based education. Finaly gives some points of view the development of curriculum and education by possibility of educational context and outputs.

  • A kora gyermekkori intervenció elmélete és gyakorlata II.

    Preventive and intervention services in the early years of life are crucial for the development of the child, the strengthening of the family, and the future of society. A theoretical grounding of early childhood intervention and an overview of international trends and practices help to identify the points of policy intervention in Hungary and to define the directions for the development of the care system. Building on international experience, previous research and development results, the integration of the adaptable elements of coordinated, integrated service systems based on interdisciplinary teamwork into the Hungarian model will contribute to the development of a more efficient system. In this way, the problems of children with developmental differences, delayed development and at-risk will be detected and identified at an earlier age, and then they and their families could have access to appropriate, needs-based care and services in a timely manner.