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  • Examinations on the air quality in Berehove (Beregszász, Ukraine) between 1997 and 2007

    First results of the examinations on the air quality in Beregszász (Ukraine) are presented in the present paper. Data sets of air quality monitoring network in Beregszász were provided by the Beregszász township office of National Health Service of Ukraine. Monitoring network consists of five stations in the industrial residential and recreational districts of the town. Measurements were carried out between 1995 and 2007 in the heating and in the non heating seasons. Spatial and seasonalű distributions of SO2, NO2 and particulate matter were analyzed using the Student t-test.

  • Late Renaissance Garden Art in the Carpathian Basin

    The aim of the article was to find, scientifically define and locate the most frequent occurrences of the Late Renaissance garden units of the Carpathian Basin. This article - as partial result of a research work entitled "Castle Garden Inventory in the Carpathian Basin" and conducted by teachers and students of the Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism of Szent István University, Budapest - aims to identify through historical research, on-site visits and assessments the current status of 148 Late Renaissance residency gardens located in seven different countries of the Carpathian Basin (Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Croatia and Slovenia). Based on the archival and literary sources as well as the field studies carried out, we defined the spatial distribution of Late Renaissance residential gardens, we delineated six very characteristic Late Renaissance garden units and we defined the most typical Late Renaissance garden features for the region. At the same time, we explored and documented still existing values of garden history at some locations from the Renaissance era.

  • Recent river channel change detections in the section of the River Tisza above Tiszaújlak (BИЛОК)

    In the section above Tiszaújlak, despite the presence of embankments, the River Tisza shows active meandering tendency and it splits into branches resulting in side channels, dead channels and backwaters that follow the main channel. In our work we examined the right- and the left-side riverbank sections of the River Tisza, between Tiszaújlak (Вилок) and Tiszasásvár (Тросник), as well as between Tiszaújlak and Tiszapéterfalva (Пийтерфолво), to reveal the extent of bar depositions between 2006 and 2015, and to what extent the intensity and direction of the riverbank formation processes were influenced by the material of the bank and the plant coverage, its rate and characteristics. We tried to reveal which sections were eroded by the river and what security risks they have for the safety of the settlements along the Tisza River. On the right side of the Tisza River riverbank 51, and on the left side 62 main measuring points were recorded by GPS positioning satellite in 2009, 2010 and 2015. Our results were compared to the satellite images of Google Earth taken in 2006, too. According to our experience, in several bends of the examined sections of the river, active bar deposition can be observed; in some cases more than 100 m of bar depositions were detected.