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  • Tapolcai szervezetek és szakembereik fejlődési lehetőségei az interprofesszionális kooperációban

    In the period between 2018 and 2020, two organizations in the city of Tapolca also launched programs aimed at the prevention of mental health and prevention of addictions. In the present study, the focus is on the collaborations that have taken place on the programs and on the motivation of the professionals in terms of getting involved in the programs. The basic question is what effect the established collaborations will have on social professionals and the services they provide in the future. The evaluation of the results has shown that responding to the social problems present is important for all sectors and can be described as a common issue. In the new techniques learned by the applications, professionals see an opportunity for treatment, which can also be the basis for working together. Thus, it can be said that interprofessional cooperation is present in the city, which is a strong basis for building interdisciplinary professionalism. However, the social and educational fields were basically involved in the programs, so we cannot yet talk about fully promoting interdisciplinary cooperation at the city level.

  • A szociális intézmények szolgáltatási/ellátási nehézségei, belső megoldási mechanizmusai és szükségletei – egy szakmatámogatási- és fejlesztési problématérkép alapvonalai

    The focus of the study is on the current difficulties and challenges that social care institutions face in their daily operations, how they can respond to them within their internal resources, mechanisms and capacities, and what concrete, tangible needs and demands emerge in terms of possible directions, forms and interventions for external professional support and development. The findings provide the basis for developing a map of general and specific problems. The empirical study for these analytical purposes is based on a database of online questionnaires completed by a group of experts in social care institutions in two counties (Győr-Moson-Sopron and Veszprém) in November and December 2022. 201 analysable personal questionnaires are included in the sample, representing 166 social care service sites in the study area. Three main problems stand out in terms of their importance among the factors analysed. The main problem of the social care system is the complex challenge of low wages. Administrative burdens rank second in the rating of operational difficulties, and the third key factor is the psycho-mental condition of the workforce.

  • Eszközfejlesztési kísérlet az iskolai bántalmazás megelőzésére

    Everyone has probably encountered school abuse in their life, if nothing else as a spectator. These abuses may cause huge damages in a small child and having an effect on their socialization and psychological health, not only in their childhood, yet later, moreover in many cases they lead to suicide. Despite all of this, unfortunately, there are few well-elaborated methods and devices to prevent bullying, and they are not generally known in education either.

    These thoughts had an inspiring effect when, within the framework of interprofessional project work, the sensitizing box as a tool, aimed at preventing school violence, and the related methodological proposal was created. The purpose of the tool is to integrate pedagogical and social work knowledge and offer teachers and social workers an effective opportunity to raise the topic and deal with the problem. The methodology uses the principles of experiential learning and prevention, adapting to the frameworks that are given to teachers and kindergarten and school social workers who appear in a school and encounter violence.

    The study presents the process of the development work, there commendation for the use of the tool and the results of testing with groups of children.

  • Tapasztalati tanulási módszerek helye és szerepe a szociális képzésekben

    The present study seeks the place and role of experiential learning methods in social trainings – primarily BA in social work and BA in social pedagogy. The provoking sentence is in the writings of Dominelli (1997), who states that those who only participate in trainings become less innovative thinkers, rather they become professionals who can only solve practical problems.
    The author of the present study is committed to the use of training and experiential learning methods. The experience of a teacher / trainer in social work and social pedagogy in BA courses confirms that this method is what can form a bridge between theory and practice and is able to integrate the two approaches. With my writing I support that the method – by its framework, its methods based on experiential learning and the personality of the trainer – leads to the modern and innovative social expertise that characterizes the reflective social professional.