Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022)
A Szociális Munkás Empowerment Skála magyar változatának validálása
Views:591In our study, we present the development of the Hungarian version of the Social Worker Empowerment Scale, the validation process of the Hungarian instrument, and the most important results of empirical data collection on the validity of the scale, mainly based on reliability studies. The scale is designed to measure the empowerment level of practitioners. Our research has convincingly demonstrated that the Hungarian version of the scale is valid, works well, and is suitable for use in domestic research.
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Szempontok egy élettörténeti interjúkra épülő kutatás kapcsán az idősödés tranzitív változásainak tanulmányozásához
Views:181In this study the authors give a summary about the methodical considerations which are connected their research topic of „Transitive Changes on the Road of Aging”. This study is a part of the disseminations, which give presentations about the stages of this research program, following the process of inquire with the emerging questions and problems searching for the direction of discovery named by qualitative research.
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Demens időseket gondozó családtagok és szakemberek kölcsönös szerepviszonyulásai
Views:311In the case of the elderly with dementia, the study examines how the network of carers who have an informal or formal relationship with them changes over time and how the relationship between them develops. According to the theoretical starting point of the writing, the individual is surrounded by a network of caregivers (“convoy”) during their career (mostly in old age), and caregivers shape their own and the other party’s caring roles during their interactions. Empirical research has examined the history of the division of labour between family members and professional caregivers by means of qualitative interview, the more memorable interactions affecting the division of labor, and their perceptions of caregiver roles among the family members and professional caregivers of the elderly with dementia.
PDF (Hungarian)538
Módszertan – Hazai Pálya
Tinédzserkori gyermekvállalás és iskolai lemorzsolódás – Egy fiatalokkal végzett részvételi akciókutatás módszertani tapasztalatai
Views:329The study presents the experience of a youth participatory action research (YPAR) that was conducted in the summer of 2020 by the research group of 11 researchers: 10, 13–24-year-old Roma youngsters and 1 facilitator. The topics of the research were teenage childbearing and school dropout, but the study focuses on the experiences of the concrete methods used during the research and the methodological and ethical considerations of YPAR. The main methods of participatory action research were online survey, as well as group and individual interviews. Each phase of the research was designed and carried out with the involvement of young researchers. Research demonstrates that the involvement and participation of youth should become part of the way how we think about them, the programs targeting them and for this we need to know their experiences, insights, emotions, fears and desires. Programs should respond in a meaningful way to the specific, local opportunities for secondary education, career opportunities, labour market circumstances and opportunities, and the emotional difficulties of primary and secondary school years.
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Szociális csoportmunka módszerének alkalmazása a gyermekek szociális kompetenciáinak fejlesztésében
Views:346The case study provides practical experiences of the socialization group session implemented among primary school children: from the presentation of the key points of the planning process to the analysis of group work. The main goal of writing my paper is drawing attention to the possibility, importance and effectiveness of social group work as a method, as opposed to preferred case work.
PDF (Hungarian)1194
Tanulmányok – Kitekintő
Módszertan – Portrék, interjúk
Tudástár – Recenzió
Változatok családra
Views:219Recenzió a Családhatározó – A sokszínűség pszichológiája c. könyvről
Szerkesztette Dr. Bátky Anna és Dr. Ribiczey NóraPDF (Hungarian)712 -
A tágabb dimenziók hasznossága
Views:114Recenzió A szociális munka gyakorlata és kutatása a 21. században – Válogatás a nemzetközi szakirodalomból című kötetéről Szerkesztette: Nárai Márta
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Kutatások a hazai szociális munka problématerületein
B. Erdős Márta (főszerk.); Talyigás Katalin (főszerk.); Budai István (szerk.); Fábián Gergely (szerk.); Hegyesi Gábor (szerk.); Héderné Berta Edina (szerk.); Kozma Judit (szerk.); Szöllősi Gábor (szerk.): A szociális munka elmélete és gyakorlata. 7. kötet: Tudományos gondolkodás és kutatás a szociális munkában II. Budapest, Magyarország: MTA Szociológiai Tudományos Bizottság Szociális Munka Albizottság (2021), 397 p. ISBN 978-963-8302-55-7PDF (Hungarian)398
A szociális munkás és a hatalom – válasz Krémer Balázs cikkére
Views:302The article responds to Balázs Krémer's article "From the Social Worker of Power to the Power of Social Work - Discussion Paper on the Crisis of Social Work" and the related online professional debate. In my article, I summarize my views on the historical and social embeddedness of social work in Hungary, including the apparent contrast between social policy and person-oriented social work, the contrast between improvisational and standardized social work, the phenomenon of client management, and the empowerment to interpret the social profession.
PDF (Hungarian)484